
A light in the dark age of Creation

The creators of the world and all of their god and goddess try to make a better world, but some of them only think for themselves. and spread hateness to everyone and kill their creation to start a war sooner and later, everything will joined and made a big chaos will they survive? with help of light they will see everything

CLEO_ZIP · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
48 Chs

Chapter 29 : Human Part 5

"uh, I think someone just get inside my body before" said Albara to Lord, "Nah, you just fall donw there before, it maybe an side effect of your head hit the ground" said Lord again to Albara. "im not joking, I feel it, if I got my soul with me, I will know it quickly and judge that guy" said Albara to Lord, "Nah, you just need to take a rest, tomorrow Katarina will send you and others to life capsule and will start to run her first universe, and I hope, this is the right one, so we will gonna take proposal after this done and send it to priest palace and headquarters so they will trust us back" said Lord to Albara.

Albara just nodding and head back to his room. "Okay, now I must do an emergency announcement to the knight organization and I know which information I should give so they wont avoided it" said Lord to himself. He quickly go to the control server room to give some announcement on the tv screen around the palace, and ir's writtern (Attention to all of the knights member, I need all of you to come to your meeting room tomorrow, I need you guys to choose your leader for some month because Madame Rin need to get some serious treatment, and I hope you all come tomorrow since there is another important news that I want to give to you all –Lord)

"I hope this will works" said Lord to himself while done writing it, "Send it" said Lord to the operator, as soon as it sended, all of the tv screen around the palace, everyone start talking about it, and Katarina that see it suddenly feel confused by what just Lord wrote in there, "He just give an attack, does he gonna absent each other, or, maybe directly ask to them?" said Katarina to herself. "Hey, Katarina" said some of the knight that running to Katarina, "What?" ask Katarina to them, "What happened to madame Rin?" ask that two knight to Katarina, "Some intruders try to kill her, and now she being helded at treatment room" said Katarina to them.

"Can we look after her?" ask that knight again to Katarina, "I think no, she need to take a long rest, so you guys need some new leader for a short time, and it must be a people that still listed as a knight" said Katarina to the knight, "Okay, all of us just need to know the condition of Madame Rin" said that knight again to Katarina, "maybe a month after this, you guys can look after her" said Katarina again to them. "anyway, why wont you being an leader of us, you know, our madame already held your work while you still creating your own world, now it's your time to paid all of her work for you" said that knight to Katarina.

Katarina suddenly fell silent and thinkin about what does that knight say to her, "I'm still busy, I'm sorry" said Katarina to that knight, "why, you are the number one currently, you don't have any limt, right?" ask that knight to Katarina, "No, I have a lot of limit, just like I cant understand human feeling at all, it's so complicated, so, it's really hard to me to lead people like you guys" said Katarina to that knight. "Well, ok, so, what you gonna do after this, if you tell you busy at all?" ask other knight in there, "Eh, what do you mean, I don't know" said Katarina to that knight.

"Are you have any work to do after this? I ask about that" said that knight again to Katarina, "Um, yeah, I must done my report to headquarters, prepare my self for life capsule tomorrow, sorting all of the data and new entry of new weapon along with new people who just get into a security division" said Katarina to that knight. That knight just fell silent and cant say anything again, "well okay, maybe we will wait for Lord tomorrow, anyway, good luck, madame" said other knight to Katarina, they start to leave Katarina and get back to their group in there.

"Huh, I will never understand human, that's why it's hard to found people who use demon promise, cause they can hide it really good" said Katarina to herself, she start move back to her office. in there she suddenly look a long haired woman with lava in all of her body, Katarina confused by her look and prepare to attack her "Who are you?!" ask Katarina to that girl, but she wont answer it, not long Katarina start to rush over that girl, and stab her right on her stomatch, quickly that lava girl turned into Rin. "What!?" said Katarina that shocked by it, not long after that, her other body come and start attack her, "this, is an hell power, where they can manipulate yourself as other object, and it will kill you" said Katarina to herself.

Quickly Katarina use her hell power and burned the dimension, almost an inch before Katarina blade hit her, the dimension already gone and the situation is back to normal again. "Huh, I almost die because my self" said Katarina to herself. "You, why are you not doing that!" said some sound behind Katarina, Katarina quickly look on her back, and she look some unshaped well smoke creature stand in there. "Who are you?" ask Katarina to that creature, "you, don't need to know me, I'm your creator" said that smoke to Katarina, "Heh, I created myself, no one did, now get outta here!" said Katarina to that smoke and quickly slash that smoke apart..

"I'm still undone with you, remember, one day, I will take you back to heaven, my powerfull machine ahahahaha!" said that smoke that slowly fade away from there, "No, don't trust that thing, remember, anything happened in here, bad or worse, I wont leave haven, I don't want them to control me back" said Katarina to herself. Suddenly some of god and goddess come to look after Katarina cause they hear a loud sound from her, "Madame, are you okay?" ask one of the goddess in there to Katarina, "eh, yeah, I just feel a little headache, I need to take a rest for a while in here" said Katarina to that goddess.

"Um, okay, we just really shocked by some blade slash sound from here" said that goddess to Katarina, "eh, about that, I'm sorry, I think there is someone inside, but, it just my imagination" said Katarina to them. suddenly that sound come and talk again to Katarina, "remember, I will never leave you" said that sound to Katarina, "Hold your fear!" said Katarina while keep calm in front of them. "Okay, but, if you got problem, now we had a bell in there to notify us as fast as possible to help you" said that goddess to Katarina, "Eh, thanks, I really need that" said Katarina to them.

All of the god and goddess in there start to spree and leave Katarina alone in there, "Huh, well, back to work" said Katarina to herself, she start to check all of the paper on her table, some of them had a blood spill on it, Katarina start to clean it and some of can't used report paper written back by hands. "Huh, some fake report? Uh, why? And madame Rin accept it, may I ask Lord about this" said Katarina, she start head back to Lord office. "Ah, you bring some paper, really great, now I think you understand about your work recently" said Lord to Katarina, "Eh, thanks, anyway, I had some fake report that signed by Rin, must I rewrite and unsigned it to give to the headquarters?" ask Katarina to Lord, "Nah, just sign it, this not fake report, so, take a seat, I must tell something to you" said Lord to Katarina.

Katarina take a seat on the chair in front of Lord, "Feel cold, why?" ask Katarina to Lord, "yeah, this chair is gonna show the evil level of someone, and, yet, It's cold, that's mean you never hear about the dirty job in here" said Lord to Katarina, "Eh, you mean? Ummm, I think I'm not ready to hear it" said Katarina politely to Lord, "What? No, not that thing, it's about money, look, this fake report is written 500 thousand gold for weapon addons, actualy, we need this money for fix our economy, like, yeah, we already lost a lot on this neverending attack from hell, and, all of our resources already cut out by it, so, we need a lot of fake buy report, they wont check into all of our weapon, and if they did, just tell it already broken, and show some broken weapon, done" said Lord to Katarina.

"Uh, why must? We can just ask them to give us money kindly right?" ask Katarina to Lord, "No, they will give us more cutoff if we do that, since headquarters really need money too" said Lord to Katarina. "Well, simply, economy really need to move in every case, so, we must do this fake report, but, if you signed it, you were responsible to it, and control your member to do anything to made this trusted, just like creating other weapon or buy some damaged cheap weapon to give some edvidence that this paper was real, if you need to ask about this more, ask your secretary who made this paper" said Lord to Katarina.

"Well okay, thank you, I need to ask my secretary now" said Katarina to Lord, Katarina start to leave the room and takes a deep breath, "Huh, why must, I responsible about this, i-im not made this, right? Huh" said Katarina to herself. Katarina start to walk to her Secretary room, "Ah, madame, welcome" said her secretary to her, "I need to ask about this, this one is fake report, right? And why must you guys made this" ask Katarina to her secretary, "Oh, yeah, we need more fake income for our division, since now our main saving really low because lot of cutoff by that hell monster attack to us, we need this, and we asked it to the economy division leader, Yulnera, she will take responsible too about this" said her secretary to Katarina.

"Uh, okay, well, unless this signed, you guys must understand, we must have this tool, so, I want to gather all of the member and you guys tomorrow so we can talk about this, quickly we must find way to get cheaper weapon that had same capability like this, or even half ot this listed price" said Katarina to her secretary. "Well, okay madame, can we know where we gonna gather and when?" ask her secretary again to Katarina, "Tommorow at 10 am on our usual meeting room, pelase don't be late, because I had more work to do after that" said Katarina to her secretary, "Okay madame, I will inform everyone" said her secretary to Katarina, "Anyway, do you have other paper that I must work on?" ask Katarina again to her secretary, "No, currently, no this time" said her secretary to Katarina.

"Well, see you later, I must signed other paper in there, cause some of them must I write back since it spilled with blood" said Katarina as she leave her secretary room. Suddenly Katarina got some random thought and quickly go to her room. In there, Katarina start to re-writing all of her old notes about human, and then after an hour, she done re-wriying it and put it back to her desk, "I hope, this one will be succesed and people will trust me more" said Katarina to herself, after that, she headbadk to her office, in there there is a lot of people do some investigation and pick a random sample in there.

"Eh, hello, I already get in her an hour ago, if you guys wanted to do an investigation, you guys should tell me about this first" said Katarina to all of them, but, none of them hear what Katarina said and continue to investigate her office. Suddenly one of the people in there come to Katarina, "madame, follow us" said that guy to Katarina, Katarina that can't control her emotion suddenly get angry to them, "I told you guys to stop acting like a shit! I already sit on this place, permitted by Lord and do all of the task in here, touch everything in here, an hour after that happened, and you guys keep tell me as a killer by took some new sample in here?!" said Katarina angrily to them.

"But, we not meant that, we just want your witness about this tragedy, sine you are the one who save her" said that guy to Katarina, Katarina suddenly stoned and bow down her head cause embbaresed by it, "Okay, yeah" said Katarina, they start to bring Katarina to the investigation room. "Okay, so, we got this, some of dust of hell material, and be sure, this one is not from you, cause the shape is different, like a black hot crystal,an we need to know, which monster is this, since you are come from hell" said one of the guy in there while showing the particle to Katarina. "Eh, this one is from the little magnet monster, I don't know, but they classed as A rank monster in hell, and his creator is the crying fog, which is an S rank thief in hell" said Katarina to all of them.

"So, what does this thing special ability?" ask that guy again to Katarina, "Uh, yeah, nothing, but it made a sparks way to steal human newborn soul to hell, and produce it as a slut in there, not a reallt threat to hell, but a threat to heaven I see since you guys had a lot people who pregnant every year, and, I think that's lame" said Katarina to them. "Okay, so, you already kill it, right?" ask that guy to Katarina, "Yes, but not yet" saod Katarina to all of them. "Wait, what did you mean by 'not yet'" ask that guy to Katarina, "since this creature is easily produced, it will never stop haunted the pregnant mom in this world, they gonna keep stealthier baby and and made them as a slut in there" said Katarina to all of them.

"So, how do we gonna stop them?" ask that guy to Katarina, "none, unless, you guys top giving birth to woman at this year, and all of the woman who still in pregnant period, force them to aborted it, before it's to late" said Katarina to all of them. "but, how about all of the kids?" said that guy to Katarina, "we cant do anything to the kids,at least we all safe after this madness end" said Katarina to all of them. "When, this one will never end, we just gonna end up here?" ask that guy to Katarina, "No, I will attack the base next year, cause I need to know something before attack the hell" said Katarina to all of them

"So, we just wait, and aborted all the babies all over the world?" said that guy to Katarina, "yep, and be sure make it quick, we don't know when the monster will come and attack us" said Katarina to all of them. "Can't you just attack that base now, actually, we cant force all woman to do that, they love their babies, and it's hard to get it, even they still not giving birth" said one of the guy in there to Katarina, "I cant do that, but, if you guys can guard all of the pregnant female all the way until they giving birth, and 1 month to guard those babies, yet, they will safe" say Katarina to all of them.

"So, how strong the monster is? In the class of the monster that you ever beat on this heaven" ask that guy again to Katarina, "none of it, it more stronger than any creature in this heaven, but, if you talk about hell creature, it has same power to the fire monster that can split into two back then" said Katarina to all of them. they shocked when hear Katarina statement, "So, they can grow bigger you mean?" ask that guy again to Katarina, "yes, their power is come when you guys keep deal slow but high rate damage to that monster, but, if you guys can do instant attack, with lower chance damage, the monster would die quickly" said Katarina to all of them.

"Any tips? Like how?" ask other guy in there to Katarina, "Gunshot, but, it penetrate with electric shock, I mean, can I tell, you guys just need to shoot a magnetic shock, but don't hurt them by the gunshot, but hurt them by the electric shock" said Katarina to all of them. "But, madame, all we had only an bow, and there is only a few of us that actually can use a gunfire, but not really good too" said that guy to Katarina, "let me show to all of you how to did it, luckily, I had some gun that I always borrow on my secret hand bag" said Katarina to all of them while show a gun that come from inside of her hand. "I will change the bullet into an electric magnet, and gonna shot it towards the wood over there" said Katarina while aiming to the targeted wood.

Gun fired, the magnet bullet only give a little damage, but, the electric shock that came out after several millisecond destroy the wood into a pieces, "Like that, cause this monster got a really extremely fast regen, so, you guys must shock the monster to interrupt their regen and destroy them into pieces" say Katarina to all of them. "We understand madame, but, how we can get the electric shock magnetic bullet?" ask that guy again to Katarina, "You guys can use a normal magnet, and must have an electric magic spell for it, so you guys can put the electric shock into the magnetic bullet" said Katarina to all of them. "Anyway, why wont you help us to kill all of the monster?" ask that guy again to Katarina, that's not my job, it cause you guys take a demon promise and then try to stop it again with no reason, hell is not an place for stupid creature, but a place for a greedy creature, so, keep it on mind" said Katarina to all of them.

"Even a bit?" ask that guy again to Katarina, "even I help you guys to find the monster weaknees is more than enough, so, it's all goes to you guys, survive or die" said Katarina to all of them. "So, that's all? Even we beg to you, we will give anything to you" said the guy to Katarina, "No, if I could, I will help you guys, but, I have a lot work to do, even this world ends, my jpb will never be done, and no matter how much it is, I will always had a lot of work, so, good luck to you guys" said Katarina to all of them.

Katarina suddenly leave them and walk away from that room, "So, we can trust her now?" ask the guy in there, "No, not all of her word, but a bit" said Jeremy who came from the side of the room. "Sir Jeremy, how long have you been there?" ask one of the guy in there to Jeremy, "No long, but, yeah, I can hear she talk about kill all over the unborn babies in all over the world, seems she know, or maybe, she one of the people behind this" said Jeremy to them. "I think no sir, she even tell us how to kill that monster quickly" said the other guy in there to Katarina, "And you trust her with that easy and mainstream technic to defeat a zombie?" ask Jeremy back to that guy.

All of them cant say any word after Jeremy tell that to them, "use your brain, all of the hell creature fill with lie and evil thoughts, even if it's handsome or beautiful or even one of it fall in love with you, you cant never trust them" said Jeremy again to all of them. "Sir, maybe she's different, we cant even feel any evil thought on her, in fact, she help us a lot, by kill all of the hell monster easily" said that guy to Jeremy. Suddenly Jeremy show a devil promise lamb on his hand "Just shut up, if you really want me to die, just keep praise her!" said Jeremy to all of them.

They suddenly shocked and feel sorry to Jeremy, "I try to remove this, but, she ever tell that to remove this, I need some of fresh blood to drink or I will get killed, so, I must do something like melt her heart so she can help me remove this symbol before it's to late, and it's by you all must hate her at first" said Jeremy to all of them. "We understand sir, we will try our best" said all of that guy to Jeremy, Katarina who hear them from front door of that room just fell silent and then walk away from there.

"Ah, get in" said Lord as suddenly he hear someone knock his door, but that guy keep knocking and wont open the door, "I said get in, I'm not busy right now" said Lord again to the person who knock his door. Quickly the door opened and there is someone suddenly drop to the floor with burned body, "What the, who did this to you?" ask Lord to that guy, but sadly the guy already dead, and quickly turned to ashes, "this must be Katarina!" said Lord to himself. Quickly Lord searching for Katarina.

After a moment, Lord try to knock her office door, "Yeah, get in" said Katarina from inside the room, quickly Lord open the door and see Katarina work all of her paper. "I told you to not kill anyone before we found any other way, right?!" said Lord to Katarina, "What do you mean?" ask Katarina that confused to Lord, "don't act like you don't know anything!" said Lord again to Katarina, "But, I just work on my paper on this past few hours" said Katarina again to Lord. Suddenly they hear screaming sound on the corridor and quickly check it.

In there was a man who lay on the ground with burned body, "What the?!" said Lord while shocked seing that guy body", "what happened in here?" ask Katarina to Lord, "I don't know, but this one is same like the body who just came to my office half hour ago" said Lord to Katarina. "Wait. I knew this fire, this one is Yulnera type of hell fire" said Katarina to Lord, "But, how? She still in come, right?" said Lord to Katarina, "Coma or not, an evil power will always work and had it minds to attack and defend the owner body" said Katarina to Lord, "So this mean?" said Lord, quickly Lord move to the Yulnera treatment room.

Everyone in there try to runaway and inside the treatment room only seen a black fire fulfill the room, "This is bad!" said Lord, "wait, you will only kill yourself if you entered it, this is the most dangerous hell fire, not just poisoned and hot, but will made you hallucinate forever, and cant even feel anything except pain on your mind" said Katarina to Lord. "She need our help, and the one who responsible to her is me, Yuka always force me to look after her rather than Serenia" said Lord to Katarina, "Just hope her body still safe, it's 90:10" said Katarina to Lord. "wait, 90% success you mean?" ask Lord back to Katarina, "No" answer Katarina back to Lord.

Lord start to worry about Yulnera, "Stop thinkin something bad to Her, or you will burn out too like others" said Katarina to Lord, "Just why, why must this happened" said Lord while punching the treatment room door. "She get more than devil promise curse, this is million times more worse, cause anything in the hell was coated by millions of dead soul and poisoned fire, I was amazed at first time she can take the hell fire really good as a human" said Katarina to Lord, "I don't need that explanation, just tell me how can I heal her!" said Lord to Katarina, "remember 90/10" said Katarina again to Lord.

Suddenly the fire start to burn the door and melt the wall around it, "Blood of sin!" said Katarina as soon she start to spit a lot of blood from her mouth and Exthinguished all of the fire, Lord suddenly shocked by it, "Ugh, it so stink, what was that?" ask Lord to Katarina, "That was my blood, yeah, that was some secret, and there is much thing that can be done by my blood" said Katarina to Lord, "but, it was smell so bad" said Lord to Katarina, "yep, only my outside body that smells good, but inside, you want to puke million times when smell it" said Katarina to Lord.

After a moment, there is some white creature that trying to get away from that room, and always open its mouth just like try to scream but without any sound. "What was that?" ask Lord again to Katarina, "that was the hell power that live inside Yulnera this long time, like a parasite, but, yeah, looks like it failed to control Yulnera, so, this thing want to get away, looks like this creature cant handle my blood too, said Katarina while wipe some of blood drop from her mouth using her thumb and put it on the creature, quickly the creature disappear from that place.

Lord just amazed by Katarina ability, "How could you know that, and, everything?" ask Lord to Katarina, I live in hell for many years, and anything that I do in here, same just like what I do in hell in one second" said Katarina to Lord. "but, everything, just, unreal" said Lord again to Katarina, "Try to keep this as a secret, now show me your left arms" said Katarina to Lord, Lord suddenly show his left arm and there is a devil promise lamb, "and, don't tell anyone if I had this" said Lord to Katarina.

Katarina start to stick out her tounge and drop some of her saliva to the devil promise lamb on Lord hand, "Akh!" said Lord cause that saliva quickly erase the devil promise Lamb. Lord suddenly shocked again by that ability, "H-how?" ask Lord too Katarina, "I know, you are not supposed to accept this" said Katarina to Lord, "uh, yeah, this was made by my friend before he made hell" said Lord to Katarina, "That's the reason why I want to erase this from you, but, I don't want to do this to other people" said Katarina to Lord.

Lord nod his head, and suddenly Yulnera wake up from her bed. "What happened?" ask Yulnera while touch her head because had a little headache, "Long stories, but, we need to change your room now" said Lord to Yulnera and quickly bring her away from that place, Katarina still stanf in there and wont follow them. "Why I do that thing, eh, forgot that" said Katarina to herself, she start to look around the burned room, and found something that really dangerous in there, quickly Katarina run into Lab and give that stone to them.

"We sorry madame, but, none of heaven particle that match to create this stone" said that guy who checked the stone, "That's right, this stone is one of my sensual mind" said Katarina to herself. "we gonna look further about this thing, so we better keep thi thing first" said that guy yo Katarina, "No, let me keep it" said Katarina to that guy. "why? Better we keep it madame, since this one is a versatile thing" said that guy again to Katarina, "No, let me do some deep research about this stone by myself, maybe I can found something usefull to you guys" said Katarina to that guy, "well, okay, here it is" said that guy while give back the stone to Katarina.

Katarina quickly return back to her room and try to do something to that stone, "If I destroy this, and eat it, maybe my sensual sense will bee back to me" said Katarina to herself. Katarina start to destroy the stone using her power, quickly the stone deformed and turned into ashes, Katarina take the ashes and start to eat it, "ghhh, I still not feel something different at all, huh, maybe that just a normal stone, but, why when I look at that stone, I feel my body really hot and wanted to do sensual thing" said Katarina to herself, "Ah, don't mind that, I must prepare my self to start my world tomorrow" said Katarina again to herself and start to take a sleep.

The next day, everyone already wait in front of the altar of life room and all of the participant along with Albara already entered the room and wait for Katarina. "Why she took so long to come, does she forgot about this?" ask one of the god in there, "No, she just need some time, she maybe really confused right now, and really want to done this thing quickly" said Albara to them. on Katarina room, she still search for her note book that contain all of the human behavior that she wanted to make, "that must be here!" said Katarina while she keep searching for the note book.

After several minutes, Katarina suddenly remember she put the book under her bed, she start look under the bed and found the book, quickly Katarina heading to the Altar of Life room. In there already a lot of people waiting to see one of this historical moment, Katarina already reach the front door and waiting dor it to opened by the gatekeeper. After a second, the gate opened and Katarina quickly entered the room, "there she is, I told you, right?" said Albara to all of them. "Im sorry I'm late, I just searching for something lately, but, yeah, I'm ready to process the life capsule" said Katarina to all of them, "Well, go ahead" said Albara to Katarina.

Katarina start to combine all the sphere that she made before, and she quickly open her note book and read it, then transfer all of the data by her hand to that little universe. After an hour, Katarina finally done combine all of the world and ready for move all of them into the life capsule. "Grab my hand, and then the others keep hold each other hands so you guys can easily entered the life capsule real quick, so, before that, I hope you guys doing your best, and return back to learn something new" said Katarina to all of them.

Katarina start to read the words, after a second, they got fragmented, the database on life capsule already opened, and it will show each of the people that she made their base stats. "Huh, done!" said Katarina, and then all of the people in there start praise Katarina. "Good job madame, now, you must let someone to control the life capsule" said one of the goddess in there to Katarina, "Uh yeah, I think one of my servant, Keeri, and Jason" said Katarina to them, all of her servant come to her, "Okay, Jason, you are the one who know everything in here, so I hope you can tell them anything about this life capsule" said Katarina to Jason, "yes madame" said Jason to Katarina.

"Okay, now you guys can take a rest, cause this will start next week, and, maybe, nit that hard, and if something bad happened, just tell me" said Katarina to Jason, "Yes madame" answer Jason to Katarina. "Good, I need to go to the Knight convention centre to look after their Leader election" said Katarina to Jason. All of them start spree and Jason command all of the people in there to inform any of the world info, and where did they gonna see it and anything that they can do on that world, while Katarina heading to the knight convention room where Lord do an election for Knight leader in there.

In there Lord already select Allan as the Leader of the Knight for not a long time, just until Rin ready for lead the knight organization again, Katarina just stand in front of the door and look through the door, when she can hear all of thing that they said in there, After half an hour, they finally finish their meeting and start to spree, quickly Katarina move away from there and head back to her office. "Allan? I aint know much about that guy, but I hope he can lead the Knight organization better before madame Rin fully recovered" said Katarina to herself, while on her way to her office, someone suddenly stop him.

"Who are you?" ask Katarina to that guy that cover his face using mask, "You look beautiful, but, sadly, you are from hell, so, go die!" said that guy that start attack Katarina quickly, Katarina can dodge his attack and do some counterattack, but, some weird jelly come from that guy body and grab Katarina hand. "What is this thing!" said Katarina as the jelly already tied on her hand, that guy quickly kick Katarina until Katarina hit the wall. "You think this is a joke, your existence is the only jokes in here!" said that guy loudly to Katarina, "Akh! This jelly, really hurt!" said Katarina that try to hold the pain of the jelly and try to remove it from her hand.

"You can't remove it, go die!" said that guy to Katarina while start to stab her, suddenly and snow particle with high speed cut that guy sword and hit that guy feet, but that guy wont feel any pain and keep stab Katarina, "This, guy!" said Katarina, when the half sword stab her, that sword destroyed into pieces. "Uh, you start seriously take this battle, okay" said that guy, that guy start to kick Katarina, but Katarina punch that guy leg quickly until it broke into pieces, that guy hysterically laugh and release a lot of slime from his body. "You, are nothing to me!" said that guy to Katarina.

"You, just a bunch normal human, nothing more" said Katarina with a little voices, while that guy start puke a lot of blood and his eyes with his nose start bleeding, "Ahahaha! MORE! I CANT DEAD BY THIS!" said that guy to Katarina. "You underestimate me, little shit!" said Katarina as long that guy body start to eplode into pieces, and left his soul Burned, "HAHAHA! LOOK, YOU EXPLODE ME UP! I CAN RETURN IT BACK! AND THAT'S THE TIME YOU WILL DIE!" said that guy hysterically to Katarina, "You already dead, you think I don't know about your power?" ask Katarina to that guy. "HAHA! YOU CAN'T!" said that guy, suddenly that guy soul burned away until nothing left.

"Madame? That was reaper, and she killed him only in 1 minutes, while he is one of the thoughest man ever seen" said Allan to himself, "You Allan right?" ask Katarina to Allan, "Yeah, I am Allan" said Allan to Katarina, "Come to my office, I want to ask something to you" said Katarina to Allan

To be continue