
The Shadow Riders

The next morning after she had taken the deal we set out to take down the town that was in the contract, its name San Venganza. The town was marked as a high priority with all the souls to be taken. Supposedly the leader of the town had promised the souls of the town if it could prosper. What he hadn't known is that the devil would only let that happen for 20 years. So, we were riding down to Texas. We made the ride within the night on our shadow steeds. However, when we showed up we found out that we weren't the only ones sent to collect this town. There was a group of riders of whom I had met before. They were called the shadow riders. Their names long forgotten, the only thing known about them is they were a group of murders that had been taken by the devil for high contracts like this. I had worked with them before and didn't care to ride with them. They were like me except for they had been around much longer and their kill ratio was in the thousands. They were also selfish and felt entitled to more than they needed, often killing people for sport or torturing them for fun. We didn't get along since I had been a Marshall. We all rode into town, my new partner and I being the ones out front. I rode to the center of town and had told the towns leader that he was to surrender the souls that he had promised or we would kill everyone and take them. This caused panic, while I tried to get control of the situation to get them to come more willingly, the shadow riders started killing. We had no choice now but to just kill the people without mercy. Until I seen them start raping and cutting people, then I shot 3 of the riders and told them to leave. At that moment, the skies turned black and we started fighting in the streets until the devil showed up. Up until now my new partner had just been following my lead until the fight broke out then she stood to the side. "What is going on here," The devil screamed at us. The fighting had stopped when we sensed him coming. "You are all my servants and you will act as such, especially you Marshall, and your partner. I sent the riders to make sure this went smoothly." He snared at us. "Everything would have if they didn't just run in here guns blazing, and even then, I hadn't said anything until they started raping and cutting people in front of their families. We are sent here to collect souls." I tried to justify my standpoint. "Going soft on me already Marshall? I had thought I wiped your humanity out by now, but I guess not. Going to have to fix that." He said as he motioned for the riders to grab me. "He was just trying to give these people some dignity," Screamed my partner who had been silent until now. "Oh, was he? Then you will take his punishment for my riders being killed." The devil screamed. He then had me restrained as he and the riders tortured her for hours. Every time she ended up dying from it he just brought her back. This went on until he thought she had enough. I knew that if I said anything then it would be instant death. But I made a silent promise that I would hunt down the rest of the riders and kill them. Id accept the punishment after.