
Chapter 62: Over the cliff she goes

Tonight Elisabeth stayed, to keep the mood from deteriorating to funereal proportions. Let the Montgomery's rattle on about what they had been doing to keep themselves entertained that afternoon - it sounded like it had been a struggle - and stretched for as long as possible the process of admiring the new outfit Julia had bought as she draped it over him. White shirt and bone moleskins. He looked suitably haggard and interesting, in the last throes of consumptive decline. Elisabeth had to persuade Julia that he should wear them. Anything that might wring some pity from the jury.

Robert added his comment when asked. He placed less weight on the clothes - Elisabeth was making a feast of them - but understood why she was jollying them along.

In spite of efforts the mood became awkward. Russell never tried and after an hour they were showing the strain. In the end Elisabeth suggested they leave. Tomorrow would be time enough to cry.