
Chapter 24: You came for nothing

'How did you find out about your father?'

She had a long neck, Elisabeth noticed.

'I saw it on TV.'

'Your mother, did you contact her?'

The neck got longer. 'Why would I have?'

It was a little more than Elisabeth could handle. 'To let her know you knew, and that you were all right.'

'She didn't worry about me when I needed her.'

Softly Elisabeth said, 'Have you ever thought that in refusing to put you through the court case and going back to your father she was in fact choosing you?'

It was a new thought. Rejected. 'If she was doing that she would have left him and found me.'

'In your culture who is the more important, husband or children?'

'They are both important.'

'So choosing one above the other would be difficult.'

She had Mary Eleni thinking. 'It's not usually an option. But this is Australia - and I needed her more than he did.'

'Perhaps she did look for you. Perhaps she couldn't find you. You were using a false name.'