
Chapter 28 - Dark Magic

***** BONUS CHAPTER ***** A/N: So saw some people saying his ancient magic vision should see through fake Moody's Polyjuice potion. If we're going by what we see in the game (which I am for ancient magic vision) he can't see through polyjuice potions. In game, We can normally see on the avatar when he/she uses a potion: Edurus potions show MC as having a stony texture, maxima potions shows a hazy red shimmer around his/her wand, and focus potions show a purple wisp around him/her. When they use polyjuice to transform into Headmaster Black to get the password from Scrope however, there was no magical effect shown, other than the obvious transformation. No shimmer, no glow, no wisp, no texture…. Nothing. So their magical vision can't actually see through Polyjuice or see any magical effect when it's used for some reason….. lol anyways, that's why Khan can't see through fake Moody's disguise….. but enough with the explanations! On to the story! Hope you all enjoy! *****

"I won't be able to study this book for the time being." Khan said sadly to himself, as he placed his confiscated 'Advanced Potion Making' onto his bookshelf. "Turns out these potions are for 6th years and up, so I won't need it until January."

Khan was in the Room of Requirement, already studying furiously for his O.W.Ls.

It had been a few days since the welcome feast, and the school term was now in full swing.

Khan had been tasked with simply shadowing Professor Flitwick for the first few days, as he slowly became accustomed to his new duties.

This was probably for the best however, as Khan was not familiar with the current school curriculum. Flitwick, learning of his plight, was slightly sympathetic, a vowed to helped him also catch up. As a result, and due to Khan having an accelerated education, he was assigned a massive amount of homework.

Which led him to today, unfortunately discovering that the textbook found in the Potions Professor's quarters, was used by upper years, and he wouldn't have time to study it before completing his OWLs.

"Oh well.... no matter... I should probably stop studying anyways." Khan mumbles, stretching as he checks the time. "I need to prepare for Moody's classes today."

After spending the past couple of days, learning the ropes from Flitwick, Khan would be having his first set of classes with his other mentor, Professor Moody, today.

"I wonder what Moody will be teaching them?" he wonders to himself, absently reminding himself of Professor Hecat, his own DOTDA teacher during his time.

Professor Hecat had been one of his favorite teachers, teaching him many useful combat spells, in the past. It was her, who taught him, that even simple utility spells, such as levioso, could be used to great effect during combat. Learning from her, his creativity with magic spell combinations specifically, blossomed.

Moody however, apparently had a different approach when it came to teaching DOTDA. While Hecat primarily focused on defending using simple spells in combat, Moody apparently was focused on the Dark Arts itself.

Khan was having dinner the previous evening, when he was approached by Fred and George wanting to discuss Mad-eye.

"Moody!" Started Fred sitting down beside Khan. "How cool is he?"

"Beyond cool!" Continued George. "We had him this afternoon for classes."

"Never had a lesson like it. Said Fred. "He really knows man...."

"Knows what?"

"Knows what its like to be out there..... fighting the Dark Arts." Finished Fred and George in unison. "He even showed us an old dark magic ritual relic..... like actually brought it out for us, and described some previous uses..... It was amazing!"

Khan meanwhile, was a little intrigued..... the term 'dark magic relic' coincidentally reminded him of the relic that Sebastian had taken to research a cure for Anne.....

***** Flashback *****

"I hope it isn't Sebastian again.... He promised me that he would stop after the relic." Khan stated with worry as he ran down a hill.

He was on his way to the Feldcroft Catacomb, to meet Ominis.

It had been a few weeks since their confrontation after finding the dark magic relic (Chapter 15 flashback). And while Khan had tried to play peacemaker between Ominis and Sebastian in this interim, they continued to fight about Sebastian's research into Dark magic.

Khan himself had noticed that Sebastian had become much more temperamental and emotional, almost to the point of being obsessed.

He hoped his friend was alright.

Khan was just about to reach the catacomb when he overheard a couple of voices arguing ahead of him.

It was Anne and Ominis!

"Sebastian has gone too far!" Cried Anne in horror to Ominis. "You saw what lies in the catacomb. I cannot stay here!"

"Anne! Wait.... please!" Ominis begged, hoping not to lose his 2 best friends.

"Ominis..... He was willing to put the whole hamlet and himself in danger on the off chance that some old relic could help to heal me." Anne stated back in finality, as she walked away, passing by Khan on the way out. "I'm sorry Ominis.... Please make sure he's alright (she said to Khan on her way out)."

"I'm glad you're here Jordan." Ominis who had sensed Khan approaching, greeted him in relief.

"I received your owl Ominis." he replied. "What's the problem and where's Sebastian?"

"It's terrible! He's inside the catacomb at the moment." Ominis was terrified. "He told Anne and me that he had something to show us inside. When we got there however, he had summoned Inferi that immediately attacked us! He thinks he's in control of them.... of the dark magic..... but he's not in his right mind!"

"Bloody Hell....I told Sebastian to not get too deep into dark magic." Khan rubbed his head in exasperation. Khan himself had decided to stop when they had found the relic, and Sebastian had began to show signs of instability. Already having ancient magic, Khan was always weary of the effect dark magic may have, not only on his mental state (as evidenced by the clearly deteriorating Sebastian), but also on his unique ability to wield unique ancient magic.

For some reason, during the numerous pensieve memories he has viewed at least, the Keepers, and even Isadora utilized ancient magic in a completely different way than himself. The Keepers utilized their ancient magic to create: Plant life, towering structures, and Autonomous giant guardian golems to name a few.

Khan however was able to utilize his ancient magic in a completely unique way, one that he had yet to view in any pensieve memory. Khan could use his Ancient magic with a dizzying amount of variety. He was able to cast Lightning as well as a fire blast with his ancient magic, grab and throw things/people with his ancient magic, utilize his ancient magic to move quickly (flash step), increase his combat potion's potency, Hell..... even his unique 'Insta-casting' method was made possible with ancient magic.

Ancient magic is what gave Khan his advantage. He would never forgive himself, if he gave all that up, simply for delving too deep into dark magic.

Not to say that Khan would never USE Dark Magic SPELLS. He would just be very selective about using them. He still had every intention of using the unforgivables against his most hated enemies, like Rookwood. Dark magic Research, relics and rituals however, was a different story entirely.

"I need your help to get him out of the catacomb, so that we can seal it up!" Ominis continued his plea. "We mustn't let the Inferi escape, or else the entire hamlet is in danger!"

"Very well..... lets hurry then." Khan nodded his agreement and hurriedly ventured into the catacomb, Ominis hot on his heels.


Thinking of the small pyramid shaped relic, as well as the conversation with Fred and George from the previous night, Khan was looking forward to spending some time with his other Mentor. He had have a different perspective from Hecat on Defense, especially with his focus on dark magic. And while Khan may refuse to delve too deep into the study of dark magic himself, he was still interested to learn about it.

He raced around his Room of Requirements, packing up his things, and transfiguring his clothes, before taking pinch of Floo Powder off the wall and loudly announcing

"Hogwarts: Defense against the Dark Arts Classroom!"


He arrived just outside the Classroom with bright flash, startling all the early eager students in surprise. Could this new student Professor really apparate around Hogwarts?

Khan meanwhile was shocked, once he got his bearings. Why was everyone so early to class? He had left a full 10 minutes before class even started, yet there was queue forming outside the classroom....


Khan turned around to see a shy Indian Girl close to the front of the line, in Gryffindor Robes, raising her hand.

"Did you just apparate in Hogwarts?"

"No I did not, Miss...."

"Patil Sir.... Although you may call me Parvati..... I have a twin sister in Ravenclaw you see...."

"Ok.... only if you call me Jordan or at the very least, Khan... But no, that was not apparition.... I was merely using the Hogwarts Valley Floo network to travel around."

Observing the massive line beginning to form, Khan decided to open the classroom early before the bell had even rung, to the students could at least sit down and unpack their things.

"No use waiting out here..... Come along class, you may all wait inside." Khan stated with authority.

The students all filed in, and sat down quickly, eager to start the exciting lessons.

Not only did they hear rumors about Moody's class, but looks like the new student teacher would also be helping them!

They couldn't wait!

A few minutes before class was about to start, Hermione turned up in a huff, slightly out of breath.

"Been in the Library." She whispered to Harry as she took a seat beside him.

"Figures." Harry replied. "You're lucky Khan decided to let us into class early so we could save you a seat."


The sound of Moody's fake leg greets the class, as he emerged from his office, looking grizzled as ever.

"You're with me today boy?" Moody growls at Khan, taking note of him in the classroom. "Good! You can help me show these brats the Unforgivables.'

'Boy?' Khan was confused. Moody was previously very respectful, even calling him sir, when they had first met during the summer. Now, it seemed like the opposite was true.... Perhaps this was something similar to hazing?

"Right then...." Moody turned to address the class. "I've spoken with Professor Lupin about this class. Seems you've covered a majority of dark creatures - Boggarts, Red Caps, Hinkypunks, Grindylows, Kappas, and Werewolves."

"But you all are terribly behind in dealing with curses!" He growled out. "Now according to the ministry, I'm supposed to just teach you counter-curses and leave it at that... But we have our Student Professor here, and Dumbledore reckons the lot of you can stomach a lot more."

"And I say, the sooner you know what you're up against, the better!" Moody continued. "How are you supposed to defend yourself against something you've never seen? A wizard who is about to put an illegal curse on you, isn't going to tell you what he's going to do. He's not going to do it nice and polite to your face. You need to be always prepared. Always alert and watchful."