
A Laid Back MC Traverses the Multiverse

After going through a rough situation, a young man finds himself in another world with the "option" of traveling through the worlds that he thought of as fiction. Unexpectedly, the young man wants nothing to do with world travel or adventuring. He just wants to laze around and do nothing.

JustACommonReader · Anime e quadrinhos
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29 Chs

Chapter 11


Odelette Delphine, Agnes, Adan, and Yun Seora looked at where the voice came from and was a little surprised Area 1's survivors finally came out.

Looking a little closer, Adan found the grinning face of Hyun Sangmin and deadpanned. This bastard right here was just asking for some trouble.

Seol Jihu, Shin Sang-Ah, Yi Seol-Ah, and Yi Sungjin were slack-jawed at what they saw. They were only gone for around 10-15 minutes and the man was already in the process of forming a harem.

The family that they were with took their leave from the group for a little while as the guide showed them seats. The cap-wearing guy, on the other hand, was nowhere to be seen.

Adan then looked at Odelette Delphine and asked her, "Are you going to get off of me now? My companions are already here and it looks like the event's going to start any minute now. Oi, Miss Agnes! Take this loli off of me already!"

"Miss Delphine, please let go of the man already. I'm supposed to be done guiding your group to your seats already."

"NO! Not until this man says that I am not a loli and gropes me!"

Adan looked at the blushing face of Yun Seora and asked, "You aren't getting off, are you?"

Slightly panicked by his words, she asked, "You want me to get off?"

Adan smiled charmingly at her and said, "Nope! Just making the people around us sure that I'm not making the two of you cling to me."

Yun Seora, Odelette Delphine, and Agnes quickly looked around them and noticed that all Areas have finally arrived and were all looking at them weirdly.

Yun Seora quickly hid her face by burrowing it on Adan's chest while Agnes tried to say to Odelette Delphine, "Miss Delphine, let's go already. You don't want to be embarrassed by all these people, do you?"

Odelette scoffed at her with a deep red blush present on her face and replied, "Pfft! Embarrassed? Nothing more embarrassing than what I'm doing right now can deter me! Now! Huge man! Say it!"

Adan chuckled at her words and said, "Hah, you wish loli-chan. I'm going to my seat now so get off."


"I'm not joking kid. Get off"

"NOO!! Not until you say that I'm not a loli!"

"Adan, why don't we just-" "Aha! So his name is Adan!" "can you please keep quiet? The adults are talking. Can you please just admit it to her?" Shin Sang-Ah tried to reason with Adan but was interrupted by Odelette Delphine's shout.

After listening to what Shin Sang-Ah said, Adan looked at Odelette Delphine and then back at Shin Sang-Ah and then back at Odelette Delphine, "Nah, she's still a little kid to me."

Feeling very angry at the moment, Odelette Delphine started biting Adan on his face while thumping on the free side of his face.

Seeing this, Yun Seora felt a sudden burst of anger develop inside of her as she pushed Odelette Delphine away from Adan.

Feeling the calm before the storm, Adan looked at Seol Jihu's group and saw that they were silently walking away from him. He narrowed his eyes at them and sent a little bit of his killing intent towards the five of them.

The five of them quickly turned around and saw the face of death itself. Well, that was how terrifying Adan looked to them.

Adan then mouthed to them, "Get the little guide! I want her to guide me to a seat right fucking now!" Seeing that the message was gone, Seol Jihu's group looked at each other as they quickly ran to find the little blondie.

He then looked towards the struggling Agnes and asked, "I'd give up if I were you. You would either break her bones if you went forcefully or you could give up. I'm totally fine with option 1."

Odelette Delphine's ears perked up at his words as she shouted, "Did you just say that you're fine with my bone broken!?"

Adan tilted his head as he looked at her in confusion, "Well, yeah? They can heal you, right? And we just only met like not even an hour ago. So what's the problem?"

Seeing that Odelette Delphine was about to cry, he then added, "And you even gave me hickeys! Who gives people hickeys without the plan to do intercourse?"

Now her face was completely red. And it was a deep color of red too!

Before their conversation could continue, the little guide finally arrived. But Seol Jihu's group was nowhere to be found.

Adan's face brightened when he saw her, "Ah! The little blondie guide! Come and do your job! Show me my seat!" as he waved his left hand at her.

Seeing that his attention was elsewhere, Yun Seora just cuddled with Adan's right side as Odelette Delphine bit his left cheek in utter frustration.

Adan then added, "You can see that I'm in a little bind right now so it would be much appreciated if I could finally sit down."

The little guide looked at Adan's situation in amusement and nodded her head in confirmation as she started to walk away.

Adan then glanced at the now stressed Agnes felt a little pity towards her so he pried Odelette Delphine off of him in one swift motion and handed the shell-shocked girl to the equally astonished milf.

Seeing that there were no problems anymore, Adan moved the cuddling Yun Seora towards his front and quickly followed after the little guide.

Odelette Delphine and Agnes could only look at the three's back in shock. How in the world did that man do that?


"Ahhhhh! Finally! Peace and quiet!"

Adan then looked at Yun Seora who was on his right side while sitting on the chair beside his and Seol Jihu's group who were sitting beside Yun Seora. He then smiled evilly at them and said, "So why the hell did you fools abandon me?"

Before the others could even answer, a very familiar voice then sounded out beside Adan, "What do you mean abandon? Nobody was abandoning nobody except you!"

Adan quickly turned to his left at break-neck speeds and was astonished to see Odelette Delphine near him. He then looked up to the ceiling and asked, "Did you guys plan this? Is this punishment?"

Before Odelette could even blow up at him, a voice sounded out.

[Synchronization with the system will begin]











[You have successfully synchronized with the system]

Adan blinked his eyes slowly as he thought, 'What in the world was that? That tickled...'

If anyone present in the room could hear what Adan would have said then they might've sucker-punched the dude in the face.

"Area 9. Oceania. Fail."

"Area 8. South Africa. Fail."

"Area 7. China. Pass."

"Area 6. Africa. Fail."

"Area 5. Asia. Pass."

"Area 4. North America. Pass."

"Area 3. Germany. Pass."

"Area 2. Europe. Pass."

"Area 1. South Korea. Pass."

When Adan heard all the countries and continents called, he subconsciously said, " Why the fuck does South Korea, Germany and China differ from Asia and Europe?"

Everyone in the room looked at him in surprise as they seem to understand him but were even more surprised by the voice behind the curtain saying, "Does everybody understand that man?"

As the curtains were being separated, a red-head walked out as she said, "If yes, then congratulations on passing the tutorial, and welcome to this hellish neutral zone!"

When the red-head finally stopped walking, a flash of light suddenly shines on her as everyone could now see what the red-head was wearing and what she looks like.

The woman on the stage was wearing an all-black outfit. Coat? Black. Gloves? Black. Pants? Black. Boots? Black. Undershirt? Surprisingly brown. Scratch that all-black comment then.

When the people finally registered what the woman said, she then continued as she procured a cigarette, "A sacred ground blessed by the 7 gods... Paradise is a place where you can prove yourself. Go out and accumulate 1,000 Survival Points. Only by doing so, will you be able to leave this neutral zone for Paradise."

She then shifted her stance as the woman used her left hand for holding the cigarette this time, "We have prepared ways where you can collect them and you can use any means necessary to do so. However, you have exactly one month to do it."

One guy suddenly stood up and shouted, "What the hell are you talking about?! Didn't you say that you'd send us as long as we pass the tutorial!?"

The woman then glared at the man and said, "Sit down Burrito. Before I deal with you and the people who brought you in."

The man cowered at her glare and sat back down as the woman ignored him, "It looks like you've sorely misunderstood something. The official name for this land is the "Forgotten Paradise"."

Her face hardened as she continued, "In earthly terms, it's a land where you'll hear gunshots and bomb explosions on a daily basis. It's a warzone where you'll only survive by killing your enemies."

As the crowd of people was sweating in fear, the woman continued, "But to think that you were great enough to have survived a few measly weak-monsters? Did you really think that the trials would be the same as the tutorial?"

The woman then stomped her left foot on the ground as she said, "Seeing as we're on the subject, it seems that there are some rewards that need to be presented. Stand up if your name is called."

"Area 7. Hao Win."

What appears to be a middle-aged man wearing a tuxedo suit stood up from his seat. Seeing the one called Hao Win, the woman gave him a piercing stare and asked, "You've already qualified. I can send you to Paradise if you want. Or will you stay?"

Hao Win smirked at her and answered, "What a dumb question. Of course, I will."

The woman then threw him a key with the No. 5 on it and proceeded to the next person, "Area 1. Yun Seora."

Hearing her name called up, she swiftly and silently detached herself from Adan and stood up. The woman then looked at Yun Seora for a couple more seconds and asked, "Will you leave or stay?"

Yun Seora gave her an unreadable look and answered, "Stay." She then caught the key that the woman threw at her and silently sat back down.

"Area 2. Odelette Delphine."

Odelette Delphine silently stood up but was clearly confused about how she was No. 3. She swiftly answered with an "I shall stay." And caught the key before sitting back down. She then started to look around the room and pouted, not believing that she got third place.

Before she could even stand up again to question the woman on stage, the woman was way ahead of her saying, "Area 1. Seol-"


Rolling her eyes, the woman tossed him the key and took out the No. 1 key.

"Area 1. Adan."

She then started looking around for the supposed number one and quickly found him. And it was in the most unpredictable way possible.

[Ay ee ay ee ay

I'm your little butterfly

Green, black, and blue

Make the colors in the sky...]

"Do phones even work here? Who the hell even makes that their ringtone?"

[I've been searching in the woods

And high upon the hills

Just to find

To find my Samurai]

"MOTHERFUCKER!! I'm going to resurrect that motherfucker from the dead! Who the fuck makes this their ringtone!? Why the hell did I have to pick the phone of someone who has a ringtone like this!?"

[Someone who won't regret

To keep me in this net

Yes I need

I need my Samurai]


"That, was fucking annoying," looking back at all the people who were staring at him, Adan asked, "What? What are you guys looking at? Hey-"

[Ay ee ay ee ay-]

"DIE!!" *CRASH!*

Dusting himself off, Adan looked at the crowd and asked, "Now, where were we?"