
The same as always...

I once again sat quietly in the corner of the room while he went around talking with others, like always, he didn't even try to keep me near him, it seemed he paid no attention to men that showed "special" interest in me, only when i try to make friends, or have a conversation did he acknowledge me there , but then he made no effort to lean away from the touchiness of the women around him.

I watched as he not even once glanced to see if I was okay, or safe, I placed down the glass I had and walked to the hall, and sat down sighing, the women near the corner started to look at me with pity, so I needed to move, I watched him from the spot I stood, he smiled like he was actually enjoying himself, something I never seen him do with me, I closed my eyes remembering how sweet, and caring he used to be, before he was made to take over his father's place.

Opening my eyes, only to find him comfortably placing his arm around "Her" the women he was originally supposed to marry, Lily Maria ,I'm not going to lie during the time he was getting to know her it seemed as he slowly lost interest in me, and right now they seemed more like a happy couple than me with him, she placed her hand onto his, and looked up at him smiling, sadly because of the way he was acting when we arrived I was mistaken for sibling or friend, not once did he bothered correcting them, it was me that had to.

That's when I noticed it, that's when it caught my eye, he had removed his wedding ring, I smile faintly, I stood up and walking past them I grabbed my coat, " Oh, Matt it seems it's time for you to leave" I heard his coworker say, "Hmmm?" Matt answered, " your wife over there, look!" However, by the time he turned his head all he saw was the door slowly closing.

" Oh my! that is right.... you did end up marrying your high school girlfriend" Lily answered looking down.

"... Yes, I did, pardon me for a second" Matt walked over to the door grabbing his jacket, he watched as I waited for the chauffeur to bring the car, " Nia! Is there a reason you're leaving now?!" He yelled walking towards me, ".... I honestly don't know why you even bothered bringing me here with you..."

He rolled his eyes, stepping forward to reach for my arm, I moved away, " enjoy your time here Matthew" he froze there hearing me address him by his name, ".... What.... What did you call me?!" He shouted, it's not a personal thing, I learned when we were younger that he hated his real name, as he hated his mother who named him, so I started calling him Matt just because of that everyone else who were close to him, addressed him the same way.

" I'm going to the house, I think it'd be best if you do not invite me to these things...maybe Lily would love to come with you..." I replied, his tongue poking out the side of his cheek, " I thought we've been over this, me and Lily are just good, close friends now, we've established that I don't have feelings for her, I married you, not her!! " He yelled, in the corner of my eye I can see Lily's face, that hurt her, I couldn't help but chuckle, " What is so funny?!" He asked, " Oh Matt, our situation is something I know very much don't you think you were a little harsh, I think you hurt her feelings" I said pointing at Lily who was trying to go back inside, the car pulled up, i stepped inside while he watched between me and Lily, " you mentioned how you married me and not her but don't forget that when you married me it was not out of love, it was because of your grandfather,... have Ms. Fae hand you the house keys, I won't wait up for you" and with that the car was started, and he stood there, until I could no longer see him, and he could no longer see me.

" Miss Nia, don't you think Mr. Matt will be upset once he returns home? " Jeff asked, with a chuckle and a scuff from me I replied " this wasn't the first time...it's just the same as always, He's brought me to many company parties before, Jeff and it's always the same thing It's almost as if he attended by himself" I said looking down, at the ring on my finger, he nodded his head, " my pardon if this is disrespectful.....but why do you keep accompanying him if that's the way he acts? " He asked, " if only it was that simple , at first it was a choice to go with him or not, but soon I was on the news and on websites being praised for my appearance, the only way I could avoid going to company parties and deny his parents hounding, was if I had an excuse" his eyes saddened, " I guess being the wife of a wealthy, and successful man isn't as great as the press, and news made it seem,.... Ms. Nia aren't you worried for the future of your children, with him like that? He asked, I smiled " that is something I have always thought about, shockingly his father, and grandfather are looking forward to great/grandchildren, but because the way that Matt treats me reminds me of my mother and step-father if the time comes where I bear his child I hope for his sake that he has changed even a little, she is someone I will not let myself become" I responded " Your parents, uncle, and grandfather, I have driven for them before, and my apologies but I have an idea of why you say that about your mother, and I don't blame you one bit" he spoke, I nodded" this might sound rude but it's pathetic, I understand that some mothers would stay with their toxic significant other for the sake of their children, but in her situation they were never together in the first place, she's just being desperate, and he enjoyed the looks on me and her faces back then " he nodded, " He.... He doesn't seem to care for you, or your sisters that he had with her... " Jeff said under his breath, I smiled as he pulled into the yard of Matt's mansion, stepping out the car, I turned towards Jeff, " Jeff you have no idea how terrible that women really is.* Laughing*.....I'll let you know that sure Matt was put under stress by his father because of his training, and studying, but that so-called mother of mines had more to do with the way he treats me than Matt's father ...