
A Konoha's Shinobi Life.

The life of a Shinobi of Konoha named Damian. He's a cool guy, you guys will like. He's also in his second life and has the knowledge of having read the Naruto's mangá in his previously life. No system, no cheats, no ridiculous talent(still talented), no kekkei genkai.

ridiculousdoctor · Fantasia
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2 Chs

1 - New life, new beginning.

Everything is dark; I don't feel, I don't exist, and yet, I rationalize. Who am I, what am I?

And just like that... BANG! I see light, and, wow, it hurts, and it's beautiful just as I imagined, no, just as I remember. Wait, remember? Yes, I remember indeed; there am I, that am I.

Damian, that's my name, that was my name, am I crying? I don't remember what happened.

Why is the light so strong? Is this why i am crying? I'm not alone, I can hear people, fuck, there's women screaming, oh, I can see, I'm getting used to it, there they are, 3 women and a man.

My vision is blurred because of all the tears, my head stoped hurting because of the light, but now my throat hurts because of all my crying, I sound like a baby? Like a fucking baby? What the fuck is that smell? OH, I DIED! Wait, did I?

I remember a car running over me and hitting my head first, it happened so slow, problably due to the adrenaline, that I can't even remember how fast the car was. Did i really survive that shit? Wait, am I really just reborning?

The woman screaming behind me is my mom? Why did she stop screaming then? Even if I am not getting out of her right now and she doesn't have to push me, should she really be this quiet? Is she alright?

Timeskip: one month later.

Day 30 of being a baby, it SUCKS! I know for a fact I'm in the world of Naruto or something similar know. As I witnessed the woman that takes care of me healing a child's bruise with

a green light in her hand in a few minutes and with the guy dressed like a shinobi in the hospital the day I was born, i conected the dots.

I am in a orphanage now, my mother died and, as I spent a entire week in the hospital, I heard that the man with the shinobi clothes was my father and that he killed himself after losing my mother, I understand that it must hurts to lose the love of your life, but to kill yourself with a newborn baby? As a shinobi he must have had a pretty fucked mind in the past, carrying a lot of trauma or some shit. Still, it's not so bad to be a orphan as I didn't really knew my parents in this life and was also an orphan in my past life.

Timeskip: 3 years and 11 months later.

Today is my birthday, I'm 4 years now, Onodera, the woman who takes care of me and the other kids gave a hug and a happy birthday, besides that, nothing much happened.

Coincidently I started feeling chakra yesterday, if I concentrate really hard, I can feel that chakra feels a little warm, besides that the only way I realized I awakaned my chakra is because started feeling a little lighter a little too fast, like, in days, so I guessed it wasn't because of growth, also, I only started feeling it today, but don't knoe exactly when I awakaned it.

Onodera always heal the kids when they are hurt so maybe I can ask her about it.

Timeskip: 1 month later.

I started doing the leaf exercise in the bathroom the same day I learned about awakening my chakra. After an hour I was able do stick it in my forehead for a few seconds, I couldn't count the seconds because I was to concentrated in the exercise as it's still too hard for me to do it.

I showed the leaf exercise to Onodera after learning it and she wasn't impressed, she showed to some kids before so she presumed i had seen it before. She counted the seconds for me and my maximum time was about 12 seconds at the time. Now, after a month I can count it myself and is about 10 minutes, which Onodera said it's very impressive and that shinobi academy graduated can do it for aproximadetly an hour. It's almost the only thing chakra related I do, so I'm not that surprised with my results, still, I'm happy and proud about my progress; hard work really pays it off.

Besides doing the leaf exercise, I also started doing some workout, push-ups, pull-ups in trees, sit'ups, jumping jacks, everything I could think of, really. The results are also good, i wasn't able to do it a single push-up in the first day, but after three days I achieved success, and now, after a whole month, I can do 20, I tested with another who wants to be my friend and he couldn't do a single one, even tho he's a year older than me. I guess in this world even if talentless people like guy can become strong by working hard, not even talented people can become strong without working hard. It guess it makes sense when you think about how Naruto, even if talented couldn't graduate from the academy, as he had an lazy ass as a kid who just wanted to prank people and eat ramen.

I also learned that my chakra afinities are wind, lightning and fire doing the paper test, so today I asked Onodera to show me jutsus basically everyday for now and as the most well behaved kid she knows she always agreed with my few requests, she showed me weak fire jutsus and the healing jutsu, i tried to copy the fireball jutsu and failed in the first attempt, which she expected, but succeeded in the second, which she didn't, and now, she thinks I'm some kind of genius like Itachi, I don't think that I'm a genius tho, at least not with fire jutsus, as she didn't know that i have been training for a whole month with chakra and taijutsu exercises and even then i didn't succeeded in a first try like Itachi, but even if my fireball was not as big as his, I'm sure I can created a bigger one if I try, because I didn't put a lot of chakra in it, as i'm in a garden and not in a lake like Itachi was, so i could make a mess.

Timeskip: 2 years.

Today is my first day of the shinobi academy, and a month ago was the nine-tails event, the forth hokage died, after 10 days, the village had no signs of destruction, if not for the sad feeling of grief that almost all the adults had. Naruto was born and the current hokage is the third hokage, I guess he didn't want to allow Danzo to be put in the position, and the population of Konoha really wasn't mad with him as their hokage, as he was called the God of Shinobi or something in the past.

Damian was using a black shirt with short sleeves, white pants and dark shoes, it was exacly like the ones Gojo Satoru used in the fight against Sukuna, and it worked perfectly for him, as it was clothes used by martial artists, and it looked cool. He would never need to change his style and if he did, it would be some minor changes like a shinobi forehead protector, some gear or even some hokage cape like the one Minato used. Who knows what the future would bring him... His hair was dark black and it seemed sharp like Menma's, the haircut was also inspired the hair of Menma Uzumaki, but he ended looking more like Jiraiya when he was a kid, just more cute and stylish.

As i entered the class and take a look around, I could see that I didn't know the teacher, which was expected, and I was pleased to know that I was in the same class of Itachi and Shisui, besides them, no other faces that I recognized.

Let's start the class my introducing ourselfs, I will be the first, my name is Keichi and I will be your academy teacher until you all graduate, usually the academy teacher's ranks are Chunins, but I'm a Jonin, the Lord Hokage chose me himself to teach to this year class, probably because of the tragedy that happened last month.

The students of the class had mix feelings about that, some were happy about the Jonin teacher, others were afraid believing he might be too hard with them, and others were sad because of the tragedy previously mentioned by the Jonin teacher.

As the class students started to say their names and hobbies, I only trully paid atention on Itachi and Shisui presentations.

Itachi: My name is Itachi Uchiha, I recently turned 5, I am from the Uchiha clan and my hobbie is to spend time with my young brother, nice to meet you all.

After a few more students, I was the next.

Damian: I am Damian, Damian Ryomen, 6 years old. Nice to meet you all. My hobbies are training and walk through the village.

Shisui, right after Damian: My name is Shisui, I am a Uchiha like Itachi, it's nice to meet you all. My age is 5. I don't really have hobbies besides the clan activities.

Cool guy, I thought, unlike Itachi he at least smiled when saying that it was nice to meet us.

"Hi, I'm Damian", I said with a smile.

Itachi: Yes, we heard, I'm Itachi as you may also have heard.

Shisui: Hi, Shisui here.

"Hm, did say do something wrong?", I said in a quiet voice but not too quiet as I wanted Itachi to hear and know how I felt and with a awkward face while looking at Shisui.

Shisui: Haha. No, bro. He's just a bit too serious. You should see his dad, after all this time he still gives me the creeps... His brother is cute and his mother is full lf energy, tho.

Itachi: Sorry, Damian... And you shut up, Shisui.

Damian: It's okay, I was only kidding, I wasn't even ofended.

"He wasn't kidding...", thought Shisui and Itachi.

That will be it for the first chapter. It's my first work but please give it a chance.

ridiculousdoctorcreators' thoughts