
A Knight In Zombie NYC

The zombie apocalypse has just hit new york city, follow a "knight" in shining armor as he tries to survive in this new world.

Jason_Liriano · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 3

The further up the streets The knight walked, the more destruction can be seen and felt as the buildings became less intact. Cars were everywhere, on the streets and on the sidewalk with zombies walking around them and bumping into them constantly. Dead bodies were littered across the top of buildings and underneath numerous debree. As The knight walked he avoided touching any of the zombies that covered the streets, not due to fear, but to avoid getting his armor anymore dirty than it already was.

After some time walking the streets and getting closer to the bridge, the gray skies of the city began to cry ice cold tears for all that has happened here. It began to grow darker and darker as the knight sky showed flashes of light with a noise that would make a bomb's explosion cower in shame. The zombies started to get aggravated by the loud noise and flashing sky of thunder and lightning.

"Fucking hell! This storm is complete shit. If I had anywhere close by I could hide in, I definitely would've taken the opportunity to let this shitty storm pass. Oh fucking well I guess, I am pretty close to the bridge now so I'll just weather this storm and continue on like the fucking soldier I am!" The knight rants out after pausing to look up at the dreadfully dark sky.

With the storm growing quicker The knight finally reached the very start of his goal, the bridge. This bridge one street away connects the city to the main land and also connects The knight to his dream. Foot by foot as The knight gets closer to the bridge he sees more of it and immediately notices a huge problem. The bridge he walked so far for, the bridge he left a welcoming peaceful group for was broken. The bridge connected nothing as there was a huge hole in the middle as if a carpet bombing occurred taking out the entire center of the bridge.

"Are you fucking kidding me! Nah like deadass is God fucking with me right now! One thing, I was just aiming for one single thing in this fucked up world! And now, now it's fucking ruined by whatever fucking entity decided it was such an oh so brilliant mother fucking idea to destroy this bridge! This bridge probably isn't even the only one destroyed too." The knight screams out to the sky before slowly beginning to tear up with his voice cracking at how loud and wretched his screams sound. The knight slowly looked back down toward the other side of the bridge and finally noticed a detail that brought hope back to his eyes, on the other side of the bridge The knight saw buildings that weren't destroyed and heard the distant sounds of traffic and cars honking.

Tears began falling from The knight's eyes as he heard the heavy traffic coming from the other side of the river. The knight walked closer to the broken edge of his side of the bridge and noticed a very important detail, there was still an unbroken beam connecting the two sides. This was the moment he's been waiting for, the reason he's traveled so far away from where he called home and the place that could've become a new home. By traveling across this beam and getting to the other side of the destroyed bridge The knight could achieve his dream and learn the truth about the world after the virus hit.

"Okay bro, you've got this all you have to do is walk across that very dangerous looking beam without falling into the water below. If you do fall in you're probably gonna either have to power through and swim with all the armor or shed the extra pounds of weight to survive. Light work, yeah it's all just light work. Okay I'm ready now time to figure out the truth the most badass way I know." The knight whispered out as a way to hype himself up while jumping around and moving his arms back and forth across his chest.

After the quick pep talk and warm up session The knight looked fiercely at the other side if the beam took one step onto the beam and screamed at the top of his lungs.


And with that battle cry The knight charged forward running at full speed. The knight reached halfway across before a creaking sound could be heard behind him as the beam began to give way due to the rust and the weight of The knight and his heavy armor. Slowly but surely The knight started having to run upwards as the beam inclined behind him. This was the most amount of exercise The knight has ever had to do, but he knew he had to succeed if he wanted to survive this part of his journey. All was looking lost as he began slowing down from exhaustion with the beam bending in front if him. Tripping The knight grabbed on to the sides of the beam and began to inch his way up as If climbing a ladder.

"Fuck Fuck Fuck Oh Fuck! Just don't look down, keep your head up king and don't look down. You've got this just keep climbing, hmmmm? Just keep climbing, just keep climbing, just keep climbing." The knight uttered out slowly panicking before hyping himself up then repeatedly singing three words as if he was in a musical.

The knight finally reached the top and grabbed on to the edge of the bridge quickly as the beam broke and fell into the waters below him. He hung on to the bridge trying with all his might to pull himself up with the weight of the armor holding him down. Looking down The knight began to freak out before he saw his salvation a wire that looped around a support just hanging there. Putting his foot through the wire he used it as a support to help lift himself up to safety. Once up there The knight took a deep breath as he looked up and started to move forward away from the edge of the bridge.

"Fucking hell, woooooh huff I almost died there." The knight said crouching down while putting his hands on his helmet.

The knight began walking towards the sound of traffic and cars with more and more looks, glances, and stares headed his way. A group of five that looks like teenagers of around 14-15 stop just as they reach The knight before talking amongst themselves and laughing pointing at him.

"Ay yo dork! Yoooo metal man! Hey comic con passed a couple of months ago. You mad late, what the fuck are you doing coming out here wit them scraps and pieces of metal." One of the boys yells out at The knight.

As The rest of the boys laugh at The knight and the joke their friend made another one of the boys decided to speak up.

"Nah yo deadass tho where you from, because that shit you got on tells us you might not be from here." He says as The knight finally got up to look at the group and register what was being said to him.

"Y'all deadass don't need to know, but fuck it ima be nice and tell you. I'm from Brooklyn, but for the past couple of years I've been living in Chinatown down in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. You done with the questions now? Or are Y'all wit the ops?" The knight responded back to the young group. The question at the end made each and every one of the boys yell out.

"Hell no! We ain't no ops, fuck them!" The seriousness in which they said it and the anger in their voice at the accusation caused The knight to laugh.

"Aight aight chill out now, I was just messing with Y'all. The cops wouldn't try to recruit five little kids from the hood who don't know shit about the world yet, now Y'all be good ima dip." The knight said before walking passed the group who looked bewildered and being made a joke by the person they were joking about.

While The knight was walking around south Bronx, in an office outside of New York a call was being made with a video playing in the background of The knight crossing the bridge from Manhattan to the Bronx. A lady cam be seen watching the video while giving out orders on the call.

"There's a code Z breach in south Bronx dispatch available units nearby for capture. Bring it to the base closest to you and use any amount of force necessary. Do not worry about being discrete either, I want this done as quickly and efficiently as possible." The lady ordered still staring at the screen with the video. She then sent out the video to all the units near the area The knight was last seen. Back in the bronx three units of six received the video and began their rounds searching for The knight. An easy task they thought, since a man wearing a full suit of metal armor should stick out like a sore thumb.

The three units took 20 minutes to find The knight as they all expected him to still be walking around the streets, instead The knight was sitting down on a bench in Willis playground. This was the scene the agents came to when they finally realized where he was this whole time. Surrounding The knight, the agents had their leader confront him in an attempt at a peaceful capture.

"Hello sir, I believe you to be the person we're looking for. You come from Manhattan, yes? If so I'm afraid you'll have to come with us for now." The leader says to The knight who just noticed the presence of another person near him. The last sentence had him on edge as his mind raced through a million possibilities. The knight then took a second to stand up and raise his hand for a handshake before saying.

"Bye!" After this short message he ran right past the shocked agent out of the park. The other agents immediately began running after him in pursuit with the leader slapping herself for the short term naivety.

The knight took many turns around corners and crossed the streets with incoming cars to try and throw the agents off his course. He even made a full circle returning to the park he was in before once again cutting a corner on it once he saw there were still some agents there. Those agents seeing The knight closeby started their chase of him as well. The knight seeing just how many agents were chasing him stopped cutting corners and began to run as fast as he could in a straight line.

"Hey! I don't suppose Y'all would just let me go free would you? You see I'm getting kind of tired with all this running, this armor is really heavy and my muscles are really sore from that bridge. Please just leave me alone, aren't I a citizen of this country? Don't I have rights that prevent this sort of thing?" The knight yelled out pleading with the agents chasing him in a mocking tone yet all the same serious about it as well as all he said was the truth. He was getting tired and his stamina would soon run out from all the activities he's done wearing a metal suit of armor.

The knight couldn't hear their reply very well as it sounded like a gargling mix of words, grunts, and yells of frustration. While all the agents were chasing right behind the knight a group went across the street to chase him along that side and a lone agent cut a corner to chase across the other street on the other side of some buildings. All this went unnoticed by The knight as he focused entirely on just speeding up and continuing to run at a high speed.

"Yes madam! We've found the suspect and are currently in hot pursuit. The job will be completed within the next ten minutes." The leader of the group reported.

The chase continued for the next five minutes as The knight began to slow down from exhaustion. The agents chasing after him began to speed up with vigor at seeing their target within reach. Suddenly in front of The knight at the end of the street a lone agent appeared in front of him ready to stop him in his tracks.

"Hey! I'm warning you now get out of my way!" The knight screamed out at the agent in front of him. After seeing that they weren't moving, The knight sped up for a final run directly through them.

"I'm The Juggernaut Bitch!" The knight yelled at the top of his lungs before lowering his head to try and ram into the agent.

The agent knowing exactly what The knight had planned took out their taser, aimed it at him and fired the two needles directly into The knight's armor filling his body with 50,000 volts of electricity. The knight stunned, tensed up like a statue before taking a fall that would make the nature boy proud. The agents waited some time to make sure its safe before picking him up and dragging him to a van that was brought to their location. They handcuffed him and threw him into the back of the van before closing the doors on The knight's light.

"Madam, the mission was a success, we've managed to capture the suspect and will be bringing him back to the base in due time." The leader of the mission gave a final report to their boss before heading out.

"Oh and agent! Nice work there, Prepare for a "reward" when we get back to base." The leader said to the agent that had tased The knight causing said agent to start to internally panic.

"What did I do to deserve the "reward" I'm the one who caught the suspect." Whispered the agent while crying on the inside about their situation.

Shortly after being captured by the agents and stuck into the back of the van unable to escape The knight woke up from his electricity induced slumber. When he woke up he looked around and noticed only the darkness as not even the moonlight from the full moon outside could penetrate the van he was kept in. With nothing to do to escape his mind and the boredom of the journey settling in quickly he began to sing at the highest volume he could.

"1000 bottles of beer on the wall, 1000 bottles of beer. Take one down and pass it around, 999 bottles of beer on the wall.

999 bottles of beer on the wall, 999 bottles of beer.

Take one down and pass it around, 998 bottles of beer on the wall..."

The knight would continue to belt this out for the entire ride to the annoyance of the drivers who would be forced to alternate and take turns on who deals with driving the van that held The knight. The echoing of the inside of the van only made it worse for whichever agent's turn it was with The knight. On a multitude of occasions the agents would have thoughts of saying screw the mission and killing him before dumping his body on the side of the road. Sadly for the agents the mission was to retrieve him alive and not dead so they had to put up with him for the entire four hour long drive. Which due to the frequent stops to switch drivers would turn into a 6 hour long drive.

"I swear to motherfucking god if this motherfucker doesn't stop singing I'm going to shoot them right in that fucking helmet of theirs and bury them six feet deep of the side of this road!" The current driver said to his current partner in torture halfway through the journey.

What wasn't known to the agents at the time of this rageful outburst was that just ahead of them was a very long traffic jam that didn't seem to have an end to it. The six hour long drive postponed indefinitely until the traffic lifted and they could begin to move once again. The knight noticing the stop and having finished his song grew quiet for the first time since waking up on this "adventure".

"Hey! What's the hold up? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet..." The knight began repeating this question to the two agents that were now stuck with him in this traffic jam as they couldn't get out to switch just in case traffic stopped.

"Shut up shut up shut up shut up!" Screamed the agent in the passenger's seat after finally having enough of The knight's endless chatter of questions.

"Fine fine I'll be quiet now" responded The knight. This silence lasted only 30 seconds before he chimed in with another question.

"Hey wanna know what the most annoying sound in the world is?" The knight asked the agents.

Not even a second went by after this question before The knight began to scrape his helmet back and forth across the side wall of the van. The sound produced by this action was akin to nails on a chalkboard, but amplified by the echoes of a confined space. Now most would assume that all these actions were proof that The knight had lost his damn mind, but the reality was far different as all these actions were carefully planned out by him years ago. He was always asked that age old rhetorical question of what would you do if you had been kidnapped. His answer to that question was always annoy the ever living fuck out of his kidnappers. This action would result in one of three responses, he would be let go due to being a huge annoyance, he would be killed off which ends all worry and suffering, or he would be punishing his kidnappers for the entirety of the time he's stuck with them or in other words they're stuck with him. Any one of the three outcomes are fine with him even though it seemed the third option would be the most likely outcome. The agents, while the sound was piercing their ears, tried their hardest to ignore it.

After some time passed The knight fell asleep naturally which gave the agents a false sense of security. They thought that due to him being asleep he can no longer make annoying sounds. Unfortunately for them The knight began to snore very loudly a few minutes later and this sound was also amplified by the small space. At the ends of their sanity the agent sitting in the passenger's seat finally came up with a brilliant idea.

"Hey, bro we've been idiots sitting here this whole time. We could've just used noise canceling headphones to block out that annoying captive in the back." He claimed to his partner sitting next to him.

"And what if our leader calls us? You thought about that we have to be able to hear when we're being called. It was a lost situation regardless." His partner responded back with mocking sarcasm.

"You fucking idiot we could just put our phones to vibrate. Anyway look traffics lifting finally we'll be able to move soon. I'm going to put on the headphones you could join me if you want or not at this point I don't fucking care." He said while putting his phone on vibrate and putting on the noise canceling headphones.

The driver looked back to the road ahead and saw that his friend was right traffic was indeed lifting by a bit meaning they could finally move forward. After putting on his own noise canceling headphones the drive to the base became a lot more peaceful. The knight was still asleep when they had finally made it to nearby the base. Located somewhere in New York state hidden by a forest with a huge amount of trees was the base and all the agents had to do now was wake up The knight and transport him through the forest into the base's entrance. The night sky was still extremely dark as the only light seen by the agents came from the full moon that at times became partially blocked by passing clouds causing a temporary darkness to befall them. The knight woke up once the vans stopped and sat up waiting to hear something from his kidnappers.

"Yoooooo is anyone still out there!" The knight yelled out, but no response would come to him as both the driver and the passenger still had their noise canceling headphones on for this exact purpose.

After a couple minutes of sitting in silence in the dark back of the van the doors suddenly opened up finally revealing some light to The knight blinding him for a few seconds even when the brightness of the light wasn't to the extent of a sunny day. The agents immediately grabbed him and dragged him away from the van while dumping him on the cold hard ground.

"It's so nice of you to decide to join us on this trip young man." The leader said to him with a sickening smile.

"Well I wouldn't want to be rude I guess, although I believe chaining me up and throwing me into the back of a van might not be the greatest host behavior. I mean I gave you all a free lesson in cardio too and I get treated worse than a common criminal in return, shame such a shame." The knight responded after sitting up in a very disappointed yet joking voice while shaking his head looking down at the ground.

The leader gestured to two of her agents to pick up The knight as she was done with the talking. After picking him up the agents surrounded him to lead him through the forest to their base quickly before it became even darker. Despite the group having flashlights, the forest still became too dark to navigate through easily. The leader of the group however knew the forest like the back of her hand and immediately lead them to a clearing within the forest leading to a somewhat open patch of land. The view that The knight was treated to was finally that of this mysterious base the agents kept saying they were bringing him to. A vast open field with the full moon shining down on a single building in the middle of it. The knight saw no windows and only a single door with a padlock system and a single camera that can be seen looking to anybody who would approach the door. The knight took a deep breath in mentally preparing himself for potentially being stuck here for either a long while or forever. He knew he couldn't escape them as he tried in the city and this was territory that they were a lot more familiar with. Moving on The knight followed the agents to where he would be for the coming days, weeks, months, or years.

"Welp if I die today, I guess I've had a fucking amazing time while alive. I've achieved my zombie apocalypse goal and found out that I wasn't being a crazy dickhead since I was right all along. From the looks of it all I think I can make an educated guess that only New York City is affected which makes the government and all these agents fucking pussy for leaving us there with no warning." The knight ranted in his head believing this might be his last night alive.