
A King's Ambition

Leigh has known nothing but his village in the mountains his whole life. Training and farming is all he knows, however, he can't help but wonder if there is something more out there. On a sunny day, newcomers, something that should be impossible, came knocking on his village's door. On that fateful day, the villagers welcomed them. On that deplorable day, an unspeakable tragedy took place. The village did its part, and the world just couldn't leave it alone. Instead, the world attacked the village and tried to steal from it. Now Leigh will lead his villagers to build a place where his villagers are safe, where no one dares to hurt them anymore. An empire with no more tragedies. On that accursed day, the villagers were unleashed upon the world.

Undergroundsailor · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

A broken promise (7)

"Leigh wait", Kita tried, but he didn't hear her anymore.

Leigh felt himself walking, and didn't feel anything else.


He looked around and saw people screaming and fighting, villagers and soldiers, the living and the dead.

He found himself nearing the wall of soldiers.

He wanted to speak to Ilis, ask him why he would do such a thing, but the wall was standing in his way.


So he jumped.

"So high", he thought.

He found himself high up in the air. Looking at the fight happening below, it all seemed so distant. Yet, he still needed to go back and ask.

He found himself back on the ground again.

Behind enemy lines.

A soldier came running towards him, with something in his hand. Maybe the soldier himself was hesitant, because when he struck with the sword he held, he did it very slowly. Leigh just took a step aside and pushed the soldier away without looking back.

He had to talk to Ilis.

He looked around, and only saw fearful eyes turned towards him.

The soldiers stared at him with a scared face. But He didn't understand why.

Why are they afraid? Aren't we the ones that should be afraid? Aren't they the ones ambushing us?


He kept on walking until he neared Ilis and his men, who stood in circle around him.

"I just want to talk right now", he thought.

Some soldier tried to say something with a scared look on his face, but he couldn't utter the words, he just kept moving his mouth without saying anything.

Leigh didn't have time for this and pushed him aside, entering the circle.

He stood in front of Ilis now, who looked like he had seen a ghost.

"Why did you do it? Why would you go that far?", Leigh tried to say, but for some reason, the words just couldn't form.


"Why did you do it?", somehow, trying to say that was easier, but he still couldn't do it. Alright lets make it easier then.

If there was one word I needed right now, it would be that one for sure.




The marbles? Gold? Were trinkets of any kind worth the blood that stained his clothes right now?


Was it worth the cries he heard.


He tried looking at the prince again. All he saw was fear, and a slight hint of cruelty.


Leigh's heart pumped faster, his blood flowed quicker, his emotions run rampant, and his eyes started to turn red. His mana began to flow, and filled his entire body.

For the first time in a long while, Leigh lost control over his emotions, or to be more precise, he lost control over one emotion.

Unbridled rage.


A roar resounded throughout the lands.

An oppressive aura started to emerge from Leigh, and spread out on the battlefield.

The villagers felt it, and kneeled with respect.

The soldiers felt it, and fear blossomed in their hearts.

In this village, everyone had a role to play. The Kowa had their strength to give, the Seher their magic, the Egri their speed and the Nibo their stealth. The villagers had a variety of talents to offer.

And the Emrys had a simple one.

They ruled.

Not because of the endless wisdom they possessed. Nor their way with words, which everyone could attest for.

Their reason for ruling was a primitive one.

They had the power to turn into something capable of protecting everyone.

A power so fundamental, the villagers would recognise it instantly. And they would kneel in acknowledgement of it.

But that wasn't the end of it. A smart warrior would be able to fight off an enraged opponent if they used it to their advantage.

The Emrys were gifted by the gods, if they existed.

A normal villager had a maximum of 64 accumulation points, the 5 big families 72. But the Emrys were the exception to this rule. They could be born with more than 72 points!

Moreover, They would always be born with a minimum of 76 points! No one knew their maximum, as it was kept a secret by the Emrys themselves, but even Harkon openly said this when Leigh came into the world.

"This shouldn't be possible.", and if anyone asked any further, he would refuse to elaborate.

The villagers knew for a fact he hadn't fully filled his points yet. And right now, for the first time in their lives, the villagers understood why their chief was shocked.

Leigh stood their, in his rage, with a fully revealed 82 filled points!

The boy hadn't even matured yet, but had an overwhelming strength even the Kowa couldn't resist.

His roar shook the battlefield, and even the air felt heavy for those around him.

Ilis bore the full brunt of the pressure, as well as the ear deafening roar, and was blasted 3m away from the shockwave produced by the roar.

The other soldiers in the circle fared better, and were pushed away from the shockwave, some falling while others were still able to keep standing on their feet.

Looking at the half-conscious Ilis, Leigh was still waiting for an answer. An answer he still didn't receive.

He took one step forward towards the prince, when he suddenly felt something poking him in his left side. Looking at it, he discovered a spearhead sticking to his side, right under his ribcage.

Confused as to why he didn't feel any pain, Leigh proceeded to take out the spearhead and push the soldier holding him away.

It was only at this moment that he looked at the soldier he pushed away, only to discover that the soldier had a large dent in his body. His chest was so bent in that it was impossible to breathe with it, and blood was flowing from his mouth.

The soldier was lying dead on the ground.

Suddenly thinking of something, Leigh turned around and looked at the soldiers he had pushed away earlier.

The soldier that was in the circle earlier, lied dead on the ground with a torn arm lying somewhere else. The one he pushed away close to the wall had lost his head.

Leigh lowered his head and looked at his hands, and saw it engulfed in a blue aura.

Mana, his hands emitted pure mana. His arms, his chest, his entire body was emitting mana. So strongly and fiercely it even scared Leigh himself for a second.

Only then did he realise what had happened.

He had entered his first trance. His father had always warned him about it, saying he should end it as soon as possible because of its consequences. Leigh himself never understood why , but he understood now that he saw what he did.

The first time was said to be violent. Where one needed to regain control as fast as possible and exit the trance quickly as well, to prevent yourself from mana exhaustion. Exhaustion of mana can lead to dire consequences, even death.

Understanding that he needed to do something quickly, he ran back to the soldier wall, not forgetting to "push" a couple of soldiers on the way.

When he arrived there, the soldiers forgot about Legolas and Adamas ran away from the fight. The duo themselves didn't bother with the soldiers as well, as they stepped towards Leigh.

The two kneeled, put their right fist on their heart, and roared.

"Legolas of the Kowa salutes the general!"

"Adamas of the Kowa salutes the general!"

'General' was the title the Emrys would receive during battle. And it would only be bestowed upon those from the Emrys that had entered the trance at least once.

Leigh looked at them, and with every ounce of energy he could muster, said the words he needed to say.

[Help the villagers. Enemies can escape. By Emrys order.]

"Understood!", the duo said, with pained faces.

They wanted nothing more than to tear the soldiers from limb to limb, but they knew as well that if the fight continued, they would not be able to tend to the children and wounded.

And even worse, they could lose the Emrys heir, which was the last thing they wanted. This is the last thing taught to children in this village.

"Obey the Emrys, because the Emrys are the villagers, and the villagers are the Emrys."

And death of the Emrys meant death of the village.

Leigh turned to the soldiers, looked at the now awake and standing Ilis in the eyes and said.


Forming another shockwave, pushing the soldiers back slightly, but enough to make them lose their morale.

Ilis looked like he had seen the light at the end of the tunnel, and gathered his soldiers to leave quickly.

Looking at the soldiers leaving, Leigh waited until they all left before turning back to the villagers. The Kowa duo was already ordering people around to tend to the wounded and put out the fire. Sensing Leigh's gaze, they turned to him and kneeled again, awaiting their next orders.

[No attacks until Emrys awakes. By Emrys order]

Leigh knew the temperament of the village, but he had to reign it in for now. They needed to regroup and minimise losses.

"Understood!", the Kowa duo answered.

With that said, Leigh decided it was time, and did what his father had taught him since he learned how to speak.

He began concentrating on his breath, breathing in and out slowly. Concentrating on his head, he could feel the turbulent streams of mana rampaging. He tried to control it, but it wasn't easy. After 10 minutes, he started to feel his mana running out of gas, but he was almost there.

Slowly, the turbulent streams flowed into a circle, horizontally in his head. They settled down, and Leigh felt himself calm down.

And after that, he passed out.