
A Killer Can't Change

A psychotic killer with a kill count numbering in the thousands. His methods of killing that can make anyone vomit with just the sight of it. With every body found is a picture of his face with a bright smile posing with the head of his victim. And despite having his identity exposed, His killing spree continued for 33 years. Finally after decades of searching and chasing, He was now caught in the middle of decapitating his last victim. Judge: "With the amount of evidence gathered here today, this court sentences John Dweller to death! Any last words you despicable monster?" John: "...Thanks for this judge, I was getting bored here on earth anyway so a change in scenery in heaven or hell might be a good change. It was fun playing you people." those were the final words John left for the world. John Dweller, Age 56, dead on September 29, 2013. ====== Somewhere in a land of clouds... God: "Who's next on the list? Hmm let's see here.... John Dweller..." Reading through John's book of life, God's face changed from boredom to worried. God: "Oh cosmos... This one seems to have had quite the life down there... Welp on you go then little one. And with those words and a flick of his finger, God sent whatever was left of John's existence to a different world for another god to worry about. ==WARNING== This story has some screwed up stuff planned to give the MC some trauma to really ease him into being a killer. And one of those are child molestation so if yall aint into that then this might not be a story for you. =====FOR THE ARTIST===== I DO NOT OWN the art on the cover, I couldn't find the owner of this picture anywhere I looked. So if the artist sees this and want's it taken down just email me at bertingsburger@gmail.com (Yes i know the email looks like a joke but its what i actually use for anything that isnt involved in my personal life) Also my eyes are kind of screwed up and i end up pressing on "a" alot, so please be patient if you see words that just had a random "a" in it. i'll fix it when i find it.

MisterClaps · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 2: Eh?

The day after Devor introduced himself...


In a spacious room where 3 individuals are sitting around a round table. Today was the day the Velmont kids would finally learn the basic knowledge of the world and the first lesson would be about Magic.

"Goodmorning everyone." Devor greeted the 2 that are still dozing off. Who could blame them? When their lessons started at an early 8am.

"Goodmorning teacher Devor! Wuuaahhhh~..." John tried to appear as if he was wide awake but then a single yawn escaped his mouth, breaking his facade of being awake.

On the other hand, Chelsy was already lost in her desire to sleep and dozed off into her own dreamland. "Zzzz...Zzzz..." Devor could not help but sigh after seeing these 2, originally he did not plan to start lessons this early but instead actually start after lunch, but then the Duke requested that he starts the lessons early for reasons unknown. Perhaps he just wants to instill the habit of waking up early in his children. Who knows?

Without any warning Devor raised his finger and pointed it to Chelsy and then John's hands in that order, shooting out a strand of weak electricity to jolt them awake.


"WAH! ouch.... that stings teacher..." John pouted. He did not react in anger as he understood why teacher Devor had to do that but Chelsy... not so much.

"GAAH! THAT HURTS! ARE YOU CRAZY? USING MAGIC AGAINST KIDS!?" Chelsy was about to scream out all the complaints she could think of until Devor cast another spell. " [Recovery] ". Devor's hands were pointing towards the 2 kids as his hands started to glow blue. Symbols and patterns began to form surrounding each finger and his wrists in rings, after a while those symbol's patterns broke down into what looked like a flow of air as it travelled towards the two kids.

The sharp pain John and Chelsy were experiencing slowly went away after Devor cast [Recovery] on them.

"This will be our lesson for today. By the end of the day, both of you would be able to sense the magius around us and materialize it." Devor checked their expressions to see how they reacted to the use of magic, John unsurprisingly was excited while Chelsy was staring daggers which is also unsurprising considering how she reacted to the electricity.

Ignoring his words Chelsy went on to speak. "I will tell my father of what you did to me and my brother and He will have your head fed to the pigs!" Chelsy expected her teacher to go down on his knees and beg for forgiveness from the threat but instead, he remained standing with a grin.

"For your information Chelsy I was instructed to start class this early and give out strict punishments if needed, by your father, the Duke."

"Tch!..." Hearing Devor's words Chelsy could only cross her arms and turned away from him.

'For such a pretty looking girl you are quite wild... How exciting...' Devor's thoughts went rampant and his expression turned dirty only for a moment until he snapped himself out.

'Sir Devor always has an odd expression whenever he's talking with Chelsy.... weird.' John thought as he once again witnessed Devor's dirty expression only for a moment. Because he was young he was still not knowledgeable about the adultish desires of the human body and still ignorant of the darker side of people since the duchess ordered the servants to rid the entire library of any such books that contained such knowledge.

"Ahem. Anyways today we will begin your first lesson on magic. Let's start with some history on the topic, John I heard from your father that you love spending time in the library, have you read about the history of magic before?"

"Oh yes, I have sir! The usage of magic dates back around 10,265 years ago and probably further than that as more discoveries in ancient cities show evidence of older relics that are related to magic. 7,354 years ago magic was called "World Knowledge" by the civilizations of that time as the phrase was mentioned in many of the documents excavated from the ruins of those civilizations. Although we do not know why or who replaced the original term with the term "Magic", what we do know is that it was around 6,483 years ago that the change of terms happened. The books I've read also theorized that it was around that time when Magic began to advance and revolutionize the world of magic we know today, but sadly there isn't enough evidence to prove the theory. One of the major discoveries during that revolution is the discovery of the 3 different classifications of magic. Oh! And another interesting part--"

"OK! John thank you so much for the short and very specific history lesson but let's end it there." Devor cut John off before he continued off into his own world and drag the lesson longer than it should be.

"Oh... Okay."

"Just like what John said at the end, humans were able to discover 3 different classifications of magic and those classifications are:

In the Creation Class, Casters that specialize in this class are able to conjure anything they could think of so long as they have an idea on how it works.

The Nature Class, this class is the most common and versatile of the classes as it allows the Caster to use the 6 elements of nature which are earth, water, fire, air, light and darkness.

And lastly the Runic Class, there are 2 types of casters in this class. The first are the casters that can empower inanimate objects with specific functions and spells. The second are the casters that can empower living beings with the power of runes one example of this would be body strengthening."

"Any questions?" to Devor's surprise it was Chelsy that raised her hand.

"How do people know what class they're in? Do they find out by chance? Or is there another way?" The reason why Chelsy seemed interested in the lesson now is because of the 2nd type of Runic casters. More specifically the body strengthening example caught her interest.

"Wow, Chelsy actually asking a question... am I dreaming?" John tried to tease his sister a bit.

"John be quiet," Chelsy responded with a cold menacing voice, She was not in the mood for jokes after what happened a while ago.

"Yes, ma'am..." John felt himself turn small at Chelsy's cold words.

"Ahem! please keep such talks after our lessons are over. And to answer your question Chelsy yes there is a method which I will be showing both of you at the end of today's lessons, until then please stay focused and listen."

And with those words, the lessons continued for a while.

2 hours later...

Devor checked the grandfather clock in the room and noticed that there is only a few minutes left before their lessons ended and decided to follow through with his promise. "Since we only have a few minutes left on the clock let's finally check which class you're more suited in. First up is John. Chelsy, I am gonna need you to exit the room for a bit."

Chelsy didn't bother to ask why she had to leave and just went out of the room immediately.

As soon as Chelsy left, Devor pulled out a rod with a long thin crystal on the inside. "Ok, John what I have here is a device that can accurately determine which class of Magic you are more suitable for, all you need to do is hold onto it and guide the magius around you into your body and direct it to your hand that is holding onto the rod. Understood?"

"Yes sir!" John's eyes were glistening with excitement. He has spent the majority of his free time reading many books on the topic of magic that many might consider him obsessed, and with every book he finished, the more he desired to experience magic himself.

"Then take it and do what I just told you." Devor reached out the rod towards John to which John held onto the rod and quickly did everything his teacher told him to do.

The crystal within the rod began to shimmer in a rainbow of colors. It was so bright that John who was not prepared closed his eyes and despite that, he never took his hand off the rod.

'My dream to cast spells will finally come true!' John was already imagining himself doing grander things with magic such as being the strongest caster in the kingdom or creating new ideas to revolutionize the world of magic.

But as if fate was toying with him, the blinding light of the rod just stopped, reverting back to a normal crystal as if John hasn't started the test at all.

"Oh, dear..." Devor was speechless while John on the other hand...
