
A Killer's Instinct

"I'm in love with a criminal" "And it's so natural, cos I'm also a criminal" "I'm no villain, I'm merely seeking justice for myself" They say those who fail to learn from history are bound to repeat it. I learned from it, but history always repeats itself In a city where people are categorized in two, the law breakers and the enforcers. Ex-agent chases revenge for the tragic end of a younger agent as she battles betrayal. "Call me twisted and deranged all you want but I don't care, all I care about is my cause, revenge" The Agency, gangs, and a new assassin in town, things just got complicated.

Chesiire_cat · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

#□ Rookie Agent

My breath heaved uncontrollably as my heart pounded in my chest threatening to burst out of it's restraining veins.

"Kim Aeri get back here!!" a yell after  me, and from what I could tell he was gaining on me while I grumbled to myself.

"What does he want with me this time "

"I really need to work out more" strained pants escape my lips as I race to get away.

On normal days, a spinster would be jealous of the speed and agility I command, but I never expected my morning breaking out into a scenario as this since I had planned on avoiding him all day, but luck not being on my side made me run into him the moment I stepped out of the dorms.

I was pretty sure he wasn't in the area since I  hid in a corner on lookout for him, his bright dyed hair making it almost too easy to spot out in a crowd, and had deemed the coast clear and decided to step out only to run into the one person I tried so hard to avoid and was swift enough to turn around hoping to go unnoticed  through the halls.

The little hope I hung on to was rudely cut off when he called for me, sending me hurling away and on instinct, I ran, wishing he wouldn't follow.

But ChanHo just had to run after me.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Apologies slipped my mouth as I bumped into agents  that glared at me while I tried my best to push myself forward.

I really shouldn't have eaten that whole dish of food and just stuck with the cafeteria rations  because it was really beginning to weigh me down leaving me hardly mobile.

But I couldn't say no to a decent breakfast after finding it waiting on my desk, no one can, so now, I believe this is me paying the price.

"Almost there, almost there" I encouraged myself. I just needed to get into the elevator at the next hall and I'll lose him, that'll definitely give me some time to catch my breath.

I turned the next corner swiftly, crashing into a confused looking San who managed to keep his balance.

"Where's the fire" he jokes with Baekhyun and Han walking up to us and I was quick to hide behind them.

"Who's chasing?" San questions my  wheezing figure.

"ChanHo" Baekhyun sighs in confirmation.

At that moment, the said pursuer finally caught up and halted the moment he noticed I wasn't alone.

"Mind explaining?" Strict looking Baekhyun barely mouthed the question, my reply cutting him off.

"I did absolutely nothing, he just decided chasing after me would be a perfect decision made".

"I did not, all I did was call her and the hare took off running, no questions asked" ChanHo argues.

"And yet you ran after me, and you didn't stop, you kept on chasing, and now I'm breathless, and it's all your fault, I didn't sign up to be a trackstar". I explode, pointing accusingly at him.

"I needed you for something important and you ran off without hearing me out so of course I chased after you, also, I'm not to fault for your developing laziness, it wasn't a long run, and lastly, you should be thanking me for helping you warm up for the day" my bright haired chaser returns.

"The only thing I should be thankful for is not throwing up, and don't you dare call me lazy, you wouldn't be able to move an inch if you consumed what I did just now" I spat through gritted teeth.

"Last time I checked, no one asked you to eat whatever you did, your bad eating habits have absolutely nothing to do with me, as much as me calling you lazy is just facts being spoken" he shrugs nonchalantly.

And that did it, I was lunging for ChanHo ready to strangle the life out of him.

"Alright, alright! That's enough now!" Baekhyun shouts whilst Han and San managed to hold me back. Turning back to him, he questions.

"ChanHo, what did you need her for?"

"I... I can't remember" the pursuer trails off, all three males giving him a mixture of reactions ranging from annoyed to not surprised.

"So he made me run for nothing!" my voice echoed through the hallway as I tried lunging for him.

"Aeri, that's enough" one sentence from Baekhyun keeping me at bay.

"Get ready, you have training, you'll spar with Hunter and Felix" he informs, dragging a confused ChanHo along as he walked ahead, my stomping figure grumbling after them.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me"

"You really are funny, one moment you're running from ChanHo like he's a troll in disguise and the next you're after his neck" Han teases, walking beside me.

"No one talks about my eating habit, absolutely no one" I retort.

"He was kinda right though" San suggests from the side and I stopped to threaten him with a fist.

"Just kidding" he laughs,  raising his hands in show of surrender. "You better get going for training before you're late"

"You're not coming?" I look back in question.

"No, Baekhyun, Han and I are going on recon, we have a new mission, a really tough one"

"And I haven't been given a single one, I've been training for  years and what, I only run stupid errands" I grumble in discontent. "This girl needs some action".

"You'll regret saying that when you get out there, I'm not saying you're not qualified but, maybe you're just not ready to be out in the field, it's really risky and there's always a possibility of not getting back to base alive" he tries explaining.

"Well literally, missions don't take place in a field..." I try joking only to be cut off.

"You know what I meant Aeri, don't make a joke out of it, I was being serious" San glares as Han tried his best holding back his laughter.

"I'm being serious too, and I'm as ready as I can be to go out there, I'm tired of being stuck in this gigantic building training everyday" I complain with a dramatic sigh.

"See you later kid" San brushes me off as he walked away leaving me stomping.

"I'M NOT A KID!!! You have no right to call me that, you're only a few years older than I am"

"You sound like a kid throwing a tantrum right now" he turns around, walking backwards. "what else could you possibly be?"

"I'm a ... I'm a full grown adult, a lady, a mature woman.. Uh, a ..."

"A kid" Han completes, smiling as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Not a kid, I'm a 17 years old young adult" I debate, stomping my feet for effect.

"Sounds like a kid to me" San sings ahead before disappearing a corner.

"You need to get to training" Han reminds when I turn to him with a question, blowing a stray strand of hair off my face.

"What's your new mission about?"

"It's confidential" his compelling smile remains when my bored eyes flit at him.

"Fine, I'll tell you the details when I get back"

"Is that why I'm sparring with Hunter and Felix?" I throw in another question.

"Too many questions" Han shoos, walking down the same direction San went. "They both need to let some steam off, that's why you're sparring them".

"I ain't nobody's punching bag, I should be sparring one of the top guys" my complaints continued.

"You know that's not possible, they're off league" he points out, the distance between us growing with his steps.

"There are other people in this huge building then" I try again.

"Stop complaining for once " Han warns picking  up his pace, my last call making him laugh out.

"Don't die in recon!!"

I took a deep breath, jogging the opposite way after a moment with one thought in mind, I had to get to training.


Finally, another chapter featuring the past events and life of Kim Aeri.

There'll be more chapters like this coming and I'll make sure to title them with the hashtag # like this one.

What are your thoughts on Kim Aeri?

I think she's a cute character.

Chesiire_catcreators' thoughts