
Tomorrow's A Hope, Never A Promise

Archer used his claws to tear apart the last giants before returning to his army's circle and transforming into his human form. He started watching the ongoing battle and soon spotted some of his girls unleashing waves of magic over the soldier's heads.

The spells slammed into the Mutants and Ghouls, instantly taking them out in a wave of chaotic Mana. But the remaining creatures slammed into the Legionnaire's shieldwall, pushing them back.

That's when the Drakeguards behind started using large beast spears to shoot between the shields and skew them before pulling back and attacking again, but the Ghouls behind did something that shocked them.

Archer watched as they started moving on all fours, which creeped out everyone. The sight of the Ghouls on all fours disturbed him deeply, and their newfound agility was unsettling. They scuttled like grotesque humanoid spiders, their movements jagged and accompanied by eerie growls.