
Al-Maseeh At-Tinyan

When Archer saw the two girls, a happy smile appeared before he greeted them with a hug. Leira spotted the food stall he was waiting at while Kassandra commented as she looked around, ''What are you doing, Arch?''

''Getting something to eat while Ella, Halime, and Teuila are exploring down south with the White Dragon Knights,'' he explained.

The girls nodded and waited in line as Kassandra took Archer's arm. ''Can we get some food as well? I like Leonora and Nalika, but they can talk for hours without breathing,'' she commented. ''We needed a break, so we followed the other three's lead when they left to see you.''

''You two are always welcome to join me,'' he said with a charming smile. I love spending time with you both.''

She blushed when Leira heard his compliment, excitedly causing her tail to sway as Kassandra beamed. The trio waited a little while until it was their turn to order, and Archer ordered five of everything, shocking the stall owner.