
A journey in Nasuverse

Reborn as Kaname Ryougi of the Ryougi demon hunting family. How shall he survive and live in this universe with supernatural dangers lurking in every corner? Discord: https://discord.gg/JFyhA5q4

Crimsonwarlord · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Encounter and magecraft

Staring at the peaceful sky he was feeling quite bored. He had done every lesson he already needed to do today and his Father was gone for some business that some other clan needed help with. Moving his collar a bit to get the fresh air, he could feel the harsh sunlight on him making him sweat. He should probably change out of these clothes. He was wearing a white polo shirt and some black jeans as he had just come back from shopping outside with his Mother. He was too lazy to change into loose clothes so he had decided to just keep them on.

"Onii-chan," a small voice called out from beneath him, there was a paper knife on his arm. Looking at her, he let out a small smile.

Sitting on the floor was a small girl with a small paper knife, she had short black hair that was in a bob cut and looked like she was quite happy. Shiki had already had her first birthday and could now start walking.

He patted her head and looked at the paper knife. Most people wouldn't say to give your children any type of weapon, even paper one since it could lead to a bad mindset about things. But the Ryougi family was manipulative, and wanted to make her like swords and knives since she was gonna be the heir. It frankly kinda disgusted him, the only reason this didn't happen to him again was because he was not the heir so he didn't require this training.

"Bad girl Shiki, don't stab your brother," he complained while wincing his face acting like it hurted him. She simply laughed at his act and carried on playing with her paper blade.

Right now this was the girly personality he was speaking too, the male personality they knew existed but he had only come out a few times during her whole life. And the original personality didn't come out once, though she was probably still watching everything through them.

Laying on the wooden floor he was currently stuck on how to commence his plan. So far 6 he's been training for 6 years but just training wouldn't get him far. He didn't have any circuits, and he wasn't sure what timeline he was even born in. He was lacking both in knowledge and power. Right now he had to find a means of gaining power.

His current options were: getting a mystic code, awakening his origins but depending on what it is that could be dangerous and he would need some help, find new techniques and make Pseudo circuits.

The last one was currently most available to him and less dangerous and more available than the others. As he could do it whenever he wanted.

Although the efficiency would be meager, being able to produce magical energy would be a bonus. The pain was something he wasn't even worrying about, as he had to use a mystic code that enhanced his pain when training and every small hit felt like a bullet went through his body and he personally knew how that felt. Plus the human body had many nerves, so he could use nerves he could live without. Having something that is shit compared to the original is still better than not giving it all. Until he found a way to get genuine circuits it was his best option.

"Ahh, where am I gonna get magecraft books though," he grumbled to himself as he sat back up putting a hand on his face.

Though he could convince his Father to give him one,he could use the excuse of being a super genius. But he also shouldn't cross out the option of awakening his origin since they did have a mystic code to detect and awaken it. It was just the fact that if it became something like a pride origin he wouldn't be able to act against it. But it could be something good. Finding himself awakens the origin but…

"I can just get someone else to find out for me then do it if it's something good !" He kicked up his body and his face lit with excitement as he realised.

"Onii-chan?" She tilted her head as she said, looking away from the small blade in her hand.

"I'm sorry Shiki you can carry on playing," he stared at the garden as he said, returning to making his plans." I'm gonna take a small walk in the garden ok?"

She nodded her head. Standing up he walked around the vast garden they had, it was half the size of a football field. He also didn't have to worry about her being in danger as she had a servant watching over her as well. And there was a caretaker comming he could hear her footsteps.

Returning to his original thought plans he strolled around.

Though his Father wouldn't agree to awakening his origin as it's dangerous, the servants probably wouldn't allow him. But his Father said he could get his own servant if he could convince them and coax them to help him with it over time then he may be able to do it. The youngest servant who worked in this house was a year old girl named Mina and she was the daughter of one of the other servants. He already decided to remember all the information of the servants here. The reason she's a maid is because her great great grandparent was a succubus so she inherited some of the superhuman traits. He had already decided to pick her before his plans because he wanted someone around his age more.

His Father couldn't argue against her being his personal servant instead of his personal stalker who was still watching over him even now. He already had figured out the identity of said servant but she was only doing her job so he felt it was unnecessary to get mad at her.

Anyway his origin plan would come later right now he was aiming to go somewhere a bit more private to make his Pseudo circuits. Somewhere where the servant couldn't see him, and that was the toilet or his Father's office . His Father's office wasn't allowed to be monitored by any of the servants because it contained some important folders.

And of course that would be where he was heading too, the toilet could work but he wasn't completely sure if she would follow him or not. She could have been a pedophile. Better to not risk it.

Sliding the door open he sat down on the pillow and took a deep breath. He didn't have much to go. Stretching out and emptying his breathing he emptied his mind. Ignoring everything, he only paid attention inside of his own body.

Visualizing the image of a circuit he focused on his nerves, using a small nerve than the more important one it felt like a burning rod inside him Shirou wasn't really joking. His face twitched a little but he carried out the process carefully and slowly. The iron rod arrived deep in his body and fused with him.

Opening his eyes he could feel that one artificial magic circuit. Looking at the clock it had taken him twenty minutes to create one. But it's not like he planned to create many in the first place just enough to use basic magecraft and mystic code was all he needed.

Opening up the circuit he could feel a meager amount of mana being absorbed and being turned into magical energy. The magical energy felt weird, it felt quite strange having his weird energy inside his body he wasn't born with.

Focusing on the magical energy, how would it be put? It was quite easy for him to sense it? Well he could always sense mana existed before. If he had to put it into scientific terms. He knew the air existed and he could feel it but he couldn't see it or touch it. Now he could see it and touch the mana in the air and turn it into magical energy.

He wasn't too keen on testing it with that servant watching him but at the same time he finally had the chance to use magecraft. Standing up he looked in the mirror only to see a silly smile spread across his face like he had won something. Assuming his serious face again he took a deep breath and headed out of the room.

Although he was happy he should still remain in control and commence his plan, he had time to think about his circuits later.

Walking towards the kitchen he pretended to have a contemplating face, going towards the kitchen for a snack wasn't a weird thing for him. Because they knew he had a sweet tooth and his Mother had spoiled him from their perspective.

Knocking the door three , he opened the door and entered the kitchen. The kitchen was the one abnormal thing about the Ryougi family. The kitchen was modern compared to the rest of the house which had a traditional Japanese feel. There were 3 long silver tables that ran through the whole kitchen with everything they had above. Underneath it were several cupboards that contained their equipment.

"Kaname-sama, did you come here for a snack," one of the servants asked.

Well not just a servant but the head of the female servants Hinata. She was also one of his teachers so they had more of a teacher and student relationship. But sometimes she acted like a big sister though that was because he reminded her of her little brother so she would apologize after. Though he didn't mind it.

"Mhm I wanted some mochi so I came here. Surprise me and make a new combination," he said looking around the kitchen at the servants.

Where's Mina?

Walking towards the kitchen more it caused some of the servants to raise their eyebrows in confusion at his actions.

"Young Master?"

"Oh I'm curious to see how you guys make mochi as it is one of my favourite sweets. So you can go ahead and teach me. Plus I`m wearing short sleeves anyway so it's fine," he explained, walking towards the counter and looking back at them.

"No, no, we are supposed work for you so you don't have to d-"

"What if I said it's an order to teach me?" He said with a slightly condescending tone, trying to make her back down.

"I-I understand," she bowed her head, raising it back up as she walked towards where he was.

Looking around the kitchen he wondered where she was. She should be working in the kitchen right now or was absent.

"Hinata aren't you missing a servant here," he nudged his head towards the group of servants in the kitchen who was watching him curiously.

"Mina is right now in the freezer room putting away the new meat." She dutifully carried out her task bringing out all the equipment while explaining it to him.

Oh so that's what it is. They brought out some of the ingredients and carefully whisked them together.

Looking towards the door, it opened up and a girl with a black and white maid uniform came out. She wore black apron dresses with white accents and white lace

headpieces on her head which complimented her pink ponytail that reached towards her shoulder.

Their eyes had met and they briefly stared at each other before she quickly looked away trying to not bother him. Walking towards an empty station she started to cut some salad with another one of the servants.

"Hinata, that girl does she know how to cook, she seems a bit young."

"She has fabulous skills, you do not have to worry we train her properly. Do you wanna see it for yourself?" She asked while having a proud smile on her face as she looked at the girl.

He was quite surprised at how easy she took his bait but he wouldn't complain about it.

"Mina come here," she exclaimed, waving her towards herself.

Turning around, she walked nervously towards them while looking like she would be anywhere else. To be fair he would wonder why the head maid and a young master called him out of nowhere on a normal day. He felt a bit of guilt just a tiny bit though.

"W-w-what can I do for you, Hinata-sama and Kaname-sama," she nervously stuttered and flinched as they both gave her a disappointed look.

It seemed like while she was good at her tasks but communication wasn't one of her strong points then again most servants just listen to orders not communicate.

"We're gonna be making some mochi so help us with it."

"Yes!" She stood up straight while looking her in the eye.

She did each one of her work dutifully without any mistakes and her eyes look completely dedicated to the task. He was quite impressed at the display of focus for a young girl.

"You have quite the amazing hand skills don't you," he said with a soft tone looking at her kneading and rolling it into a ball.

She flinched at the comment but he just let out a small smile to calm her nerves down. Of course it was calculated on his part. She let out a small sigh and eased down.

"My Mother taught me how to do it when I was really young,"she commented with an emotionless tone, her eyes looking a little lifeless mentioning her Mother. Clearly she didn't seem to have such a good relationship with her Mother."She always said something like ``I have really dexterous fingers."

They were slowing down their work as they got focused in to their conversation. Hinata merely glanced at them and let them carry on, probably thinking they were hitting off since they were a similar age.

"Well she was completely right though it's a bit surprising.. " Kaname mumbled as he watched her perform her task. It wasn't that he was disappointed in her hand craft but to have excellent control at such a young age was quite abnormal especially with her heritage. Was she being trained?

"Why?" Her eyebrows raised as she completely looked away from the counter and locked eyes with him, her eyes had a curious spark behind them. She looked interested in his response for some strange reason.

"I thought you would have a bit more trouble controlling it as your Father had quite a bit of incubus blood," he answered plainly. " And from my knowledge they had super strength so you should have inherited some of that. Or maybe you were trained to control some of it or simply have innate talent? There is a list of reasons."

She completely froze, she took a step back from him and her mouth opened slightly in shock. It was trained to be controlled. But it made sense as they couldn't have a servant breaking things

"I heard you're a genius but still it's quite scary how much you can analyse and deduce." She looked at him with a slight awe in her eyes with a slight hint of fear.

Then again he couldn't blame her. It would be a bit scary seeing a six year old figuring out things about you in less than a hour but he did conduct an investigation on her before. But wasn't she also weird? Not many eight year olds can have a conversation like this though she didn't seem to be aware of that herself. Well her being intelligent was just another plus in his book. He just needed to make her his personal servant and become good friends with her. Plus having a friend in this stiff household didn't seem bad.

"I'll take that as a compliment though I should scold you since I am someone you should be serving." Kaname shrugged nonchalantly, her face tensed but once she realised he wasn't gonna do anything she had a silly smile on her face.

"You're really kind Kaname-sama aren't you?"

That was a strange question from the person he was trying to coax and subtly manipulate her into his plans for his origins. Looking at the white ceiling of the kitchen he wondered. Could he be called kind?

"I wouldn't say I'm kind. If someone asked me for help I would help them depending on the person But I wouldn't go out of my way to help a stranger. I see that's just beyond my limit and only someone abnormal would do that. At the same time if I had to pick the lives of two important people to me I would internally find a way to save both of them even if it comes at the risk of hurting other people. And there are lots of other things I may do depending on the situation so I wouldn't necessarily call myself kind. But the term kindness is subjective and I'm not in control of your opinion so go ahead and think whatever you want."

She looked at him once she finished rolling the dough into balls and looked at him with a small playfulness.

"You could have just said that in the first place anyway!" She threw the dough to him at quite a fast speed but he caught it effortlessly while looking at her with a plain face.

"What was that for?"

"We've been talking too much, let's get focused on making this macho again. Hinata-sama is kind, letting us talk but we can't let her do all the work."

He nodded their head and for the next fourth minutes they had efficiency completed every task. Taking the tray out with knitted gloves he placed them on the table.

"Since we've finished making them you can head to your room when it's ready I'll deliver it to you."

"It's fine you all helped me with it even thought it was on a whim, you deserve to have some with me."

They both nodded their heads as Kaname was not one to back down on something like this. They took the tray to one of the spare dining room the house had and placed the steaming tray on the table.

"We should be-"

"No its fine."

The Ryougi family dining table was a traditional Japanese one with the people of the family having different table and it being based on ranking. The servants would definitely not sit near the family they serve but it wasn't like anyone was watching them except that stalker of his though. But he knew that he didn't care that much about it anyway.

They all sat on the table, the mood was quite awkward but he didn't know what to do about it so he just let out a listless sigh.

"Hinata do you know what time my parents may be coming back?"

"All I know is that they will come back before 11pm, my apologies."

"I see well I'm not too worried let's dig in Mina, Hinata." He picked up one of them and stuffed it into his mouth." Ah it's hot!"

He shouted with his mouth full. Both of them couldn't help giggling at him but they attempted to hide it. Of course it didn't actually hurt him, he had insane pain tolerance

They ate while talking about useless things that were appearing on the news, talking about their favourite books, etc. Kaname and Hinata both had adult taste in books while Mina was still a kid so they moved on from that topic though most of them weren't interesting there was one that his ears perked up.

"Rumours," he replied curiously while slightly leaning forward.

"Yes it's quite common for us servants to gossip while we do work because we don't have any other form of entertainment. Ryuzaki-sama allowed it as long as it doesn't interfere with our work so most servants talk about things they heard and talk about it here. We keep each other updated on things that we've heard about since we don't have anything else," she dutifully explained, closing her eyes she took another bite and looked as if she had fully enjoyed the mochi.

But gossip huh. They had effectively built a network source of info for their work and kept each other updated with. He had to learn more about this. Though it felt weird hearing her say his Father name since most people just said Lord but Hinata called him his name and his Father had allowed that.

Well on the other hand… He looked towards Mina. She simply stared outside at the greenery with a peaceful expression on her face.

"By the way, Kaname-Sama, have you picked a personal servant Ryuzaki-sama was asking about that?"

"Personal servant?" Joining the conversation, she rested her chin on her hand whilst looking at them.

"You shouldn't display such a lax attitude around Kaname-sama but you're lucky he's kind."

"I'm only doing this around Kaname-sama because I know he won't mind these things."

That was true and it was hard for him to refute that.

"Well as long as other servants don't see it's fine and it's only the three of us you don't have to be stiff. Anyway, on the topic of my personal servant, I've already picked one."

"Who?" MIna enquired while looking slightly intrigued.


"I see." She nodded her head like his decision was completely natural.

"You're not surprised." He asked as his eyebrows raised. Though he did expect her to have this reaction.

"Kaname-sama, you picking Mina wasn't that surprising considering she's someone your own age. It would make sense for you to have done that."

While he didn't consider that when he picked her it did make sense from their point so he had no complaint. Though he could already tell she was expecting him when he came into the kitchen as she wasn't the best at hiding her intentions since she was a child. Well if they expected that then now he would have no personal stalker.

"That's true."

He looked back at the empty silver plate that showed his contemplating face on it. Sharp black eyes that looked as if they could see through you and he had black hair split up into two parts reaching just above his eye. He prefered for it to not reach his eye as it would blind him. If you would rate him on how handsome it would be above average.

"Oh it seems like we've finished, I'll take the trays back." Hinata stood up and took the trait. Walking out of the room she closed the door behind her.

"So what now?"

He looked up at her as she asked the question. She was certainly relaxed.

"You adapt fast to people's behaviour don't you."

"You're the one that said it's fine for me to act like this and insisting on keeping a servant personality seems like it would bother you and we'll be together for the next 4 years."

The Ryougi only protects their children from assassination plots till they were 10. If they died after due to one then they were merely unfit of being a part of the Ryougi family which was honestly quite cruel. Of course his Father didn't allow this but he couldn't completely change the rules as his Brother wouldn't allow it.

"I'm glad I picked you then there is no way I could handle being treated stiffly all the time. But…" he sat up straight and his tone shifted into an authoritative one." Make sure to treat me with respect in front of other servants and just because I'm lax doesn't mean I want disrespect from you. I want respect but I'm not asking you to be stiff like all the other servants. Do you understand?"

She sat up straight and nodded her head stiffly.

"That's good I hate repeating myself twice," he said, standing up and walking around the table towards her."Let's get along Mina." He held his hand out, she slowly grasped it and they shook.

Well establishing his position was over now. But it was a necessary decision as they were gonna be close to each other for the next four years.

"Anyway let's go walk around, sitting down all day gets boring."


Opening the door they took a walk down the hallway. Right now he was heading towards the Shiki room. He wondered if she was playing by herself or if another servant was looking after her.

Sliding the door open he saw she was playing with a stuffed Teddy bear while another servant sat on the opposite side.

Standing up quickly she bowed her head.

"Kaname-sama, how may I help you."

"Nothing really, me and Mina are gonna take Shiki so you can go ahead and focus on any other task also please tell me when my Mother and Father come back."

"Alright." She walked out of the room.

Well he had come to play with Shiki, picking up one of the Teddy bears on the floor and he made it start dancing.

"Aren't you gonna help? You're gonna have to get used to my daily life for the next 4 years."

"If it includes playing with this cute little girl then I'll enjoy it," she said with a giddy tone.


A few hours had passed and his parents had arrived and they had agreed to his decision but his Father didn't agree so much. And right now they were both sitting on a table opposite each other, both of their personal servants were standing by their sides with their hands in front of them and looked at the floor not raising their head.

"Explain to me again why you need books on magecraft?"

"It's to prepare against any assisnation plots against me since I have more knowledge on magecraft." The half truth naturally rolled off his tongue with a smile that was on his face that looked like it wasn't lying. He had already tried the excuse of wanting to just learn about magecraft but his Father denied it saying there was no reason. So he tried to be more truthful.

Of course his actual objective was so he could practice magecraft but the assassination part had some truth.

"That's a fair argument but you don't need to be preparing so soon you're still a child so it's fine for you to go outside and play like a normal child. You being a super genius doesn't change that," He reprimanded Kaname while nodding his head as if his words were absolute and could not be changed. Although he wasn't the most affectionate he did love his son.

So he wouldn't change it..

Kaname's eyes looked down at the table with an empty look, there were no emotions in his eyes and his face looked hollow devoid of any emotion. Looking back up, Kaname's eyes had met his Father and he had flinched at them.

"Father I know you care about me but the fact I'm a super genius even if I'm not the heir means my life is in danger at all times, in 4 years when I have to defend myself and something happens that I can't defend myself against I will die. And that's irrefutable," he coldly stated, it wasn't meant to hurt his Father in any way, it was just the cold harsh truth." But if you let me study it in advance I may survive and as a Father wouldn't you want your son to survive."

Everyone in the room, even the servants looked taken back at his words. He was basically saying if he died to magecraft it would be his fault and for a son to tell something like that to their Father. It was quite cruel but he didn't hate his Father. His Father was a better parental figure than his own Father and he was a better family than he ever had but he had to be prepared in a world like this.

A sigh came from his Father as his shoulders dropped and he looked at him with a small frown on his face.

"You're right about that, fine I'll get some books on magecraft for you," he said." Just make sure to enjoy your childhood as well, don't forget that. There is a saying ``someone living in the future won't be able to enjoy the present."

Living in the future huh. Maybe he was but he couldn't help it, he had to prepare for everything that was gonna happen like the fifth holy grail war, Goetia, alien gods and other things that may interrupt him. How was he supposed to just live like all those things don't affect him. And those who enjoyed their future were people who put effort in the present towards their future, his current happiness didn't matter.

"I understand." Nodding his head, his eyes regained the emotion it had and his mask dropped.

It felt weird using that mask after several years but he still had the natural talent to pull it off.

The room had an awkward air permeating through it now and not a single noise was heard. Of course it would be awkward after what he had just said.

"I'm gonna leave now."

His Father nodded his head. Kaname and Mina walked out of the room with her following a little behind him as it was another of the custom rules. This was because if she was right next to him she couldn't see anyone clearly from behind but from the distance behind she was walking she could still read his and see his back. It was honesty quote amazing how far they went to prevent assassination they probably had it happen lots of time as to have so many things to counter it.

"Kaname-sama, was that all right?"

"I thought you weren't gonna say anything about it but that's fine it's not like I prefer you not having an opinion. Anyway it's fine , he probably won't get too hung up on it." He shrugged his shoulders without care, of course he was a little worried but it wasn't like what he did was the end of the world ending. He just said the truth.

"I see that's nice, a child deserves to have a good parent."

"Why are you acting like you're older than me by a lot? You're only two years older."

"Your right I'm-"

"I'm not scolding you just don't be so hung up on everything I say," he waved his hands about dismissing her concern without care.

Though he wasn't facing her out of the corner of his eye he could see a little smile on her face. What was she exactly smiling at? He had many assumptions but he didn't really care though.

Sliding the door open to his room she followed him in. Honestly he felt this one violated his personal privacy a little but she at least wasn't in the same room as him and he could dismiss her from the room. It was just every hour she would have to knock the door as she stood outside looking for suspicious people and he felt making her stand outside all the time was quite cruel

Of course her normal life changed significantly as well but parts of it remained normal like her cooking and cleaning. Though she only handles his cooking to check for any tampering and the Ryougi didn't let one personal servant do it but multiple to prevent betrayal. And any room he usually went to she would have to clean up to check for anything there. It was quite extreme.

Sitting down on his bed he looked around his room. His had quite a different layout than others aa he had customized it himself. He had a bed right next to the wall and a desk a few meters next to it that had a book and some notes placed on it with some notes attached to it, he also had a comfy black chair that made him want to fall asleep in it. Hanging up on the wall was a picture of him,Shiki, his Mother and his Father. And on the floor was a brown table that he sometimes used. On the opposite side of his bed was a bookshelf with all sorts of book their. It didn't really suit the traditional Japanese theme but it was his room so they couldn't do anything about it.

"Do you just want me to stand on the side of Kaname-sama?"

"No. You can take a seat."

"Yes," she sat down on the chair and her eyes wandered towards the notes attached to the wall and on his desk.

Of course he never left anything actually important there; he was just studying the neutron connection in his brain to see if it could be improved further as he was a child right now. The family just thought he was interested in it and Mina wouldn't even be able to understand it as if was a university level topic.

"So you like complicated things?" Was all she could enquire to break the ice in the room.

"I guess you could say so anyway I want to do something else with you. Let's play icebreaker," he said with a smile at her.


"It's a game where we throw questions at each other and the other answers so we can find out more about each other. I want to get to know the person who's gonna be by my side for the next 4 years."

"Mhm, it sounds fun then let's do it," she clasped her hands together joyfully looking excited at the prospect.

They had gone back and forth longer than an hour and if he was being honest she was quite unique not in a rude way but truly unique. Her favourite pet is spiders, she uses her succubus blood to make her own dream world where she can do anything, she wants to be a musician and there was a list of things she could go on . She truly was opening up to him unlike his past servant. Though there was one thing that disgusted him…

"Wait, wait. Did you just say you like pineapple on pizza?"

"I did."

Although he wasn't one to judge he currently felt like he was making a very disgusted face at her even though he couldn't see himself. She opened her eyes wide and started clutching her stomach as she saw his disgusted eyes looking at him.

"Your face," she said while wheezing trying to become calm again.

"We are never gonna eat from the same pizza box," he said without a doubt .

The remaining talk was nice.. or well it was the first time he was having a natural conversation with someone other than his family members. At the age of 6 he should be in elementary school but for some weird reason his Mother decided he would only enroll when he was 7 so she really was the closest thing he had to a friend right now. If they would become one he was unsure.

Looking outside the sky started to become dark and he looked at the clock hanging above the door.

"It's time I should be going to bed."

"It is, it was enjoyable as well," she let out a sigh as she stood up and slided the door open. She looked back at him." If you need me for anything just please knock the wall and I'll instantly come later."

Yeah that was also to prevent assassination and so Mina could hear if anything happened.


She closed the door and he had decided to lay down on his bed. He could finally carry on with making his artificial circuits. Fixing his breathing he repeated the process again over a while, he had done it for 3 hours in general so he had made six new artificial ones though he couldn't help but be disappointed at the meager qualification

But it was another step forward so he wouldn't complain.


"My name is Kaname Ryougi, I like baseball. Let's get along."

Standing up in front of the room he had introduced himself to his class. Although his introduction was quite disappointing, how was he supposed to know what to say to a group of 7 year olds?

"You're quite bad at this," Mina giggled while sitting next to him.

Since they were around the same age they had her also be enrolled to the same year(protection as usual). Although a 9 year old kid in a group of 7 year old would normally be suspicious she had a mystic code that was a necklace which made people not bat an eye to it.

Class was unusual? Maybe because he already had a stable job in his past life and could do all of this with his eyes closed. Or maybe it was because he was homeschooled in his past life for a majority of his childhood.

"So how did you find school?" MIna asked, tilting her head to his side as they accompanied each walking back from school.

The rule about not standing to each other was broken as they became closer but that didn't mean she let her guard down, it was just preferable to walk side by side. Right now they were walking back home by themselves. The school had allowed it because they knew they were from a rich family so they thought a car would be waiting outside.

"It was boring everything they were studying there I already knew, I barely managed to stay awake."

"You don't have to brag you're a genius you know plus you didn't seem like you hated it that much," a smirk came across her face as she said that.

The only reason he had gone through the lesson was because he was communicating to Mina with hand sign-

A foul sensation ran up through his skin and it felt like worms clawing up all the way inside his body. He unconsciously gagged and looked towards where his senses were warning him off.


She couldn't feel it? So how come he could feel it… Wait demon hunting family specialised in hunting demons . It wouldn't be strange for him to be able to sense something like that.

Reporting it to the family was obviously the best decision yet his body walked there like it was being controlled by a puppet. Using every out ounce of his will power he tried to run away but he couldn't.

"Kaname-sama, are we under attack?" She whispered into his ears closely. He was quite lucky for her quick thinking.

Nodding his head slightly she followed him into the alleyway without hesitation. The further they walked down the alleyway the more they saw dead bodies laying their covered up in blood, eyes sticking out from the body. Heads cut off from the body and even intestines slightly showing from the body.

The colour in Mina's face quickly drained and her breathing rapidly increased, her eyes dilated as if she didn't comprehend what she was seeing. She was a nine year old child and she didn't deserve to have to see this.

As for him he looked at the corpses apathetically, the sight of corpses like these would never be forgotten by him and he hated seeing them again in his new life.

Opening up his artificial circuits he wondered how he was gonna get out of this situation. His cards weren't looking so good while his ally was scared, he may have to cheat a little bit..

"K-k-kaname-sama" she pathetically called out looking as if she wanted to grasp her Mothers arm right now and bawl in it .. he couldn't be disappointed at her she was just a child did anyone actually tell her what she was going to have to in these jobs.

"Mina, just close your eyes," he softball called out as he patted her head with one of his hands. She looked at him with shock, she was supposed to defend him yet he told her to close his eyes. But the fear overtook her priority as his bodyguard/ servant so she had closed her eyes.

έλεγχος μυαλού(obey)

He whispered to himself before he walked in front of her.

And even though his body was being forced to come towards here it didn't mean he had lost all control so there was a potential come back.

"What do we have here?" A faint voice called from the shadows of the corpses.

His heart started to beat louder and he could hear it banging against his chest, this was about to be his first battle.