
A Jock's life in Classroom of the Elite

What if instead of a Red Haired Sudou Ken, we'll have another Red Head instead.

Gold_Silver_4810 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

(edited) Resolved.

When I woke up, I found myself in a white space. Looking around I remember this is the hospital bed room. I thought the first person I see when I woke up was the nurse or Sakura, but it was someone I hadn't expected.


"Hey. Are you feeling okay?" Ayanokouji is in the bedside looking on his phone or something.

"Well yeah. Did something happen?"

"Yeah, about that..." Ayanokouji began explaining the situation to me.

Apparently the fight we had with Class C become a huge issue in the school. The guys from Class C filed a complaint about me for getting violent with them. As expected, they suffered severe injuries that I didn't inflict to them in the fight. They suffered several broken bones and their faces are black and blue. Just like the original.

Class D after knowing my situation, they stepped up to try defend my innocence. Hirata spearheaded to lead the class to help me, along with Kushida's amazing social skills, they began looking for ways to help me.

Class D and Class C undergo the first trial. Since I wasn't there, only Horikita and Ayanokouji attended. Horikita used facts and logic to refute Ishizaki and his pal's claims, but she lacked enough evidence.

It was then that Sakura finally mustered up the courage to reveal herself as a witness. She was the key to the Class D's victory. The decisive evidence she showed was the video recording she set up a little earlier before I met her in the roof.

That is when things get dangerous because halfway through the fight, her camera got broken by the collateral damage. It wasn't clearly shown if my self defense was excessive or not. The scene where they chose to involve Sakura as their hostage also wasn't shown. Sakura claimed that I only do what I did to protect her. Class C refuted her saying that she's obviously lying, they didn't have any intentions of involving a girl. They went back and forth not intending to give the other side even an inch.

It was then that Class B cooperated with Class D. They worked together to make Class withdraw their complaint by installing fake security cameras in the new special building. That is what happened just earlier.

"...that's the gist of it."

"I see. How many days had past since I slept?"

"About three days."

I was out for three days and I felt like I got left behind. A lot of things happened when I wasn't there. It felt like skipping a whole arc in an anime or an entire volume of a manga or light novel.

And just then, I remembered that there's an urgent event happening around this point of time.

"Hey Ayanokouji, where's Sakura?"

"Sakura? She said she has things to do. Why do you ask?" Ayanokouji said.

The feeling of dread crept to my body. It's like millions of ants are crawling beneath my skin. Then a ghastly force is about to grasp on my hart touching it.

It looks like he wasn't taking action this time. I need to hurry, or else everything will be late. I don't need to think hard about complicated things, I need to move.

"Ayanokouji, I'm sorry but I'll leave things here to you." I said as I pulled out the IV needles from my arms roughly without any care of the pain.

"Where are you going?" Ayanokouji immediately is alerted.

"There's no time to explain! If you want to follow me then come."

I immediately leapt up to run, not bothering to change my hospital clothes or anything. I ran through the hallways as fast as I could. I almost ran into a nurse carrying several medical equipment but I agilely sidestepped away.

My brain is working overdrive finding the shortest pathway out of this school. I know this sensation, it's the feeling I usually got when the game in basketball is close.

And then I saw an open window. My brain didn't even spend a single nanosecond to process the information and my body already moved. And I leapt through the hospital building from the third floor. I couldn't even see Ayanokouji following behind me anymore.

I ran and ran and ran, following my body purely out of instinct. And then I finally arrived when I saw Sakura. It's in a dark alleyway near the Keyaki Mall.

Maybe because of finally achieving my goal, or the relief that rushed into seeing Sakura safe, my body finally got away from that sensation.

"Please don't contact me anymore!"

"Why would you say something like that? You're my treasure… Ever since I first saw you in a magazine, I've loved you. Meeting you again here, I felt like it was destiny. I love you… I can't stop feeling this way about you!"

"Stop… Please, stop it!" Sakura shouted.

She took something out of her bag. Letters. It looked like dozens... no, hundreds of letters.

It's exactly like I was worried about. It was irrational following my gut feeling, but it has proven correct. No it has always proven me correct all the time. I couldn't count how many times I was saved based on this instinctive feeling.

"How do you know my room number? Why do you keep sending these?"

"Why? Of course I would know your room number and send you letters. It's because our hearts are connected."

"Please stop it. It's bothering me!"

She tossed the bundle of letters to the floors, rejecting the man's unrequited love.

"Why… Why would you do something like that? Even after I wrote out my feelings to you!"

"D-don't come any closer!"

The man closed the distance between him and Sakura. He walked with an intensity that made it look as though he were about to attack. Latching onto Sakura's arm, he shoved her up against the store's shuttered door.

"I'll show you just how much I love you now… If I do that, then you'll understand, Sakura."

"No, let me go!"

Seeing this scene happening, my body immediately heated up. Gone was the relax serene feeling earlier replaced by volcanic rage.

"You bastard!" I flashed towards the store clerk and grabbed his wrists.

"Wh-what?!" The store clerk looked flustered upon seeing an intruder.

"Sakuragi-kun... Why are you here?" I could hear Sakura behind me.

I immediately clasped on his collars and listen him up from the ground and slammed his back to the walls.

My seething rage calmed down when I felt a tug on my hospital clothes. I looked back and saw Sakura, she was trembling. Maybe out of shock of the sudden violence.

"Sakuragi-kun." Sakura looked at me with pleading eyes.

Looking at her, I realized my anger took control of me. How many times did something bad happen because I was always like this? This isn't good.

I released the man from my voice grip. I glared at him from where I was standing, towering over him like a giant.

"Get lost."

"G-goodbye! I won't do that ever again!" He scurried away from here.

Later I need to report this to the school. I can't rest assured a creep like that crawling around this school.

"I guess I'm no good after all... I couldn't do anything by myself in the end." Sakura said with self depreciating voice.

"Hey, that's not true at all. It was really cool when you threw those letters to the ground. It was rash of me, trying to meddle around your affairs. You did well."

"Really?" Sakura looked at me in the eyes. It was the first time I saw her eye to eye, I could tell she's really cute.

"Yeah! You're so cool Sakura." I gave her a thumbs up with a smile.

Moment later Ayanokouji arrived.

"Took you long enough Ayanokouji!" I waved at him.

"I prefer if you didn't run away like that. The doctors and nurses are panicking at the hospital right now. They're begging me to bring you back." Ayanokouji said.

"Ha ha ha! I know I could rely on you!" I also gave him a thumbs up.


And with that everything got resolved.


The next day I went to school.

"Sakuragi-kun, I'm so glad. Are you feeling alright?" Hirata immediately came to me full of concern.

"Yeah. I still feel some headaches occasionally. But it's manageable."

"You don't need to push yourself. I'm sure the school will understand."

"Thank you, but I'm really fine now."

Hirata is a good guy. He genuinely is concerned for me. No wonder he's so popular. He was really sincere and kind from the depths of his heart.

"Good morning Sakuragi-kun! Thank goodness you're fine. I'm so worried about you you know?" This time it was Kushida that came to me.

"Good morning Kushida. Thank you very much. I heard how much you helped me."

"I just want to help my friends. I'm so glad everything is fine!" She smiled brightly at me.

Oh gosh, if I wasn't aware of her acting I would've fallen already.

"Good morning Horikita. I know I caused you a lot of trouble. You have my thanks, really."

"Seriously. If you only do something about your behavior, we wouldn't be in trouble in the first place."

"Ha ha ha, praising me like that doesn't make me least bit happy." I was grinning widely.

"I wasn't complimenting you." Horikita chided. Classic Horikita, she didn't even return my good morning.

Then lastly, I looked over Sakura's desk. Her usual gloomy aura surrounding her looks like it lessened. She looks completely different from the one I saw her on the roof, wearing school uniform and her fake glasses to cover up her appearance.

"Good morning."

"Good day Sakura! I heard all about what you've done for me from Ayanokouji. I guess I owe you big time."

"N-No, Sakuragi-kun doesn't need to thank me. I'm the one who should be thanking you. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be in this situation. You even saved me..." Sakura looked guilty.

From the look on her face, she really had the sad look on her face. As if she shouldered all of the blame that caused me.

"You don't need to feel bad about it. Even if I get suspended or got disqualified my spot as a regular, I wouldn't regret the thing I did. I only do the right thing. As a man, it's only natural to stand up and protect you. That's why I want to get stronger." I said pumping at my fist and flexing my biceps.

Sakura looked at me, but then I could feel her facial expression softened up. It seems I was able to cheer her up.

Still every day life has gone back to usual. Now we need to think about the Finals the first semester. And then there was about the vacation Chabashira-sensei told us during summer.

The first special exam in the uninhabited island will be a challenging one. It will be a different way of exams the students are used to. I don't really have any plans on what to do in the upcoming events. I decided to let it naturally go.

There's also the tournament this summer. I really need to prepare for that one. I need to bring the school to Inter High.