
A Hunter's Journey

A simple small game hunter bored with his monotonous life sets out to explore the world and make something of himself. What adventures await him? What creatures will he encounter? Read to find out (:

Synkronist · Fantasia
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4 Chs

The Beginning of Something Great.... Hopefully.

Well, I'm not very good at journaling, so I guess I'll take the simple approach.

Hello! My name is William. Hope you find that interesting enough, because I'm not about to give you this long backstory about a far too simple life that I know you wouldn't even care about.

The cliff notes, I am a small game hunter from a village in the eastern end of my country, (which I suppose I can give more details about later) and I have decided that this life just isn't it for me.

I have my reasons, but chief of them would be that I can't stand being stuck to this small village that I've called home for the past 23 years. I need something to make me excited about getting up in the morning, not the same monotonous existence until the day I drop dead.

I'll spare you the details, you get the idea.

Long story short, I've decided to leave this boring life behind and become an adventurer.

Now, you may be asking, what is a handsome but inexperienced man like myself going to do to survive on his own in the wilderness? Well, if you're asking that, you must have missed the fact that I'm a HUNTER. Okay, maybe not a great one, but I can sure handle (or at least avoid) the usual threats and secure enough food for myself to survive.

I even took some lessons from a friend of mine who was a craftsman. I can put together simple tools or weapons if necessary, clean and repair equipment, etc. That much will be easy.

Now, what might not be so easy to handle is the fact that I'm broke and currently have no means of making money, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it....

Well, I have finished packing up my belongings and am ready to head out. If you're wondering what exactly I have, you shouldn't be, it's not all that impressive.

A simple but pretty well-made longbow, a set of large hunter's knifes for butchering and the like, my old and worn leather armor, a pouch of what little money I have, and a map of the region.

If you're wondering why I didn't bring food or water, not only do I lack the space to store significant quantities of food in the first place, but I usually only stock up on enough for the day, and I just ate.

I know, "how reckless of you", but I really don't like the idea of killing more than I have to simply for my own benefit. Of course, the only reason I have such a principle is because I can afford to.

Put simply, I'm confident in my skills. I might not enjoy my lifestyle, but I'm not half bad.

Oh and of course, my magic reduces my need to eat, sleep, and drink so I can go quite a while deprived of nutrients and still be relatively healthy.

Did I forget to mention that magic exists in this world? This is why I'm bad at journaling, I always exclude the most crucial details. What if this journal got sent through spacetime into another world where it eventually became a popular book?! I certainly wouldn't want that book to exclude such important details if I were the reader. Alas, I am lucky that I at least mentioned it in the first chapter.

Now that we've gotten all that out of the way, it's time for one hell of a journey.