

-The sounds of pouring rain became a background noise as a car skidded past a tall gate, stopping just about past it. The doors opened, revealing a lonely figure. It was a man with striking white hair on the border of being blue and silver. A pair of dark shades covered his eyes making it hard to tell his eye color. But they will surely be stunning.

He walked to the gate with his long legs under the rain without getting wet, as if the waters were doing him an honor. Silently, he waited, leaving his car to zoom away. After what seemed like an endless wait, the gates finally moved.

"Mr...?" A man under the umbrella asked. He had average height and features but stood unfaltering in front of the gate.

Kai didn't speak. He made a slight gesture with his fingers revealing the pass he was given. Upon noticing it, the guard's attitude changed, becoming more welcoming.

"This way Mr Kai." The guard said, gesturing to the Greek styled castle made from probably clay or marble within the gates.

Kai nodded satisfied.

He was led to a large structure within the castle but he seemed unfazed, by its magnificence as if he had seen bigger, scarier things.

They arrived at a section of the structure and the guard knocked on the door a few times before it finally creaked open bringing in the sight of darkness.

"This way Sir", he said and led him deeper into the darkness.

After a while they broke out of it to a room moderately lit, though too big for one.

The guard walked forward bringing him in front of a door that was made from polished oak in the room.

"He awaits you" he spoke.

Kai just nodded as if bored by the whole process. Looking at the guard's leaving silhouette he sighed and opened the door.

In the room there was a table capable of fitting ten people. Five people sat behind one side of the table, leaving one empty chair opposite them. On noticing his arrival one of them with a hair color similar to his stood up. He smiled.

"Mr Kai" he proclaimed

Kai just gave him a slight smile, sat on the empty chair and asked, "Where is my wife?"

The people opposite him grimaced, obviously by his lack of respect.

"Now calm down will you, she ain't running you know"

A man said, with eyes so deep and color opposite his -Black- His hair matched his eyes appearing even darker. He had this evilness surrounding him and a perfect face, he looked young, but his eyes glinted with wisdom betraying his age. It didn't take long to know that he was his target. The person in charge.

Kai cleared his throat, showing his agreement.

"Lucifer, that's my name" the man called. "This", he said, pointing to his right, "Is my wife, Sasha". It was woman that appeared to be in her early fifties but she was definitely older than that. Her hair was gray probably from age and long enough to reach her waist. Two ember eyes and sharply arched eyebrows defined her face. She was expressionless.

"And that man standing is your wife's father, Leon, the woman beside him is her mother Sarah, and the girl beside her is your wife, Sia."

He said introducing the others on the table even though Kai already knew the father and daughter.

"Now that you know us, why don't we know you as well" he suggested when his guest remained silent for a while.

Kai sighed as if he had been given a difficult chore.

"I'm Kai"

Lucifer nodded

"So, now that you've seen your wife I believe we should arrange a date for the union" he paused, "Or do you prefer taking her today?"

"If possible" Kai answered almost immediately

"I already have her bride price, I would like to take her with me today." He continued

Lucifer smiled, glanced at her parents, and then looked down at the bride in question.

"What do you think Sia?"

A woman with white hair similar to her father's, a lean figure as if just growing flesh, with her head lowered, looked up, then looked at her mother, looked at the man in question before turning to her grandfather. She nodded albeit slowly.

Lucifer smiled, before bringing his gaze to Kai. "I guess we should make it official now huh?" he said bringing out a paper.

"Sign here, and here and she is all yours". He said pointing to different parts of the yellow papers.

Kai took the paper and signed it without hesitation.

"They will arrive tomorrow" Kai said, referring to his people, then added "with the bride price. Tell them anything you need, make arrangements with them too".

He then turned his gaze to his wife, stood up and said "Let's go"

Sia gazed up, looked at her parents with reluctance but eventually stood up knowing she was delaying the inevitable. She walked towards him and paused, then bowed to her grandparents and mother who had blank expressions, before following the man out of the room. Her father was not too far behind, serving as their escort to the exit.

They reached the tall gates, with the rain still as heavy as it was and a car almost identical to the previous parked silently near the gates, it's fuel burning silently.

Kai opened the door, allowing Sia in. He closed it and turned around to head to the other door when he felt a cold hand on his elbow. He was met with a silver eyes full of restrained emotions, different from the indifferent eyes he saw earlier in the meeting.

"Please..." Sia's father pleaded.

"I understand" Kai replied giving off a confident vibe. "Your daughter will be safe with me, I promise"

Those were the last words exchanged between them as the car disappeared into the distance, leaving the figure still standing outside the tall gates, he sighed and went back in.

Whereas in the car there was silence, with two people leaning on one side of the door. One with a somber expression wondering what awaits her in her new home and one with an expression unreadable with the purpose of his marriage unknown.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

La_wyrdcreators' thoughts