
A Hollow in DC and Beyond.

My Isekai into a world of heroes wasn't something to be celebrated. It was a mirage of violence screams until I was finally come to grips and took back control over my hunger and rage. I a Hollow was summarily dropped into the world of DC Comics and from the very get go it was a war of survival.

Azazyel · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
139 Chs

Chapter 66 literally almost perfect chapter to go say Hi to Lucy.

"This city feels weird," Galatea remarked as we landed in the city of Los Angeles via my Garganta.

"It's not surprising. LA is positioned over an entrance to Hell and literally is infested with the supernatural." I said frowning as my Pesquisa picked up dozens of supernatural signatures within not even a mile of where we landed atop one of the buildings near the Lux, Lucifer's bar.

"Well let's go meet Lucifer..." I muttered as I held Galatea's hand as we flew towards the packed entrance of the Lux.

We were both easily let into the Lux due to us both being in nice clothes, Galatea in a nice silver dress and myself in a black suit. Plus, I also minutely flexed my spiritual pressure onto the clearly supernatural bouncer that was standing guard in front of the door, and without even blinking he let me and Galatea in without checking our IDs.

Actually, if I got my ID from the Justice League do, they still count as being a fake? Or am I going to need to get a real one from the DMV at some point? I thought carelessly as Galatea held my arm as we entered the ultra-luxurious club and I saw the crowd of younger people all drinking and flirting with one another to the sinfully well-played piano music being played in the back-raised lounge area.

"He is the one playing the piano," I spoke softly as I honestly believed only Lucifer could play the piano so well that his music could mess with my very soul's wavelengths.

"Well let's go talk to him once he is done," Galatea said as she gently tugged me towards the stairs of the upper lounge area. While Galatea and I walked into the backside of the bar I realized my Pesquisa simply didn't work here in the Lux as my spiritual energy literally just flew out of my body and never pinged back to me when it hit anything, and I realized really quick that my soul energies were bound to my body.

I mentally mused that this effect was Lucifer's way of protecting the normal humans that came into and were within his club as with the way my powers were so tightly bound to myself, I wouldn't be able to 'crush' or influence people with my spiritual pressure and likewise any demons/vampires or whatever came here wouldn't be able to mess with the humans in the club though what happens to any humans that exited the club was fairly apparent with all the supernatural deaths that happen here in LA.

Coming to the end of the stairs leading up to the raised back area my eyes were automatically drawn to him... No, my eyes were drawn to the ideal form of The Morningstar. The being took on a masculine form now out of simple convenience or comfort but I could feel my very soul quake under the weighty gaze of one of the most powerful beings in this universe.

Lucifer's brown eyes laid upon me and Galatea for a long second before he looked back down to his grand piano and continued his piece as I helped the frozen form of Galatea sit down on a nearby couch to wait for Lucifer to end his recital.

"Try not to make eye contact with him. He is not human, nor should mortals interact with him if they value their lives." I whispered to Galatea who nodded as though she wasn't magically gifted at all. But after spending a few weeks in the land of Fairy and in my inner world, she had picked up the feeling of powerful entities she wanted nothing to do with.

Eventually, though Lucifer ended his song much to the club cheering with clapping resounding throughout it. But Lucifer only waved to the cheering crowd before he gracefully walked over and took a seat down on the couch in front of me and Galatea, with a glass of whiskey appearing in his hands without me catching a smidgen of power being used to teleport or even creating it from nothingness.

"So, what can I do for the child who clawed his way out of Hell and made something of himself," Lucifer spoke softly as his dark eyes focused on me and didn't even bother to look upon Galatea.

"I request information as to where Vandal Savage is. He is under powerful magical protections and is acting in the interests of Darkseid the God of Tyranny." I spoke bluntly but still with respect in my tone and Lucifer hummed in thought.

Lucifer then took a drink of his whiskey and as it the glass moved through the air, I caught the smell of the insanely potent brew as Galatea shuddered beside me and I could hear her swallow her gag at the insanely powerful smelling drink Lucifer drank with only a sharp inhale from his nose.

"Ahh..." Lucifer hissed and I saw a spark of flame or something in his nostrils and his mouth as he breathed outwards and then shook his head. "Yeah, why should I look into that? Sounds boring. Or in other words, it would be more entertaining watching you continue to flip over the world in search of that uppity shit Savage." Lucifer finally responded while wearing a smug smile.

"Jake he isn't going to answer let's just go humph!" Galatea cut in snorting as she realized Lucifer was likely just going tease or drive us around in circles for entertainment.

I didn't respond to Galatea's pulling on me I merely maintained eye contact with Lucifer as I spoke clearly. "I would be willing to owe you a favor for this. But if you won't accept such a favor, I will go try The Endless and see if they will help as Death is in town and I live just across the street from Dream." I said and honestly, Dream was by far the easiest Endless to find and get into contact with. As he was almost always within his Dream Realm which was within the Fae Realms.