
A High Functional Love

An online dating fanfic about Lexa Woods who has high functioning autism and Clarke Griffin who is a paramedic. The story about two different people, how they fall in love and everything in between. Happy ending for Clexa!

LisakomTrikru · TV
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Vacation Part 1

Lexa paced the length of her apartment and has been doing so for the last hours. The last few weeks have been pretty hard on them, work was stressful and they hardly spent any time together. So the brunette spent the better part of her Sunday morning searching for suitable vacation spots until she realized that well ... she had no idea what kind of vacation Clarke liked and the possibilities are endless. Lexa briefly considered asking Octavia or Raven but she wanted to solve this on her own without help. But four hours later she started to reconsider.

She had absolutely no idea what Clarke liked or at this point needed really. Her girlfriend deserved the best and Lexa was determinated to give her exactly that. But she was serious in not calling O or Raven, she has been asking for their advice too much lately. She could call Anya? No. Her sister deserved some rest as well. Lexa was running out of options. Then an idea strikes her ... an idea that is not really helping with her anxiety. Lexa pulls out her phone and searches for a number that Clarke gave her for emergencies.


Abby Griffin just finished a 48 hour shift. She has been looking for a glass of wine and some trash TV since about 6 am. Just as she's sinking on the cushions her phone starts to ring and she briefly considers not answering it. A quick look on the display, not recognizing the number, Abby accepts the call fearing an emergency.

"This is Abby Griffin"

Silence. Abby looks at her phone to check that the call is still connected.


Tense silence this time.

"Okay, I'm hanging up now.''

Suddenly someone is speaking, so quietly that Abby almost missed it.

"No, I'm sorry. Mrs. Griffin, this is Lexa. Lexa Woods ... Clarke's girlfriend?"

That makes Abby pause for a moment. She knows of her daughter's relationship, Clarke talks about Lexa almost excessifly but she has never actually met her. They both thought that it was too early and that the brunette needed more time to get comfortable with that idea. Because of that Abby is all the more surprised of this call.

"Lexa, hey. Is everything alright? Is Clarke okay?"

"No Clarke is fine. I ... I called because I need your help and I know this is probably well weird because we never met before but I don't want to disturb Octavia or Raven. So I thought that I could call you because who knows better than her mom right?"

That actually brings a smile to Abby's face. If she had to be honest she wasn't very fond of their relationship at least at the beginning. After years of experience in the medical field she's learned a few things about autistic people and she was afraid that it would be too much for her daughter. Clarke spent years without any sort of serious commitment and well being with Lexa was ... is exactly that. Over time and after many conversations over the phone Abby's worries disappeared as she could clearly see how much they loved each other and that this relationship made both a better person. So this gesture warms her heart because she could clearly see how much effort it took for Lexa to call her and ask for help.

"Well Lexa it is really nice to meet you now. How can I help you sweetie?"

"The last couple of weeks have been pretty hard on Clarke and I want to do something nice for her, like you know ... vacation. I want to take her on vacation. I've spent the better part of this morning searching for th perfect one but then I realized that I have no idea what Clarke's perfect vacation is. I mean we talked about going into the woods but I'm not sure whether she would do it solely for me."

"That's very thoughtful of you Lexa. What is your budget? Just so we can narrow it down."

"I've some money saved up, it's not exactly a trip to Hawaii but it should be enough to rent something nice for a weekend maybe? Depends on the location and how big it should be."

"Okay .. let's see. I'd say that Clarke's favourite vacation was the summer we spent in a cabin at the lake. It was a gift from me and Jake as She graduated from High School and she was allowed to bring her friends with her. Now that I think about it I may still have the booking confirmation, it's a bit expensive but that should be perfect for what you've planed."

The squeal that manages to break free from Lexa's mouth brings a broad smile to Abby's lips.

"Abby that is amazing. Thank you so much!"

"No, I have to thank you Lexa. You're taking such good care of Clarke. At first I was pretty worried when she moved away, even with her friends following her. I love those girls to death but you know those troublemakers, never a dull moment."

That actually gets a chuckle out of the shy brunette.

"Yeah, Octavia and Raven are a handful."

"Well Lexa, as lovely as this was I'm afraid I need to hang up now. I've just finished a shift and I'm getting really tired."

"Yea, no sorry for disturbing you."

"Don't worry sweetie. you can call me anytime okay? Not just for help if you need someone to talk to, I'm just a call away alright?"

"Thank you ... again. I wish you a nice day Abby."

" I'll mail you the booking details as soon as I can. Take care Lexa."


After another grueling shift Clarke wants nothing more than to curl up next to her beautiful girl. As soon as she steps up to the door a small smile works it's way on her face and she pulls the key out of her bag.

Lexa give her the key a week ago with the unforgettable words: " Clarke, this is the third time that the doorbell startled me so much that I almost ruined the paint of my tabletop figure, just knock and use the key." Which was probably the most adorable way someone ever gave her the key to their apartment. Clarke almost considered Lexa's bossy tone sexy if it wasn't for the gigantic Hobbit slippers on the brunettes feet.

As instructed she knocks before opening the door to the apartment that quickly became her safe space.

"Hey babe, I'm home!"

After hanging up here jacket Clarke turns around and almost jumps out of her skin. Lexa is right in front of her, sneaking up like some freaking ninja ... god damn slippers.

"Lex, are you out of your mind? You scared me to death! What the hell are you doing?"

"You're still breathing, your argument is therefore invalid."

"Don't get snarky young lady, I know you recognize light forms of sarcasm now, don't make me punish you."

Lexa tilts her head like a puppy, stoic face firmly in place.

"Is that something you are interested in?"

" Stop that right now, you're not fooling ... Sorry what did you say?"

"I said is that is that something you are interested in? I used your phone for a quick web search and found some interesting literature. I already made some research and some things were quite educational."

Clarke's jaw almost touched the ground, god this girl.

"Sorry Clarke, I'm getting of track. I have a surprise for you, would you accompany me to the living room?"

"Uh, is it something naughty?"

"No, why are under this impression?"

"Well ... you just said that ... never mind. You said something about a surprise?"

Lexa takes her hand and pulls her to the living room. The brunette stops suddenly beside the table and takes some papers off of it.

"I know that we talked about going away on vacation and that the last few weeks have been pretty hard on you, so I booked something for the weekend, I even took Monday off so that we'd have more time."

"Oh Lex, you are amazing. Where are we going?"

Without words the brunette passes her the small stack of paper and as soon as she sees the pictures tears fill her eyes.

"How did...? How did you know?"

"I called your mom a few days back and she sent me everything I needed."

"You called my mom?!"

This amazing human being. Clarke can only imagine how much anxiety the brunette had to work through to actually call her mom. She was so so proud of her.

"I wanted to make it perfect and I figured she is the best person to help."

Lexa barely has time to react before there are lips pressed against hers and a bone crushing hug squeezes the breath out of her lungs.

"God babe, you are amazing! I have to call Raven and O."

"They already know."


"They needed to know so that they could take the days off if needed."

The brunette actually has to cover her ears as the squeal that follows is too loud for their agreed indoor volume but how can Lexa be mad when Clarke looks this happy.

"I love you! So so much! But now you need to tell me more about calling my mom, I'm dying to know how that went down." The rest of the evening was spent with a lot of laughter and even more cuddles, neither of them burdened by their stressful weeks.