
Old beginning

As I gaze out to the setting sun, briefly for this current moment, I forget the world around me. The warm orange sun as it casts shadows from the horizon. The sky that phases from heated red to a cool dark blue. It makes me forget about the world.

Continuing to stare at the facing sun, I mutter to myself "Happy 9th birthday to me..."

I finally turn my head away from the sun as I confront the grim yet to me rather lacklustre reality. Its over, its the end of the world. Some cities are filled with zombies, others have been nuked. No one other than me is alive.

How do I know that you may ask? Its simple, because I am the only one who is not human. My birth was unique, I was born a herrscher, albeit looking like a human. When the earth's atmosphere has been plagued with honkai radiation, no human could survive.

Instead humanity made the decision to retreat and wait for the world to recover back when I was just 8. While most had decided to go into cryo sleep to wait for the next era, I decided to stay. Turned out to be a good idea as the plan failed due to the herrscherof corruption. I had no good reason to join the plan as my parents and step brother who adopted me had died and so was everyone I knew. Thought I might as well see the end of the world.

"Man, I'm thinking like an old man."

While I am alone, I am more or less fine with this. There are times when I am extremely bored but I can typically pass the time using some old music I got recorded on my phone. So I'm really glad I downloaded over a thousand songs! Even so it still gets lonely.

"Never thought I would admit I would get lonely, took a year but I think I finally understand what it means to be alone. I guess this is what is ment when they say you only understand the value of something when you have lost it."

Uniquely, I discovered I was rather apathetic. I didn't feel too sad when my parents or others died, just a bit shaken. What really hurt me was my older brother and best friend's deaths. They were the closest to me by far.

As I reminisce on the past, I come to terms with another truth. I didn't remember alot. I was never a person to cherish memories too much. Just one or two sprinkled ever now and across each of the years. I probably sound more mature for my age as I like being philosophical and prefer to think about the nuances of the world. Still doesn't make me an adult as I can still be naive at times.

"That's enough, I got to do the thing now, I've been going around collecting these herrscher cores, about time I put them to use."

I pick up the twelve cores around me, "Reason, Void, Thunder, Wind, Ice, Death, Flame, Sentience, Rock, Domination, Binding and Corruption, please grant me insight into your concepts so I can live anew and transend the boarder of this universe, to live anew somewhere I have never known or should ever know... man, how chunni but I got to make this special somehow. At least there is nobody to hear this."

Despite how chunni I sounded, for my goal what I needed was not just the 12 cores physically, but mentally. I needed to understand each and every single detail. While impossible with my human mind, everything changes with the core of corruption.

While there is the obvious utilisation of turning myself into a data-based lifeform like a computer virus, there is a much more important function which is that it turns its weilder into a genius. At least in a strictly logical area, but that's what I need. I have every component to become a god like the finality and all I need is a bit more time, something humanity unfortunately didn't have enough of... enough of these depressing thoughts, I gotta get cracking at these cores.

1 year later.

Alright, this is going to be the last day. Its my 10th birthday, wahoo... eh I can't really be bothered at this point. More importantly today is the day I am going to leave this world. I have dissolved the herrscher cores into my soul, it should be relatively easy for me to create new ones if I wanted. The biggest issue with this whole plan was not how to get to another dimension but being able keep my powers let alone keep my existence stable.

How is this all possible you may ask? Because my original herrscher powers are unique, the ability to adapt and evolve. If I wanted to stop being human I could but I'm fine just reinforceing every cell in my body using void barriers. It's like I am increasingly stats of a video game character.

Before I leave this dimension, I should at least check some of the worlds in the sea of quanta. Maybe I will find something interesting. At first I find nothing but destroyed worlds but then I come across this one particularly interesting world. It has just faced the herrscher of corruption and all normal humans have gone extinct except a few who are called M.A.N.T.I.S soldiers. They are part human and part Honkai beast. They are preparing their futile struggle against the finality and the planet's atmosphere has already become uninhabitable. I might as well try to give them a helping hand.

As I enter the world I find a desolate city and take a seat on a pile of rubble and proceed to wait. Why just do nothing you might ask? Its easier to just wait for them to find me than for me to go running about the entire planet to look for them.

Well, I stay there for about an hour before getting bored. I stand back up and then begin to wander the city. There are zombies and honkai beasts every now and then but the quickly die after I use a blade made of void barriers to bisecte them with ease. This world is alot more advanced than my old world. They are lucky to have some truely genius minds. I wonder if they are still alive, they could be a MANTIS after all.

As I begin to go on a trail of thought, I notice the presence of a girl behind me with my space-time fluctuation detection. Any object will display some level of gravity no matter how small, knowing that gravity bends space-time I can detect any matter by monitoring the small fluctuations in the surrounding space.

Before I turn around, the girl cautiously asks who I am. Who am I, huh. What a good question, "My name is Sirius, someone who should never exist yet does so, I was born as the herrscher of adaption. For now I hope that tells enough about me."

As I say so, I turn around and see a 17 year-old girl with vibrant grey hair. As I stare into her blue eyes, she puts on an expression as if she is deep in thought before she once again speaks, "I am Hua."