
New life

It's been about 16 years since I, Sirius Hoshi, was reincarnated. I look the exact same as I did in my previous life just a bit older. I have just entered by second year of highschool in Kouh. Nothing out of the ordinary or supernatural has happened. Literally nothing.

It is just a regular peaceful world where I am fully content living like an ordinary highschooler. My days are spent like this:

I wake up, eat, go to highschool, go home, play some video games or read some books, finish my homework, eat dinner, review recently published scientific papers and then finally go to bed.

A bit mundane but nearly every day is at least somewhat different in some way. I got no siblings or parents. I live by myself in my house and that's just about it. I was adopted by an elderly couple but they had died a few years back. Life goes on.

Despite all that, today was another good day. Chatted with a few other student, flexed my scientific and mathematical genius like usual, a normal good day with a bit of fun. So now that school has ended, I start to walk home. On the way to the convenience store I see Issei Hyodou with a huge grin on his face.

While Hyodou-san is well a pervert, I don't think he is a bad person. While he may appear to be a terrible person at first glance, and second glance, and a third. He hasn't done anything really bad. There are significantly worse people and Hyodou-san's perversion could probably be chalked up to hormones. He will probably grow out of this faze one day... hopefully.

Anyways, Hyodou-san is not a bad person asides being a disgrace among men. He watches out for his friends and is actually a rather good person. To bad he has tarnished his reputation beyond the point of no return.

Anyways, as I walk up to Hyodou-san I ask what has got him so happy. "Yo, Hyodou-san what's got you so happy?"

"Oh Hoshi-san, you won't believe it! I got a girlfriend and we are going on a date tomorrow!"

"Yeah, I don't believe it. No offence but your reputation is so abysmal I doubt any girl will think of dating you in the first place."

"That doesn't matter anymore, from today onwards I shall become a new man. I really got a new girlfriend."

"Is that so... again no offence but are you sure she is not using you for your money or something, she should have mentioned what she liked about you?"

"Well... actually I forgot to ask, I was just too overwhelmed when she conference to me Hoshi-san. I actually have never met her."

"It could be fake confession, but it could also be love at first sight. Just enjoy your first date, you will get to understand her better in your first date. Don't brood over it. The best advice I can give you is to enjoy, things will probably turn out alright in the end if you don't worry too much about it."

"Thanks Hoshi-san, you got great love advice!"

"Hahaha... ha I'm just giving you some general advice, I haven't dated anyone before though. Not like I am particularly desperate, I got a lot of time still. I'm just 16."

Thats right, I Sirius Hoshi have actually never dated before either. I'm not to worried about it though. Still I think being able to act normally rather than a fumbling mess is better for a date. There is one more, extremely serious thing, I must say, "Hyodou-san, you must absolutely not say a word about the taboo topics, nothing horny or you might lose this chance!"

"Understood!" Saying so, Hyodou-san hurriedly walks home, probably to tell the news to his parents. They unfortunately probably won't believe him though, thinking he was trying to cheer him up. Such a scene would be funny to see though. They also could just be happy for him, not like I'd know.

As I head to the grocery store, I buy some custard and ingredients for dinner. I wonder if I should make some homemade sushi or raman. Hmm, I think raman would be good, the custard would be a great desert to eat afterwards.

As I make my way home I see an abandoned church in the distance and a chill climbs up my spine. I feel something bad will happen. Hmm perhaps I should go home through the park tomorrow instead.

The next day...

"Issei should be on a date right now, maybe I will see them at the park. Feels like a good albeit cliche place to have a date. Maybe near they would be at the fountain?"

As I make my way to the fountain, I go into shock, someone is trying to manipulate my mind. There is this aura of 'stay away' that I am getting as I approach the fountain. If Hyodou-san is here I should check just incase.

As I make my way to the fountain. I suddenly hear Hyodou-san's scream of pain. Hearing it I begin to run to help him, I don't want to see him die, I'm not heartless.

As I approach the fountain and see a women with black wings in a BDSM suit and Hyodou-san on the ground bleeding out with a lance made of light stabed into him. I can't help but blurt out "What the fuck?"

I will have you know that I swear extremely rarely, but that just shows how shocked I am. Dude, I thought this was an ordinary world but now I am seeing this woman with black wings casting magic. What the hell man?

As the woman sees me she with a cold gaze says, "Another human, this one without magic or sacred gear, how did you get here? I thought the barrier would keep you out. Doesn't matter, just means that there is another I need to kill. Its your fault for coming here."

As my eyes open wide in shock I feel a hand on my leg as I see Hyodou-san muster up his courage to say "Run..."

How dare this woman kill Hyodou-san, he isn't even a bad person damn it. Sure he is perverse but it's nothing to actually warrant death.

As my anger boils I shout "How dare you, you absolute bitch!"

The women as she hears this becomes furious and tosses a light lance at me in response. If you are going to be an asshole and abuse the usage of magic I might aswell do so aswell. From the depths of my soul magic flares up and destroys the lance.

The woman falls into shock and fear as I proceed to annihilate the space infront of me erasing her existence.

After killing the bitch, I turn back to the bleeding Hyodou-san who has passed out from blood loss. I heal him up with some magic and sigh in relief that he is still alive.

As I face towards my nearly dead friend. I pick him up and teleport to my home. After wiping the blood off him, I lay him down in one of the spare beds in the house. What a day. As take a seat in my office chair, I take a really long sigh as I begin to process today's events.

Today, I totally, 100% met the supernatural and I am not being delusional. My friend, Issei Hyodou nearly got killed by that, hmm, let's call her crow woman, when she threw a light spear. She a fallen angel or something? Then there is that thing I found in Hyodou-san's pocket, that's totally a Demon Summoning circle, or is it a Devil Summoning circle? For right now, that doesn't matter, all I know is that today was literally insane.

Tomorrow, I am probably going to need to do a proper investigation searching for the supernatural in the world. If magic exists in this world, then I should grant myself some level of supernatural powers. From how that crow woman died, energy reserves equivalent to the first herrscher is well more than enough but to be careful I should awaken the same as the third herrscher. City destroying powers should be enough for any emergency... I hope. I might as well integrate the MANTIS genes aswell just incase I need a sudden power boost.

"What a day... am I working too much but god knows what the future holds." As I make my way from my bed and to the mirror, I stare at myself. A teenager, 175 centimetres tall with long black hair. Slightly muscular from workouts to stay fit, and gold glowing eyes from the release of my magic. And this Slightly handsome man has a viscous grin plastered on his face.

"Well looks like things are about to get fun!"