
Understanding the truth

Chapter Eleven

A hollow dark room it was, at least that's what it felt like to Cameron. It felt as if he was inside some sort of hollow dark room with no escape.

For any normal person they would be scared and confused, but he was just confused: on how he got to this point, and why he was at that point. The memory of his battle with Aiden flashed in his head, the things said by Aiden flashed in his head, and the decision Aiden made flashed in his head.

He now knew how he got here, why he was here, but he did not know where here was. Luckily for him he wasn't like any other person, he had the omnitrix and that became his source of light; figuratively and literally.

He pressed the horizontal buttons on the dial back-and-forth until he reached the alien he was searching for, he then raised his palm and slammed the dial into place.

A green flash clouded his vision; a green trail trailed out from his wrist and onto his entire body. His skin melted off his body and jumped down from above forming a cloak - Burn Out

The alien glowed in the area that appeared to be a hospital bed inside a cellar of some sort. Burn Out pushed forward an intense heat of fire that blew open the door.

The fire alien took a step out, right before he was about to cover his eyes from the suns rays, he took note of the hundreds of soldiers surrounding him with guns.

Burn Out fixed his grip and took in a deep breath before shooting a fire ball into the sky. The soldiers acted on instinct and fired at the boned heat alien. The alien shot up into the sky after the fire ball, avoiding the laser fires.

➜ [ Middleton [ Davenport Residentials]

Looking at her reflection in the glass, Katherine cringed; her face looked messed up, her hair was everywhere and her clothes looked terrible. She sighed and sat down in the center of the circular glass prison she was inside.

The room door pushed open; and entering was Xene, Nikki, Hunter, A masked man(mutant maker), The leading masked person and a cloak wearing masked Aiden. The four gathered in front of the glass circle.

"So tell me... Where are we?"

"Well the machine has been built, but obviously it will take sometime to fully become operational."

"We have all the time in the world." The masked women said. "The alien morphing boy is out of the picture, and we made sure that nobody would be able to connect with anyone out of the towns limits so somebody coming to help is unlikely."

"And if that were to happen?"

"Our mutant brothers and families will be there to help us."

"And so will I." Hunter added.

"Why are all the boys so dark and gloomy." Nikki whined.

"You want to be in the front lines? That's like a death wish."

"I don't care, just because I'm ranked higher in this system of ours doesn't classify me not to fight in front with the other mutants. My brothers and sisters are willing to kill themselves for this, that is why I will kill myself for them."

"You're crazy." Nikki added.

"You're one to speak." Aiden scoffed.

"Auw~ was that a compliment? Are you hitting on me Aidey-wadey?" Nikki asked in a caring tone. "Before i would've totally taken you, but um... Well... It's not all about looks you know."

"You have a death wish or something Hunter?" Xene raised a question, "I understand your loyalty to the others, but the mission comes first."

"Fighting in the front lines is for the mission."

"I'm just saying that you're crucial for the mission and losing you early-"

"Who cares about me, as long as my people will be okay then nothing matters."

"You're gonna regret that decision."

"Let me guess you'll make your thing over there handle it for you? Or what?"

"Thing?!" Nikki gave a crazy laugh and pulled out her knife, "Can you say that again please? I didn't hear you the first time."

Aiden stepped forward only for Xene to raise her arm, stopping him.

"Oh... You were referring to Aidey-wadey, he has a name yah know."

"I suggest the two of you stop, the world is- you know what, Hunter if you want to be in the front lines sure, let's just discuss the changed game plan in case of an attack."

Hunter and The masked person walked out. Xene groaned and turned to Aiden.

"Sorry about him, he's like that because his priorities are switched."

"It's fine..."

"Look Aiden, I get that you had to make two massive decisions on the same day nonetheless, but trust me when I say that you'll be happy that you didn't turn the decision down."

"Yeah. I will." Aiden turned to Katherine who had her back turned.

➜ [ Unspecified Location ]

WoodWorks moved back a bunch of soldiers from his way, some of the soldiers tried fighting back, but were stopped by small wood links.

The alien stretched his arm into one of the soldiers punching him back, he then moved his arm in a circle taking down multiple soldiers.

After digging into the ground, WoodWorks appeared behind one of the soldiers with a scare that made him turn pale. The soldier wanted to attack, but he stopped and stepped back.

A group of soldiers surrounded WoodWorks, all of them had their blasters pointed up and they were ready to fire. WoodWorks stretched above the men, looking down at them as if they were nothing to him.

In the crowd of soldiers, one soldier stood out. The soldier made his way to the front and took off his helmet that was covering his identity.

"Cameron... Stop."

"...grandpa..." WoodWorks spoke.

➜ [ Middleton [ Davenport Residentials ]

Katherine heard a knock on her glass. She turned to see the masked leading person standing there. The person waved.

"Hey kid."

"What do you want?"

"To finally tell you your purpose."

"My purpose to you? I rather not know, since you guys run by selfish rules."

"That's far from the truth, we're not selfish, at least I know I'm not selfish. You think I'm doing this because this will benefit me? No I'm doing this because it will benefit them."

"And who might they be may I ask?"

"My people! Our people! Mutants! Sure you don't count as a mutant, but by definition you are and because of that you have to understand why we're doing this, you haven't gotten around using your powers in public yet, so you don't understand what they are like to us."

"I already know the rights of mutants and how they are constantly wronged."

"So you understand... Say you understand?"

"What do you want?" Katherine asked, sternly.

"A world where mutants are able to live happily, and for that world to exist a sacrifice has to be made."

"And that sacrifice is me right?"

"No. That sacrifice is all humans on this world, we will make all of them disappear, starting with the town of Middleton. You're the key to our plan, because a machine that powerful can only be powered by powerful machinery. The omnitrix was an option, but we don't exactly know how powerful it is since the boy is only able to turn into a small amount of aliens."

"And you believe that I'm a way more powerful power source than the omnitrix?"

"Your mother was an option, but when we found out that you inherited what we wanted, we changed our minds."

"Inherit what? What are you not telling me?"

"The least you know of your powers, the least you'll be able to do with them."

➜ [ Unspecified Location ]

Marcy rushed into the room. She raised her head and smiled when she saw her cousin sitting on one of the chairs. She grabbed him into a hug, Evlyn followed suite and Spencer stood by the doorway waving.

"I'm so happy you're okay Cameron!"

Cameron lightly smiled.

"Katherine isn't."

"Yeah... We kinda know of what's going on in Middleton and trust me when I say to you, that we are working on it."

"Yeah we are."

"Grandpa kinda filled me in on some of the stuff. The whole mix thing."

"Yeah. After your entire reveal, the family decided to push public, well in their own way. They partnered up with some ex government workers and they were able to bring in some soldiers who are now training to become professional alien fighters like Marcy and I you know."

"The idea could use a bit more work." Cameron notified, in his depressed tone. "I was able to clear most of those people down with Burn Out and WoodWorks."

"Their one of your best aliens, of course it wasn't fair game. Especially when the people you were up against were ordered to hold back."

"They were holding back?"

A man stepped into the room and approached Cameron and Marcy.

Marcy stands up, "Cameron meet; General Stirfield. He's the current commander of the soldiers, of course that is until we get an official commander. He also kinda half runs this place."

"Cameron Lenardo, I've heard a lot about you. And I must say, I was shocked to death when I found out that those alien heroes was just some teenager."

"I'm sometimes shocked to... So are you like the corrupt nice guy or what?"

"I'm the good nice guy, at least I think I am. Yes I am. My father helped your family with the peacemaker alien stuff because they saved his life and mine; I'm forever grateful for that and that's why I was willing to acquire this job when they offered it to me. I love the government, but they aren't the best working partners when it comes to acting rash."

"Tell me about it." Cameron's grandpa entered the room.

"Lieutenant Daniel Damian Marko Lenardo!" General Stirfield stood in position.

"No need for that."

"I just can't help but do it, everytime you're around. My dad use to do it so much when you came over to visit."

"That guy was something else... Damn I miss Jim... He would have loved this partner up."

"That makes one of us." Cameron added, still depressed.

"Hey Cam, we need some help fixing a few things, you don't mind turning into Static-Brain and helping us out do you?"

Cameron turns to his grandpa who nods. "Why not." He activated the watch and slammed the dial into place.

Micromech flew besides Marcy and he sighed.

"He still works." Marcy added.