
A hero in search of a harem! No retreat and no surrender! (18+)

If you're tired of CHINESE IMPOTENTS, Wretched YAWNERS, and DARK ORS, then this is the place for you! The main character was just an ordinary guy, but he has a unique life ahead of him! Full of adventure and action. Well, and the harem will be replenished. (A SUPERMAN who travels in the worlds of the anime. Gg will not leave other worlds behind. He will live in all worlds at once!) [WARNING!!! FANFIC IS DESIGNED FOR DISCUSSION, RELAXATION AND ENJOY!!!] IN SHORT!!! THIS IS ALL BULLSHIT!!!! READ FOR YOURSELF!!!!

diniskei · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

Chapter 7! Getting to Know Your Parents!

I don't know when I woke up, but it was killer!

- Tilya, look, Sister Kurama wants to show you something! - Alice exclaimed.

I looked over there and saw her... Kurama, who was dressed in... In... In rabbit cosplay. With white ears and a bow and a fluffy tail!

- Alice, why? So I... Nine-tailed foxy Kubi, but Yoko... the strongest of the nine bijou... and imitate a bunny rabbit? THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE! - screamed Kurama.

- Sis, you're the one who wanted to seduce Tilla! This is how it is done! - said Alice, walked over to her and hugged her so their breasts were touching each other! I covered my nose with my hand!

- So, Tila... Who do you want first: me-nya or..." she looked at Kurama.

- Or me, drink? - said an embarrassed Kurama.

I couldn't keep the blood out of my nose and flew like a rocket a few meters away! Good thing I didn't lose consciousness!

I stood up and bumped my head against several walls and broke them, and then I put my palm out in front of me!

- Okay, girls, stop harassing me! - I said.

- Why? You're not attracted to us? - Alice made those eyes that made me feel like a jerk!

- No, you're very attractive and so are you Kurama, except there are a number of reasons why we can't do anything, yet! - I said.

- What reasons? - Kurama asked.

- Well, for one thing, we're in the inner world, and here all sensations are curtailed. And, secondly, I'm afraid that you won't be able to satisfy me..." I said, assuming that.

- I mean, do you think we won't be able to satisfy you even just the two of us? - Alice asked slyly.

- Well, sort of... Uh...

I didn't know what to answer and I actually regretted saying it emotionally. But at that moment Kurama seemed to have told her something.

- Wow! So... Really? It was the same in the comics. - Alice said, pounding her forehead with her fist.

- "What's that? What the hell kind of comic books did you read in there?"

- Yeah. Besides, we have to create bodies first. - Kurama said thoughtfully, and then looked at Alice.

- And since we can't satisfy you ourselves... .

- Then we need more girls! - Alice finished her thought for her.

And I had already run out of walls that could withstand the onslaught of my super head.

- Tilya... We don't mind you being with other women, just give us your time too! - said Alice smiling.

- What?

- You know... I've always been single and wanted a family. And when Alice came along, I was happier knowing that I had a sister! - Kurama said, smiling.

- Sis!!! - Alice couldn't stand those words and rushed to hug Kurama.

- I think so too! I think so too, because there are already candidates for your heart! - Alice said as she continued to hug Kurama.

- What kind of candidates? - I asked.

- Well... lots of them..." Alice pulled away and started counting.

- You are traveling through worlds and there are lots of candidates! - Kurama said.

- Even your sisters! - Alice said, smiling, and made me break down the walls I'd just created.

- So you don't mind sharing me with others?

- Yes!

- Yes!

- God...

Ah, okay! That's a game I can play too!

- Thank you! - I said, coming closer and hugging the embarrassed girls. After a while, they hugged me back and I, with a bright smile, confessed.

- I love you, Alice, Kurama...

- I love you too! - Closing her eyes, Alice said.

- I love you too, Tila. - And this is Kurama with a sly but gentle smile.

I was... tricked into confessing? Oh... Sneaky. Heh. But I have a trump card too.

We pulled away from each other, and I said...

- Girls, get ready, I'm going to introduce you to my parents!

- What do you mean parents? Now? I'm not ready! - It's Kurama.

- Tilya, we're not mentally ready for this. - said an embarrassed Alice.

- And why should you be prepared? - I asked, not expecting such a reaction.

- Tila! It's an introduction to your fiancé's parents! Meeting your father-in-law and mother-in-law! - Alice exclaimed!

- Um, so WHO?

- Come back in two hours, Tila! And we'll get ready! - Kurama said.

And she and Alice went back to the house.

And I walked out of the VM.

- Yeah... I got kicked out of my own world! Eh, my life is tinny. - I said and began to meditate to improve control over all my energies, especially Qi.

I want to repeat my favorite technique, one monkey!

Two hours later, I went back down into my inner world.

- What's up, girls? Ready? - I asked, smiling.

- Yes," said Alice.

- Yes... Kurama.

- Well then, let's go! - I said, and a seal appeared in front of us.

Just as I was about to rip it out, a hand came down on my shoulder.

- Don't do that, Tila! - said the Fourth Hokage, and my father, Minato Namikaze.



And from behind, someone hugged me.

- I'm sorry... I'm sorry, Tila..." Uzumaki Reiko said with tears in her eyes.



- Father, Mother... I'm glad to see you! - I said, turning around and hugging my mother back.

- You've grown so much, Tilla! - Daddy said, smiling.

- Please wait. - I said and began to pour my memories into their minds!


A few minutes later.

- So you're Superman? And you're from another world? What's it like out there? - My father asked shocked.

- Aha! It's fine.

- My son has saved the whole universe many times! And you ask such a thing? - Mom asked, looking at Dad.

- Yes. You're right, I'm proud of him!

- Minato, this isn't just any village! It's a whole universe of billions of worlds! - said Reiko, who couldn't calm down.

- Tila, even if you give up on us, we'll still be proud of you! - Father said.

- What are you talking about? Mom, Dad, I will always be grateful to you, because you gave me life! - I said.

Mom cried and hugged me. Dad joined in, too. And Kurama and Alice waited and didn't want to break the family idyll!

(I guess... That's exactly how Sasori felt...)