
A hero in search of a harem! No retreat and no surrender! (18+)

If you're tired of CHINESE IMPOTENTS, Wretched YAWNERS, and DARK ORS, then this is the place for you! The main character was just an ordinary guy, but he has a unique life ahead of him! Full of adventure and action. Well, and the harem will be replenished. (A SUPERMAN who travels in the worlds of the anime. Gg will not leave other worlds behind. He will live in all worlds at once!) [WARNING!!! FANFIC IS DESIGNED FOR DISCUSSION, RELAXATION AND ENJOY!!!] IN SHORT!!! THIS IS ALL BULLSHIT!!!! READ FOR YOURSELF!!!!

diniskei · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

Chapter 14! The Battle with Tsunade and Kushina's Thoughts!

- Where have you been? We've been looking for you. - Tsunade said with genuine concern.

I like her more and more.

Tsunade hasn't changed a bit. Except that she's a little prettier.

But I think I should upset her a little.

- Aunt Tsu, I'm fine now. - Kushina said.

- "Aunt Tsu?" - I thought and decided to intervene.

- Tsunade... Where were you this morning? Kushina was kidnapped by ambassadors from Kumo in order to get a ransom from Konoha or to sell to the enemies of the Fourth Hokage. - I looked at her coldly.

- What? You were kidnapped? - Tsunade began to examine her from head to toe.

- It's alright. Tilya-kun saved me and even cured me. - Smiling, Koushina replied.

- Tilya? - She looked at me, and her eyes widened.

- Girls... Go inside. I need to talk to this young man. - Tsunade smiled.

- I will. Thank you, Tila-kun. I'm indebted to you. - Kushina bowed to me.

- Don't mention it, Kushina. It's my pleasure to save beautiful girls like you. Only... Don't tell anyone that I saved you. - I said, with a charming smile.

- S-th-thank you. - Kushina said and ran into the house.

- Tilya-kun, thank you for saving my sister! - Naruko thanked her with a smile. Then she ran after her sister.

So... We're alone now.

- So... Tell me, why are you doing this? - Tsunade asked me directly.

- Why do you care? - I asked.

- They are in my care. I'm grateful that you saved her. Now I'll go to the Hokage and talk to him. But... Why are you doing this? What's your purpose? - What disbelief!

- Tsunade, are you completely stupid? - I asked, tilting my head.

- What? Yes, how dare you? - She shouted and let go of her Ki and attacked me.

Her blow would have smashed the rock into splinters...

But I didn't dodge it and just stopped it with the palm of my hand.

Oh, yes! The look on her face was unbelievable. Yeah, well... Anyone would be surprised.

A student at the Academy stopped an attack by one of the strongest Taijutsu masters in Konoha, and Sanin too!

- Tsunade..." I started to release my Ki, and Tsunade was horrified.

I was up against the God of War himself, and his Ki was greater than all the tailed ones put together.

His bloodlust is horrible, and I've grown one myself.

Imagine you kill Doomsday several times and he comes back every time.

- I think you should know why I'm doing this... Because... They're my family. - I said and Tsunade's eyes widened.

- Yes! I know who my parents are, and I know why everyone is so afraid of me. - Now, Tsunade started trembling at all.

- Don't worry... I know that you wanted to take me with you, but the elders wouldn't let you... I'm grateful that you took my sisters with you.

- How..." said Tsunade.

- I know everything about you. And I like you a lot. - I said, and then I moved closer to her and kissed her.

She couldn't push me away, because I'm stronger than her... Even though she's taller than me.

A little time passed and she stopped kicking.

I siphoned some chakra from her amulet and took some DNA.

After a while... I pulled away from her, while leaving some of Simba's cells to keep track of her.

- Tsunade, let's talk in two hours at my apartment... And don't talk to Hokage. I want you to hear everything from me first. - I said and disappeared into the shunshin, leaving Tsunade to comprehend my words.

She touched her lips and shook her head convulsively and disappeared into the shunshin as well.

Kushin's POV.

I went back to my room and lay on my bed, resting on my pillow... I thought about Teal...

I wonder... Who is he?

He was so strong. How did he defeat those kidnappers?

Tila said he liked my hair and that it was beautiful.

He's the first person since my father to say that to me. Splash! Red!

No, no, Kushina! You're a good girl,you don't fall for the beautiful,smart,strong,and caring..... Okay, stop! I said don't fall for it!

And yet... He's cool... Even the Hokage managed to defeat him, though in a strange way.

And his seduction technique works on everyone...

He chose these... Juicy shapes... His breasts were almost like Tsunade's!

- "Does he really like big ones?" - I touched my size 2 breasts and this at thirteen! I think I have a good chance.

Afterwards, I went out to the kitchen for breakfast. My sister and I met in the hallway and went together. And there, a red-haired Tsunade was sitting there, drinking coffee. She was thinking about something... Nodding her thoughts, then touching her lips in a blush and shaking her head quickly.

She was so absorbed in herself that she didn't even notice us.

- Auntie Tsu... Are you alright? - Naruko asked.

- Huh? Oh, yes! I'm fine... I was just thinking..." Tsunade smiled at us. There's something wrong...

After breakfast, I went to the shooting range to practice with my best friend.

And when I got there... Itachi was acting pretty much the same as Tsunade.

- Itachi! What's wrong with you? - I shouted.

She got scared and threw a kunai at me, and I quickly dodged it.

- Fuhhh... Kushina! Don't scare me like that! - Shouted Itachi.

- I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Listen to what I'm going to tell you....

And I started telling Itachi everything.


- Yeah, how dare they?!

- There!

- Did some guy save you? - I didn't say his name because Tila forbade it.

- Yes!

- Well, it's a good thing you're okay, then. Listen Kushina... A friend of mine..." Itachi blushed.

- He invited me to a picnic, tomorrow at noon, and said I could bring a friend. I want you to come with me. - Itachi said.

- Hoo... And who won the heart of our ice queen? -

I asked.

- Z- Shut up... There's nothing like that yet! - Shouted an embarrassed Itachi.

- Yet? - I asked with a smirk. And Itachi blushed again.

- Ahhhh... And yourself! You're in love with your savior!

- W-w-what? N-N-No! I'm not in love!

- But you were blushing so much! - returned Itachi's smirk.

- W- Shut up! Okay, I'll go with you. Now, let's start training. - I said. Itachi nodded and we started training.



------ My Apartment. ------


I spent an hour adding two genes to mine.

Yes! Simba is something! You don't need any Player system with him, or anything like that.

I raised my hand and started using Chakra. A flower grew on my table! Hooray!!!!! I've awakened a mokuton!

Afterwards, I tried changing my eyes. My eyes began to change.

One tome appeared, a second, a third, and finally... a spiral-shaped MSH, like a whirlpool! And there's no problem with that! I figured out, by the way, why I needed to transplant my eyes to awaken the MSH.

It turns out that during the evolution of abilities, it was trivial to destroy the Chakra channels in the eyes. And for Simba, that's not a problem!

And in a minute, I already had a VMSH.

After that, I had Rinnegan! Unbelievable...

One tome appeared, a second, a third, and finally... MSH in a spiral, like a whirlpool! And there's no problem with that! By the way, I figured out why I needed to transplant my eyes to awaken my TMJ.

It turns out that during the evolution of abilities, it was trivial to destroy the Chakra channels in the eyes. And that's no problem for Simba!

And in a minute, I already had a VMSH.

After that, I had Rinnegan! Unbelievable...


Later, I went into my inner world and changed the flow of time and started to train Rinnegan techniques. And Alice and Kurama looked on admiringly!

But suddenly, someone knocked on the door. I had to go out and open the damn door. Tsunade was there!

- Come in. - I said.

We entered the house and sat down at the table. I brewed the best tea in my collection and served it to the lady.

- This is the best tea in my collection... Please try it.

- Thank you. - She tasted it and closed her eyes and began to enjoy the taste of the tea.

- It's great tea. - Tsunade said.

- Thank you! - I said.

- Now, are you going to tell me how you know all this? - Tsunade looked at me.

- In the Seal of Four Elements I had the consciousness prints of a redheaded woman and a man with blond hair sealed. - I said.

- What do you mean? Minato and Reiko are alive? - Tsunade stood up abruptly and asked.

- Yes. And they told me everything. - I said.

- I see..." Tsunade said and sat back down in her chair.

- Yes, they told me everything. So tell me Tsunade. Is there any reason why I shouldn't let Fox out and destroy Konoha?

- I asked.

- What?

- How about letting the Kubi out and destroying Konoha?

- What do you mean? Why do you want to destroy Konoha? - she asked, wary.

- Maybe because she robbed me of my family? Maybe because people from my own Village were trying to kill me every day?

- Or maybe because my godfather is hanging out in some brothel while his godson is starving? Could it be because of Danzo and Root? Or maybe because of my father's apprentice, who is lurking somewhere with my godfather's book, instead of even looking at me, who was writing this shit instead of checking up on me? - I flared up and involuntarily started releasing Kurama's chakra.

And my two women tried to calm me down. I was really interested in hearing Tsunade's opinion.

- I... I... I n-don't know. Calm down, Tila. - Tsunade said.

- Is that so? That's good. - I calmed down in an instant.

- You know what Tsunade... It's Danzo and the elders' fault that Kyubey attacked Konoha. - I said.

- What? How? Why?

- It was Danzo who sold the information to the masked man and wanted to take control of the Nine-Tail with the sharyngans in his hand.

- How do you know?

- I know, that's all. It's also the elders' fault that Navaki and Dan died, too...


- Think about it. They don't want a clan as strong as the Senju Clan to be reborn. Danzo was involved in that battle with Hanzo Salamander of Amegakure, too!

- No way!

- Maybe... And it was Danzo who wanted to give Kushina to Cloud Village. And after a while, he would make an attack on the Uchiha Clan...

- I want you to believe me. That's not all. Look. - I said and grew a flower again, on the table. Tsunade's eyes widened in shock.

- What is it? A mokuton? W-what? Yes, how could it be? - She turned to shouting.

- Well... the Uzumaki clan and Senju are distant relatives.

- Is that the official version? - Tsunade arched an eyebrow.

- Yeah... And not the official version... I'm the reincarnation of Hashirama! - I muttered.

- Excuse me? - She asked.

- I'm the reincarnation of Hashirama Senju.

- That's impossible! Are you my grandfather? - she asked.

- No, silly! - I poked her forehead with two fingers, just like Itachi.

- Look...

I told her the story about Rikudo and his sons...

Tsunade didn't interrupt and listened to me.

After I explained everything...

- So... My grandfather was the reincarnation of Asura? And Madara was the reincarnation of Indra? And they are both sons of the Sage of the Six Ways? - She asked.

- Exactly...

- So you're the next reincarnation of Asura, after my grandfather?

- Bingo!

- Then who.....

- Satsuki!

- Now, I see where you got the Mokuton from. But, how can you stand up to Root?

- Like this. - I said and turned on the Rinnegan.

Seeing my eyes, Tsunade was speechless.

- Holy shit!!! - was all she could say.

- Right. Now, Tsu-chan go home and think about what I said. - I said.

- W-Wait..." she said, but I smiled and moved her outside.


I escorted Tsunade out and turned on my invisibility cloak and flew into the Hidden Cloud.

- I'm not just going to forgive the Village of Hidden Cloud.