
Who Is The Razor Riddler?

Damon took Edward to the nearest hospital to recuperate, there was a hospital that had specialists with powers for certain surgeries or medical practices but their charges were outrageous.

Damon wasn't earning nearly enough for this to become possible so he took Edward to the cheaper hospitals where it was composed of normal humans.

His injuries weren't severe after all so he should be just fine eventually but Damon wanted to find out what happened to Edward.

"Edward, do you remember anything that might be useful?" Damon asked, he looked anxious and this was uncharacteristic of him.

Damon was glad that Edward was alive.

"He was bald and had a strange tattoo on his forehead. They were aware of our involvement in the case and tracked me down. There was nothing I could do, he was too strong but there was someone else…" Edward blurted out but Edward realised something in his statement about them being watched and the fact that Damon sprung into action. And randomly appearing where he was, was very strange. Edward put the pieces together soon after.

"Did something happen to Fred?" Edward asked but Damon remained silent.

"You should get some rest here, I don't think they will try to attack you in a hospital and if they do, I will be right here…" Damon said as he tucked something underneath Edward's pillow before vanishing into thin air. This was the power of his teleportation.


"This is strange, I cannot find Fred anywhere!" Alessia said but this could only mean one thing and that was Fred was dead or something was interfering with her powers but she couldn't wrap her hand around what.

There were many powers in this world so it wouldn't be a far stretch to say that someone possessed a natural counter to hers.

Samuel was worried because he knew that they couldn't afford to lose another member or this might show their incompetence to Percepta.

"Fred can't be dead…" Samuel muttered.

"He isn't! I just need to concentrate!" Alessia responded as she closed her eyes and traced it around a nap but she wasn't feeling anything.

Damon returned with new information and just before he could speak, Alessia's eyes widened.

"I-I have found him!" Alessia said; Damon was about to announce that Fred might be dead but the fact that he was met with this before he could speak was welcomed.

"Where is he?" Damon asked calmly, he wasn't emotionally affected by this, just incredibly stressed because he didn't want to lose anyone else.

Alessia showed him his location on the map.

"That's strange…" Damon thought. Fred had no business being in this area confirming he was abducted but why could Alessia suddenly find him?

Did Fred escape and if so, he would need backup immediately.

Damon wasn't about to leave him to his devices because Edward told him that there was someone else and he saw that a battle had occurred that Edward clearly wasn't a part of so whoever this person was must be the reason that Edward wasn't dead but what if it was this same person that had something to do with Fred appearing on Alessia's radar?

He wasn't about to question and disappeared once again to go meet Fred, giving his members a goodbye nod before doing so.


Astro was strapped to a chair, his fingernails were all pulled out and his face was heavily injured.

It was clear that he not only lost the battle but was taken captive by the person that defeated him.

Who was no other than Jay, Jay looked excited seeing Astro in such a state.

Jay was a gangster that grew up in the streets and with that came a certain lifestyle that shouldn't be overlooked. Tee had dealings with the Razor Riddler but he wasn't going to work for him forever.

Tee screwed him over and began working under James, but one could argue that the only reason Tee was alive was because of his older brother, Jay.

Jay hailed from an infamous violent gang that has expanded their influence in Ohio and the Razor Riddler knew what would happen if he touched a top chain of command in that gang, it would result in a war and the last thing he needed right now was unwanted attention.

This was why Tee lived, he was alive simply because he was Jay's little brother but his reaction to Jay telling him about the Razor Riddler wasn't faked. This was what Tee now believed just as James intended.

Tee didn't make the connection that Jay was working for James but he was aware that they shared a mutual dislike for the Razor Riddler.

'The enemy of my enemy is my friend' would best describe the relationship that Tee thought they had.

"Y-You bastard!" Astro cussed out but Jay only laughed at this insult.

"Yo' sound just like my fuckin' fatha!" Jay said but Astro wasn't breaking. Jay knew it would take a lot more than torture to get him to talk so why was he torturing him even though he knew it would be useless?

It was simple, Jay liked it and for that reason alone was why he brought him here.

"You haven't even told me what you want!" Astro screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Fo' fuckz sake, I knew somethang was missin'..." Jay blurted out, he looked embarrassed.

"Razor riddler, Where the fuck be dat lil' biatch?" Jay asked and he saw Astro's jaw tighten the moment he heard the name and Jay knew from one look in his eyes that he wouldn't talk.

That was the thing with fear, it enforced loyalty because one couldn't comprehend that anything could be worse than the wrath of those they feared.

"You should probably kill me…." Astro said with a defeated look.

The moment he heard that name, he already knew his fate was decided so he didn't even bother speaking any further despite his serious injuries.

He knew the highest his captor could do was put him in as much pain as possible before ultimately killing him but as long as there was an "end", Astro was content.

"End yo'? oh my fuckin' g, I'm not goin' ta fuck yo' the fuck up like dat... How tha fuck else be i goin' ta harvest yo' goddamn organs?" Jay asked with a raised brow as he brought out a scalpel.

"Letz play doctor…"