Crimes around Ohio were rose a a rapid rate, but the superheroes were somehow conveniently there to curb tthe danger and the public approval increased.
Social media was booming, and the leakied videos of these saves circulated all around the world, it was like a pandemic but superheroes agencies profited most from it.
But not every superhero had the privilege of this luxury, Michael didn't understand the buzz regarding it and was quite confused as he had a lot to learn but this world he has been living in suddenly seemed unknown and strange.
Michael didn't like it and wanted to explore the neighborhood to get away from whatever
Tee and Megan was going on between the pair.
Michael remembered he had a card given to him by James Moore, he could buy anything and right now he needed a pair of the most expensive headphones money could buy and a change of wardrobe because while he made what he had work, the quality of the material was in no doubt inferior.
He wanted to listen to some music and knew this took priority over clothes, he could worry about that later, and Michael walked into the most expensive looking shop.
The air conditioner instantly made Michael want to sleep here, it was so comfortable compared to the blistering sun outside, but he was glad he was experiencing a change of scenery.
"God! This feels good," Michael inadverently blurted out, and everyone looked at him like he was a bum, one couldn't blame them considering what he was wearing.
"Sir, I'm afraid we will have to ask you to leave," A worker said and this was not only rude but uncalled judgment from the worker.
"I thought this was a shop for everyone…" Michael questioned with a raised brow but he watched worker slowly eye him from head to toe with such a condescending look that made Michael question what was up his ass.
"People that can afford it…." The worker corrected Michael and Michael only chuckled upon hearing this, this was the moment he has been waiting for all his life, it felt like a scene straight out of a movie.
Michael removed the card from his pocket and showed it to him with a smug look, this was a proud moment for him but he noticed the man's disappointed face was still on.
"Sir, this isn't a joke…" The worker said and Michael had to readjust his gaze to focus on what he had removed from his pocket and it was a coupon for a shop in the slums.
"W-Wait!" Michael epic moment had been ruined because of a lapse of concentration, he was pissed because iy ruined his epic comeback to the disrespect.
He rummaged through his pocket thoroughly, but he didn't find it, he had forgotten it back at the house. Michael went quiet real fast after that and the worker just shook his head in disappointment.
Michael wasn't waiting around to be kicked out, he just quietly walked back out but as he was walking out, he walked past a shady looking individual that had gun tucked into his trouser.
Michael noticed this was a robber, and he knew what was about to transpire but he didn't care about what happened because of the embarrasment he just faced.
Michael watched through the transparent window as the robbery began, he wanted the robber to kill the worker that had disrespected them but he was doing anything but that.
He was pistol whipping random people, and shooting warning shots into the air. A beautiful lady caught his eyes and he tried to take advantage of her,,,, forcefully.
This infuriated Michael, he couldn't stand men that preyed on women, and more so in this manner.
Michael didn't even realize when he made the man's head pop, killing him instantly but there was no remorse in his eyes when he did but unfortunately, the gunshots drew the attention of a nearby superhero that had witnessed Michael's "heroic" act.
Michael watched the aftermath and chaos as everyone ran outside, they were covered in blood but they were all relieved that this didn't escalate.
Michael left the scene but he was trailed by the hero that had seen him, or was it more accurate to say a good guy with superpowers.
"Hey you!" A voice called out to Michael, Michael stopped in his tracks to see who was calling him. It was a young man, no more than eighteen but he had on the most ridiculous costume on with body structure of a fifteen-year old.
He looked like someone that had his mother sew the costume on, and Michael instantly knew it was a wannebe hero.
"What is it?" Michael asked in a dismissive tone, and all he saw from the boy was him bring out a piece of paper from his pocket. He cleared his throat like he was about to give a presentation.
"Y-You have the right to remain quiet…. A-Anything you say…" He paused as he tried to retrace the lines wth his finger as he began muttering to himself.
Michael stood there in awkward silence but he understood what the boy was trying to do, he was trying to arrest him which was laughable considering that Michael had just 'saved' people so this wasn't even punishable by law or at least that was what the villain to be thought.
"Are you trying to arrest me?" Michael asked with a raised eyebrow and the boy smirked like Michael had just entered his trap.
"That is right! You just killed someone!" The man said, he was far too theatrical, which annoyed the hell out of Michael.
"I blew up his head because he was trying to rape someone… And so what?" Michael asked and the smile on the boy's face grew.
"Ha! I caught you!" The boy screamed as he took out his phone to show Michael he had been recording the whole time but Michael was unimpressed.
With a flick of his finger, the phone slipped through his hand and flew into the air. Michael clenched his fist and the phone was destroyed with that motion.
"What next?" Michael asked the wannabe hero.
"No sir! That will be all! I will be on my way if that's fine with you," The boy had changed his tone, he was polite and cooperative because he knew the next thing that might break would be him.