
Michael Meets His Mystery Girl! [R18+]

Tee was about to taste Megan carnally, she tried to kiss him but he placed his hand in front of her lips before saying.

"We aren't a couple, we're just fucking…" Tee said right before turning her around, pressing her head against the wall as she raised her ass.

Tee wasn't planning on being lovey-dovey with her, he just wanted to bust a nut right now.

"You're so cruel….," Megan muttered, lips curled as her soaked panties dropped down to her knees.

She clenched her jaw, biting her lower lips as age anticipated what was about to happen.

And there it was, Tee's dick slipped right in here, and she couldn't contain her moan anymore.

Tee thrust his hips slowly at first, due to his size, he felt his pelvis collide with her soft buttocks, and the clashing of flesh echoed like a symphony.

Tee looked down and saw how wet his dick was, and Megan's inside felt like they wanted to yank his dick right off. Tee tried his best not to moan but this felt way too good as Megan felt a sting on her cheeks and that was Tee leaving his hand imprint on them in the form of a slap.

He let go of her head and wrapped that same hand around her neck as he got closer to the nut and Megan noticed this, throwing her ass back even harder.

"Fuck! Don't or I will cum!" Tee warned but this only made Megan throw it back harder as the hand around her neck tightened, she couldn't breathe but she wasn't going to let Tee have his way either. This triggered her orgasm, her legs shaking as she felt something warm fill her up.

Michael starred, indifferent and unimpressed.

"So this is sex…" Michael thought to himself, he didn't see the appeal in it, at least not this kind of sex as it didn't even arouse him.

Michael stopped peeping and left the area but he was curious about where Elizabeth was considering she had no friends here so where else could she be?

Perhaps she went back to her dormitory to get some rest considering that was a safe haven for students that weren't a fan of violence.

Michael didn't give this too much thought, he wondered why they couldn't go outside because staying cooped up for too long didn't sound like a good idea.

Michael decided to explore the spacious place and he ventured into different compartments of the building and there was nothing that he didn't see.

It had everything, this included a room to watch television and unlike his home, he had every single station unlocked but he wanted to watch the news.

A weird interest for a boy his age because people in his age bracket would rather watch cartoons, animes, or movies on the television.

He was alone in the room or so he thought, out of nowhere came the girl he had made eye contact with in class earlier that day.

She looked so pure but Michael was certain there was no one in the room when he came neither did anyone come in so where did she come from?

"I'm sorry for my tardiness, I hope I didn't startle you…" The lady apologized and Michael could feel a wave of relief overcome his body because she wasn't as brazen as Megan but she also didn't look to be as desperate as Elizabeth, that in itself was a breath of fresh air, could he have perhaps found a normal person in this madhouse?

"You're fine, I didn't know there was anyone here or I would have asked before changing the channel.." Michael said but the lady quickly shot it down.

"Ha! It's fine, have you heard the news making the rounds about Percepta?" The lady asked but Michael had no idea what she was talking about. He knew that it was the group that the top hero hailed from so what news could she have heard?

Could it be the bill caused by Apex's action? If so, that was old news but Michael chose to feign ignorance in the event he was wrong.

"What news?" Michael asked her and she didn't say a word in response to this, simply looking at the television.

Michael followed her gaze and he saw the news regarding the Percepta expanding their reach, most notably in Ohio. Now this might be a problem, Michael saw the groups that could potentially benefit from the program but he thought nothing of it as their members were displayed but their powers were omitted from the screen.

Gen Z came up and Damon popped up on the screen, Michael immediately recognized who it was and they showed every member except Edward.

Edward was the newest member and hadn't fully registered under them yet so he didn't have full certification.

"What do you think about heroes?" The lady asked Michael. A random question but he was going to indulge her.

"I think they are shit…" Michael responded bluntly, this response drew a giggle from the pale-skinned girl.

"I think heroes are necessary just as villains are…." The girl said, and Michael raised a brow.

"How so?" He asked and the girl redirected her attention to look him right in the eye.

"Superheroes are only as strong as the adversary that they overcome, you don't need powers to be a hero or a villain but this world lacks villains… What if supervillains had an icon like superheroes had in Apex Protector? An evil that lets us know that what we can achieve has limits, I think we supervillains need that…" The lady and Michael's jaws dropped.

This insight was what he has been looking for, she had an actual view regarding this topic and her argument was sound.

"Pardon my manners, my name is Lola. Nice to meet you…" Lola introduced herself officially and this was Michael's queue to introduce himself.

"Michael, I go by the name Michael," Michael was delighted he met this girl, she was something out of the ordinary as she didn't have any hatred for heroes and even with that, chose to become a villain.

Michael couldn't wait to be done with whatever training they were going to undergo here because he knew what would happen if he didn't, his dream might be as good as dead.