
A Heartless Love 1: Every time you breaks my heart!

There is a simple girl whose name is Kashi where she lived a simple life as normal peoples lived in the small but beautiful city. While there was a high level of rude/ arrogant guy whose name is Prashanth Rana Singhaniya. He is the king of Rajasthan, everyone very scared of him for his cold attitude. Whereas Prashant is forced to get and leave her after the moment he married her and who is the mastermind behind this / Or this is just a destiny this......

WordDreamer · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Chapter 4

Before leaving the company Prashant called Sania and gave her the responsibility of the company for a few days and (given as reason) he said her "I'll be returning in a few days. Hence, THANKS for taking care of the company. Bye." Without listening her words, he leaves hurriedly at 6 pm evening. His plane's time is 7:30 pm, so as first, he went to his home to catch up some fresh bath and then he went to the airport.

At 8:40 pm, he reached his destination. When he walking through the airport, he is around five muscled bodyguards for his security, so Sumit couldn't see him properly and has waiting for him inside the car. He sits on the backside of the car and his assistant and driver were sitting in front.

When Sumit saw that, Prashant has coming and enter the car then they started their conversation, Prashant: "Split out her Identity fast." To hear this Sumit caught him a file on his hands and started saying: "Her name is Kashi Sharma and she was born Varanasi. Her father's name is Mr Udit Sharma. She has the only daughter of her family. At when she was born, her mother died due to......" and he tells him Kashi's whole biodata through the road of the hotel. A few times later, the car has stopped and they all came out. When Prashant saw that they came to a hotel not Kashi's house then he gives him an angry looked. When Sumit learned his expression then with taking out half-naughty smile in his face and reply him: "I knew Bhai! That this project is important for our company but we also can't disturb them at middle of the night." When Prashant recognise that Sumit's words sounds a logic then he return to his normal look [but he continued to show his cold and arrogant face] and walks into the hotel.

The next day morning at 5 pm, Prashant's sleep broken because of a melodious voice that comes near a Shiv temple. He wakes up on his bed and goes near the big glass window and enjoys the song after a few moments later, the sound has been bound and his face turned out surprised and mumbling himself "Who is singing this song very gracefully at this time in the temple?" Thinking of that person his face automatically turn a cute smile on his cold face. At some time later, he readies up himself and calls Sumit to take him to the temple at 6:30 am and then leave the room and went inside the car he sat in the driver side and wait for him. After sometime later, Sumit also enters the car and sat the side of him then Prashant started to drive the car (relaxing).

Sumit (excitedly) asked him that "Where are they are going at this time?" For a bit moment Prashant looked at him and then he looked straight at the road and (without looking at him) said "Don't we, only I go to the temple and you go to that rude and senseless woman and tell her one last time if she doesn't convince this time then booked an appointment mine to her. And also tell her that I want to meet her. UNDERSTOOD?"

Sumit listens to his words very carefully and his face turned out surprised and mumbling "WOW! My big bro.... this is first that you took a project very seriously. Woah...." When they reached the temple both of them go outside and with the sign of his head, they said and went to their work.

At the moment when Prashant went up to stairs of the temple, his heart is throbbing loudly and restlessly, then his face turns out a small but warm-hearted smile. When he looked from afar Pandit Ji, who standing entrance of the temple and talked softly with a girl. Wen he reached to near of them, he hid his feelings and bowed down and started talking with Pandit Ji "Pranam Pandit ji ! How's your health?"

At the moment both of them were surprised and try to recognise that who is he and a few min later Pandit Ji recognise him successfully but Kashi doesn't. Pandit Ji (with a happy smile) answers his question: "You never forget to talk about my health. Nowadays my health is slightly good because of my lovely daughter". He turns his face proudly and looked at Kashi. Prashant: "Baba I didn't recognise her well !" His face turn confused looks when he recall that his mother told him about the Pandit Ji that until now he's is a bachelor and he promised himself that he surrenders himself to Mahadev and also he doesn't adopt any child, then Who is She? Why Pandit ji introduce her as his daughter?" he mumbling himself and repeated those words in his mind. On the other side, When Kashi recognised his sentence, she said in her mind "Is this guy has some mental problem? This is the first time we meet each other than how we will know our identity? Such a Strange Guy!" But on the outside, her face looks so calm and throttles (it's looks like she didn't give importance to his words.)

While Pandit JI laughed at his words and recognise that Prashant didn't understand his words. At last, he helps him out to the world of words by saying that "OK Beta! I'll clear up of words. She is lived in my neighbourhood and she takes care o this temple on behalf of me and at 4 am to 5:30 am, Everyday Varanasi wakes up at her melodious Shiv Mantra song."

After clearing his doubts, Prashant takes an impressive look for her for a few moments and then Kashi tells Pandit Ji " Baba then take your time and I want permission to leave otherwise the principal permanently leave me to the school. See you.." Pandit Ji "Ok Beta, be careful on the road and take care of your health. See you."

To Be Continue...