
A Happy Short Story

Jeanie_Geer · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Chapter 1

Once upon a time in a big village, there lived a girl who was the daughter of the king, who wanted his daughter to get married to all the men. The girl went by the name of Rose. She had one pet that would tale care of her when she is alone. Her pet is a dragon, which is a girl, too. Her pets name is Elizabeth. The men that Rose's father wanted to be Rose's husband were all rejected by her. Rose did not think that they were qualified to be around her and her dragon. When she was flying on her dragon, she saw a farm boy who was being bullied by other people. She went down to help him and then asked the boys name.

The boy said, "I'm Eragon, milady. I was wondering, why is a beautiful girl like you doing down here in the village?"

Rose said, "Can't I come and see what is going on in my own kingdom. I think that I have that right and look what has happened. I saved your life from those bullies. Do I get a thank you in return?"

Eragon didn't know what to say and so he just kept his mouth sealed. Rose was about to ask him if he would come and live in the palace but she was to nervous. So she decided to get to know more about the boy first and then ask later when everything is okay between them.

Rose went home after talking to the boy and told her father that she saved a boy and saw going to get to know him more. She wanted more thoughts on how to go about it from her father. Rose's mother passed away before Rose was able to walk. Elizabeth was more along the lines of a mother to her. Rose's father was Damien and he was just glad that she found someone to like.

The king said, " As long as you get married before your 20th birthday, I am willing to help wherever I can. So tell me about this boy you saved?"

Rose said, "He is a farmer and was being bullied by his peers and I thought that if i saved him, they would leave him alone. Only time will tell. I await to see him the next time I go out flying. He was not afraid of Elizabeth at all. How do I connect with him, father?"

The king said, "I don't know sweety. What does your heart tell you should do. I always listen to my gut but for you, you should listen to your heart."

Rose nodded and said, " Thank you father for that advise."