
A Happy Life

WHY WHY WHY Was all that echoed through my head. Why did they have to die....

Old_Man_Sage · Anime e quadrinhos
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1 Chs


A normal day for any person except a bit off for our MC. He died in some way somehow and has woken up in a void of darkness. He tries to scream, he tries to shout. But nothing was coming out. He has been doing this endlessly for ages just waiting for salvation for someone to tell him it will be alright but it seems it will never happen. Slowly over time the bright spark of life that seemingly every human has slowly faded like a fire faced with a storm. Soon the boy does not know who he is or where he came from all he knows is the bleakness of this empty void. No life. No sound. No light.

Now you may think that this man was a sinner. It was quite the opposite. This fact helped him search for the light for a while but it never came. He was maybe just perhaps just a piece of entertainment for God thrown away like an old toy after it becomes useless. It is the fate of all humans to die. But to be left in such a place is the ultimate punishment. A toy would just be tucked in the corner but he was worse than a toy. He was thrown away forever by everyone.

Thousands if not millions or perhaps trillions of years have passed. But for the boy, he has lost his sense of self truly like a puppet without any strings attached. It was the ultimate freedom but at the same time the ultimate punishment. No need to breathe or think.

Doing nothing may seem amazing but after a while, it seems that you are bound by the shackles of nothingness.

But the light will always come and that happened one day for the boy.

"PFFT, what a mortal giving up just like that haha I thought he would have some fire in him. Nope just turned out to be a flare brightening up the sky for a moment before fading out of existence."

The boy just looks up curious about the new thing that came. This would be the first time ever something new came. But it would not even matter for the boy in the present perhaps him in the past but not now. There was no semblance of humanity left his soul was just a monster with 2 blank eyes staring at you like the abyss. The boy truly comprehended something at that moment. Life had no meaning. Even his final hope that the final bit of his humanity latched onto was laughing at him. mocking him.

"Quite a mortal. Not being panicked after seeing my form. PFFT, I will just send him to a fictional world than just screw his life over again. Quite good entertainment for myself"

The boy just stares but his form as of now was just an amalgamation of flesh with blood seeping out if any mortal were to see this they would surely go insane. Suddenly a bright light encompasses the void and the boy vanishes.

(Future diary world)

As the True God of this world was making Earth a terrifying soul came in front of him and he muttered "It seems a God outside of this realm wants me to reincarnate this soul as a human... Interesting." He laughed and shouted "He will be an interesting opponent for these other humans. He will most likely be a tough competitor for my seat in the future" The God then continues creating the Earth and then sends the boy into a human that was just going to be born.

(8th of August 1945 Hiroshima)

A lady who seemed to be in her 30's was pushing out a baby with her husband beside her. Soon the baby came out, but it was strange he did not seem to display emotions. The lady was concerned for her baby but then she saw him breathing like any other person and let out a breath of relief. She has had 2 other children before him and both of them died at birth. The husband also seemed relieved. "Your name will be Kusho," She said then lovingly caressed his cheek.

'I hope he will not become another fatality of this war' She thought then showed her child to her husband.

"He will be a strong one!" They then went home through the war-torn streets of Japan. The boy was happy he finally had a name he could hold onto after many years of not knowing his own. 'Kusho, Kusho' He repeatedly thought in his head like he was trying to hold onto it forever.

He finally had something to hold dear after many years of nothing to grasp. He soon fell asleep

When he woke up he saw a house adorned with lights of all kinds. His parents entered with him and started feeding him. Even though it was a small moment it was times like this when you could feel the most pain looking back on it. Listening to their conversations it seemed that his father was a military official and his mother was not working. He soon fell asleep content with his life. Anything was better than the void...

(9th of August 1945, Hiroshima)

He woke up to the sound of panicking and screams. He saw a gigantic blob that covered the sky. His parents were carrying him to what seemed like an underground bunker. It seemed like it because it was one. The blob was approaching too fast and his parents could not go inside in time.

"Survive my little Kusho. Beat the world even if it tramples on you! I love you..." She then closed the hatchet and then...


A massive sound went off and for some reason, Kusho knew that his family was dead. He was alone again. It was like the void never left. Just merely taunting him before killing him with its massive claws. He was alone again. A single tear leaked out of his eye. 'WHY WHY WHY, WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME BEING PUNISHED. None of this was meant to happen. I was supposed to be happy after me being tortured for eternity. People need to feel the pain I felt. They need to understand me and then maybe I will be happy...'

Soon the darkness reclaimed his mind.

This is a future diary FF oviously maybe multiversal if I want to do it. 2 uploads a week garanteed the others are just if I have free time

Old_Man_Sagecreators' thoughts