
Chapter 19 Plans, Quills and Unspeakable

Rodrick watched passively as the headmaster gave off a speech in regards to what had occurred several days ago, he was currently seated in the great hall surrounded by some of his classmates from each house, barring Gryffindor, the pack of cubs still refused to play along.

It seemed the death of a professor hadn't really changed the students perspective nor affected his plans in the slightest, something he should've been happy about... Though when he really thought about it he'd realised that it was in fact the second time a professor had died, third if one counted the history one. Still, the first time was the defence professor, a position known to be cursed.

All of it was slowly gnawing at him. For one thing, the headmaster hadn't actually asked to see him in his office, at all. Considering the professor's death involved him somewhat, it was disconcerting to say the least, that the headmaster sought to ignore him. While most of the professors seemed to take the death of the ancient runes professor hard, the overall atmosphere at Hogwarts hadn't changed.

Up until last night, that hadn't bothered him. While he found it odd that the ministry hadn't sought to send in any Aurors to investigate nor even bothered to make it a headline into the daily prophet, he had simply put it off as incompetence.

It was Malfoy who'd proved him wrong. Stating it as if it were obvious, the Malfoy heir had simply brought up the professors background.

"It's not like she was a pureblood,"

The words had woken up something inside the last Grindelwald.

The moment the headmaster had finished his speech, Rodrick got up from his seat, he idly noticed Daphne and Tracey doing the same though he paid them no mind as he left the hall. He hadn't really had a chance to speak to either girl, each time something had ended up interrupting them one way or another. The most recent being the death of a professor.

He idly walked away, with no intended location in mind, his thoughts surrounding the headmaster's lack of action, for the man had done nothing ever since that day, not even ask for a memory of what had occurred. The only logical explanation was that the man either knew something regarding the incident that was dangerous, such as his own involvement in it. It was his book they were after. Or the even more unlikely circumstance, he knew the culprit but found it too risky to put the blame on them?

"What do you think is going to happen with the lesson now?" He heard Tracey ask Daphne, though the question was more likely directed at him.

He didn't answer, his mind still focused on the headmaster's lack of action, slowly trying to go through the previous week, everything had started from the moment he'd cured Astoria.

"Rodrick." Daphne had stopped in her tracks, her hands crossed.

The Slytherin turned around and stared at the girl.


"Yes?" She repeated his words with a raised eyebrow.

Rodrick frowned, "What is it?" He turned towards Tracey who had a sheepish look on her face.

"Do you mind, not closing yourself off?" Daphne questioned amiably.

Rodrick's expression didn't budge, "Closing myself off?"

"You've been distant ever since... You know," Daphne remarked lowering her gaze slightly.

"Since our professor died you mean?" Rodrick questioned with a raised eyebrow.

The girl simply nodded, "It's no reason for you to close yourself off again,"

Tracey almost couldn't help the smile at the word 'again'.

Rodrick, however, wasn't amused.

"Because it was only a muggleborn right?"

Daphne's eyes widened slightly before narrowing them, "What is that supposed to mean!?"

Rodrick quickly realised he wasn't dealing with a Malfoy. Fortunately or perhaps, unfortunately, their head of house had appeared before them, calling for him.

"I cannot believe him!" Daphne remarked agitated.

"You can stop pretending," Tracey chastised as she followed.

"Pretending?" Daphne turned towards the redhead with a huff, "He basically called me a blood supremacist!"

"He didn't do that," Tracey calmly replied.

"He pretty much did..." Daphne crossed her arms.

Tracey rolled her eyes, "Even if he did, I doubt you'd get angry at him."

"I hard-"

"Astoria," Tracey spoke over the other girl with a smile and continued on towards the dungeon.

Daphne blinked a few times before sighing.

"Have you got him a gift for that yet?" Tracey questioned.

Daphne shook her head, "What do you even get for someone like him?"

Tracey stared at the girl, "Well, I know he won't appreciate a broom so probably not that,"

Daphne frowned slightly, "I can't afford a broom..."

"Daphne I said you shouldn't get him a broom,"

"Then what?"

"How about a card?"

"A card?" Daphne questioned incredulously.

"Yes, a card."

Daphne stared at the girl watching as she held back a laugh, "Tracey I am serious."

"You don't need to get him a gift,"

"He cured Astoria!" She almost yelled off, when she'd found out it had been a success... She'd felt over the moon, to think her sister's life was no longer in any danger and yet she hadn't managed to even thank the person responsible.

"It's not like he did it for you," The two girls heard someone say with a huff.

They turned to find the girl in question with a dessert in hand, a grin on her face.

"Don't be rude," Luna admonished, walking beside the Slytherin first year.

Daphne gave up. An exasperated smile in place, as she walked to her sister, the girl had only really come out of the infirmary wing the previous day.

Tracey laughed.

Thoughts of the recently deceased professor no longer affecting them, as if some sort of spell had washed over them unknowingly.


"You wished to talk to me?" Rodrick questioned the professor before him, they were currently seated in Severus Snape's office.

Snape eyed the student before him before sighing, "Some thing is bothering you." He stated calmly.

Rodrick didn't react. "I didn't realise I required such special treatment," He scoffed.

Snape raised an eyebrow at the words slightly amused himself, the headmaster had asked him to speak to the student specifically. It seemed the man wanted to keep a closer eye on the Slytherin, almost akin to the ways he dealt with Harry Potter.

"I highly doubt that is the source of your worries Mr Grindelwald."

"The headmaster hasn't asked to see me, odd considering I was the first one at the scene."

Snape let off a scoff, "You have a habit of being the first one at any scene."

Rodrick shrugged at the words before straightening his expression, "Does the headmaster know who did it?"

Snape didn't answer Immediatly, instead he let the room fall into a small silence for a few moments. "He has his hunches on who it might've been," the words quickly earning a scowl from the boy before him. Snape raised an eyebrow at the reaction.

"I know you can do a far better job at hiding your expression then that." The professor remarked, disapproval lining his face.

"Why hasn't he done anything?" Rodrick questioned.

"The headmaster has his hands full, while he certainly has an idea on who it was, without any evidence it could prove rather disastrous for a number of people."

Rodrick stiffened, "What do you mean..." He questioned before adding on quickly. "Who do you mean?"

The professors lack of answer made the Slytherin tense.

"As it were, the more immediate issue, as far as the board are concerned, is finding a replacement for the post though I believe the headmaster may take over temporarily." The words quickly washing over Rodrick, the wizard too focused on the risk of his identity getting blown. If his head of house is to be believed, then the person who killed his professor and stole his book likely knew who he was...

"Imperius..." Rodrick remarked to the teachers surprise.

"What about the Unforgivable?" Snape questioned with narrowed eyes.

"They used it on me," Rodrick answered to the professors surprise.

The professor quickly summenned a vial wordlessly to the desk. "Memory." he demanded, a hand outstretched with the vial.

Rodrick nodded before removing the piece of memory and letting fall into the vial before him. He watched as the vial quickly disappeared into the potion professors pocket.

"I believe we may need to postpone any other issues for the time being."

Rodrick furrowed his brows at the professors attitude change, "How does this change anything?" He questioned confused.

"A muggleborn professor's death while troubling isn't one of the boards main concerns. A student getting hit by an unforgivable however... Particularly a Pureblood one at that..." the words were left unsaid. Rodrick simply stood aside as the professor left his office, a glint in his eyes.

Rodrick turned back to the empty office, his eyes landing on a goblet. He raised an eyebrow at all the prepared ingredients recognizing them to be the same for the Wolfsbane potion Snape had taught them at the start of the year and shrugged as he got into preparing the difficult potion. Its not like Snape told him he had to leave the office with him.

Later that day when Snape returned to his office, he shook his head in slight irritation and amusement as he found the completed potion on his desk, a note beside it stating that Rodrick 'wouldn't trust himself to drink it.'

Snape stared at the note for a few more moments before shrugging, it's not like it was meant for himself and at the very least it was one less potion he had to make.

While it wouldnt be known for another month and a half, unknowingly, Rodrick would in fact end up being responsible for the removal of the current defence professor, for the potion had failed miserably.

At least Lupin had been lone when he'd turned...


Elsewhere, Rodrick stared up at the night sky for a few moments before shaking his head and focusing back down on his so called project, he'd been coming to the astronomy tower for the past couple of nights to keep his mind busy from the current going ons. It had at first been stressful, knowing it was essentially his fault for their loss of an ancient runes professor, though the stress slowly died away with each night. Occulemency was once again immensely helpful. He idly wondered if that was what spurred him to try his own hand at runes.

He lifted the small golden ball in his hand, barely fitting into his palm. His mage sight allowing him to see all the small runic wording covering the small almost rubber like ball. He blinked when he heard footsteps coming up into the tower. He doubted it was any of his housemates, he'd made it rather clear he'd preferred to be alone. The only one who hadn't been happy with that was the girl he was dating. Though the others likely weren't either, she was the only one that made it known. He still wasn't sure how he'd convinced her himself if he was honest.

His eyes quickly took in the approaching sound before blinking once when he realised who it was.

"Potter? What are you doing here?"

"How'd you know?" Harry questioned incredously as he took off his cloak.

Rodrick shrugged, "I could hear your steps, it was either you or Granger,"

"Hermione?" Harry questioned slightly surprised before remembering how she'd shown them her successful attempt at invisibility minus a cloak. quickly shaking his head Harry walked over to Rodrick before taking a seat by him. "One of these days I am going to need you to teach me a silencing charm,"

Rodrick had a contemplative look on his face before a smile slowly registered on his face.

"How did you know I was here?" He questioned amicably before gesturing for Harry to sit beside him.

"Asked around," Harry answered slightly amused.

"I am touched you're thinking of me Potter,"

Harry rolled his eyes before turning his gaze towards the ball in Rodrick hand.

Noticing the Gryffindor's gaze, Rodrick snorted. "Its not a snitch if that's what you're thinking,"

"What is it?" Harry questioned ignoring the words.

"it's a ball," Rodrick deadpanned.

"What does it do?" Harry questioned once again ignoring the boys words.

"Well generally, you play catch with it,"

Harry eyes swept to Rodricks in slight alarm, "Wow, didn't realise you were a muggle,"

Rodrick twitched slightly at the words before shrugging, "I am from one of the most muggle orphanages you could find,"

"Oh I didn't realise there was a scale for that sort of thing," Harry nodded sagely at the sarcastic words.

Rodrick shook his head before flinging the ball in to the air. Harry watched as the ball simply flew back into the boys hand before frowning in slight disappointment.

"Here I thought it could do something else," He remarked with a sigh.

Rodrick stared at the ball before turning back to Potter, "Give me your hand,"

Raising an eyebrow at the words, Harry extended out a hand and flinched when Rodrick took a small droplet of blood with his wand, he turned a frown at the boy before watching him drop the small droplet onto the ball.

The ball briefly shimmered with a red glow before turning back to normal.

"If that's all it could do then I want my blood back," Harry Potter remarked crossing his arms in indignation. He was rather surprised the small cut had healed immediately.

Probably wandless magic.

Rodrick stood up from the spot, a small smile on his face. He gave Harry a grin before flinging the ball out the window as far as he could.

"What are you-" He started to say before his eyes widened as the ball quickly changed its direction and came back hurtling towards him, More specifically, towards his face. He raised an arm, quickly catching the offending rubber in one hand.

He stared at the ball for a few seconds before raising an eyebrow at the grinning boy beside him.

"I am guessing it follows me everywhere I throw it?"

Rodrick nodded, an amused smile on his face.

"The blood is used to link it to me then?"

Rodrick shook his head, "That was just for fun."

Harry Potter stared at the boy for a few seconds before sighing.

"You know, if i didn't know any better, I'd think you were capable of Occulumency." Rodrick remarked, surprised at the amount of control the Gryffindor was managing.

"So, how do you change who it follows around without blood?"

Rodrick grinned as he took the ball in hand, whispering a few words, Harry watched as the ball seemed to glow for a second before it turned back to normal.

"Who did you set it on?" Harry questioned intrigued.

Rodrick grinned before once again flinging the ball out the window, though this time it didn't turn back to their direction. Harry Potter's eyes slightly widened when he noticed the familiar direction it was going in.

"Did you set it on Ron!?" He questioned with a frown.

Rodrick stared back before letting loose another grin, "Of course not!"

Harry had a sinking feeling in place, "Who did you set it on?"

"The headmaster of course,"

A wide eyed Harry Potter quickly turned to the window before to his relief he found the ball quickly sailing back towards them.

"That's not supposed to happen..." He heard the boy beside him remark, both watching as the ball slowly made it's way back to them. Rodrick reached out a hand in order to grab it, at the last second however it made a turn and landed gracefully on the boys face.

Harry Potter laughed. Rodrick Grindelwald did not.


The two settled into small talk, though no-one mentioned the lack of a current Ancient Runes professor.

"Is that where you learned how to make that?" Harry questioned, eyes on the ball in front of him.

Well, almost no mention.

Rodrick simply nodded.

Harry had a thoughtful look on his face, "What else can you make?"

"With runes?" Rodrick questioned. Receiving a nod, he answered.

"If you do it properly? You can make almost anything you want. Runes and charms are used in almost everything magical. From the Hogwarts tea cups to that delightfully frightening firebolt you call a reasonable form of transportation,"

Harry raised an amused eyebrow, "Frightening? Really?"

"Potter, I don't think even dragons would willingly fly that fast." Rodrick deadpanned.

Harry Potter grinned, "Well I am a Gryffindor," He stated proudly.

"If that's an acronym for idiot, I agree,"

Harry rolled his eyes before turning back to the subject at hand, "You think it's too late to change electives?"

Rodrick blinked a few times before frowning, "Considering we don't have a professor anymore, I reckon it's the best chance to switch... You'd have to ask for permission from the current or rather upcoming teacher."


Rodrick smiled "Albus Dumbledore."

He was amused to see Harry Potter's eyes widen at the name.

"He's going to teach the lesson?" He asked, rather eagerly.

"Temporarily," Rodrick nodded.

"When's your next class?" He questioned.

Rodrick shrugged, "Whenever he decides to start covering I suppose. I can let him know for you, though you might need to drop one of your current subjects. I recommend divination."

Harry chuckled at the words "Hermione told me about your dislike for that subject."

"I am flattered you talk about me with your girlfriend Potter,"

Harry chuckled once again before actually taking all of the boys words and to Rodricks amusement turning slightly red.

"Well she isn't for one thing," He remarked calmly.

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at the words before leaning back against the wall, "Too smart for you Potter?"

"No... Yes? I don't know. It's not even like that anyway."

"Ah have your eyes on someone else already?"

"No!" Harry answered immediately before realising what that meant, "Wait a second..."

Rodrick stared at the rather rattled boy and smirked, "Sorry but I am taken,"

Harry blinked once before resisting the urge to hex the other boy. "You wish." He remarked crossing his arms. Only for the other boy to start openly laughing.

Rodrick stared at the Gryffindor before grinning, "Oh I get it now!"

"Get what?" Harry questioned warily.

Rodrick was simply nodding to himself, "I understand the dilemma,"

"What dilemma?"

Rodrick locked eyes with the boy. "You can't bring a mudblood to your home!"

Harry hexed him that time.

"Sirius doesn't care about things like that," he remarked somewhat insulted.

Rodrick simply laughed, "I meant your other home."

"The Dursleys?" Harry questioned, his nose wrinkling at the thought of returning there.

"I wouldn't know, though they sound awfully muggle,"

"That's not the only awful thing about them" Harry remarked, briefly contemplating what sort of reaction they'd have.

"They certainly don't sound pleasant."

"How'd you know?" Harry questioned rather surprised.

"I am generalising muggles here," Rodrick answered.

Harry rolled his eyes, "I am guessing the orphanage wasn't that fun?"

"If I'd had my wand at the time, I'd probably already be called a dark Lord by now," He remarked amiably.

Harry stared at the other boy before grinning, "I probably would've given you call or two if that was the case."

Raising the ball as if it were a wine glass, Rodrick made a toast to horrible muggles.

Harry Potter shook his head, "Hermiones parents don't seem so bad,"

Rodrick snorted, "If that's true, you wouldn't be afraid of dating her."

"I am not."

"Prove it."

"What?" Harry questioned incredously.

"Prove it." Rodrick grinned.

"How do I..." it took a few moments before Harry added on. "Oh..."

Rodrick nodded.

Harry Potter shook his head, "I am not doing that." He remarked crossing his arms.

"I thought you were a Gryffindor. Didn't realise you were another Malfoy."

Harry Potter twitched. "I am not going to ask-"

"Coward." Rodrick spoke over him, amused to see a vein appear. A few moments passed before an amused smile appeared on Harry's face. One that worried him.

"Dumbledore asked me to spend two weeks with the Dursleys this summer,"

"Where are you going with this Potter?" Rodrick questioned with narrowed eyes.

"If I ask Hermione out, you're spending those two weeks at the Dursleys with me."

"Why on earth would I do that?"

Harry shrugged. "They hate magic, figured the best way to get them to like it is too see how useful it is, who better then a student capable of wandless magic,"

"That's a load of drivel and you know it,"

Harry nodded.

"I'd probably scar them for life if i showed up," Rodrick added on.

"I am counting on it,"

Rodrick stared at Harry Potter for a few moments before a grin showed up on his face. "Done,"

"Really?" Harry questioned.

Rodrick nodded, "Its only two weeks of torture. And not even my own torture. You on the other hand are giving me the best blackmail ever,"

"What?" Harry questioned slightly alarmed.

Rodrick grinned, "If by some miracle Hermione does go out with you, imagine if she found out it was all because of something akin to a dare," He finished getting up off the floor.

Harry Potter was starting to wonder if being friends with Rodrick was really worth all the trouble it was turning out to be.


Ancient Runes would end up having a few more lessons cancelled though eventually Albus Dumbledore did in fact end up covering the lesson, something that had swept through castle earning envious looks from anyone not in the elective. From the third years to the seventh, they all considered the chance to learn from the headmaster the opportunity of a lifetime.

If you ignored the reason Dumbledore had to cover it in the first place at any case.

His delay had been caused by Fudges refusal to investigate the death of the Ancient Runes professor. Though when one of the board members had heard of an unforgivable being used so close to his heir...

Well, to put it bluntly, Fudge had switched from incompetent to efficient in a matter of hours... Atleast that's how Rodrick saw it.

It was only a matter of days before Aurors started covering the castle grounds.


Rodrick stared ahead as he walked towards the classroom, his eyes lighting up the moment he caught the two familiar sights.

He grinned as he sped up towards the two Gryffindors.

"Guess they let you in, Potter," He spoke out quickly earning the two Gryffindors attention.

"Hello, Miss Granger," he added on quickly noticing the girls gaze.

Hermione rolled her eyes at the words,

"Where are your friends?" She questioned as they started walking towards the classroom.

Rodrick shrugged, "Probably asleep,".

Hermione frowned, Harry on the other hand nodded.

"Can't blame them, probably just forgot the lesson was back on today,"

Rodrick didn't point out he was being sarcastic.

"Harry, the headmaster made an announcement last night," Hermione pointed out.

Rodrick was about to add on more before Hermione questioned him again. With what he could only describe as a distasteful look.

"Won't your other friends think you shouldn't be seen with us?" There was a hint of mockery on the last word.

Rodrick shrugged to her surprise.

"Can't use legillimency yet, if they don't mention it, not my problem," he finished putting his hands into his pocket somewhat bored.

'Oh yea, there's a spell to read people's minds. Wonderful,' Harry Potter thought, somewhat irritated. 'You'd think Occulemency would be an elective but no... Instead we get divination...'

"Oh?" Hermione furrowed her brows slightly.

"If they did mention it then?" She questioned somewhat intrigued.

"Nah, they're better trained then that," Rodrick remarked while waving away the thought dramatically.

Harry and Hermione stopped in there tracks and stared at the boy. Before, warily, Hermione questioned him.

"Rodrick you do consider them your friends right?"

Rodrick had an amused look on his face.

"You," He started, pointing a finger. "Don't understand sarcasm," He shrugged and walked ahead.

Harry almost snorted.

When he heard Hermione say, sounding somewhat insulted and clearly amused. "I most certainly do!" As she continued on ahead, head raised up.

He couldn't help himself.

"Was that you being sarcastic or..."

Rodrick let out a laugh at the Gryffindor, while Hermione just blinked a few times while staring at Harry. There was a sheepish smile on his face.

Hermione shrugged good naturedely and walked on ahead, it was good seeing him smiling like that. She had been somewhat worried about him, she wasn't sure why but she definitely knew something had changed. Something had changed that day at the Black Family home. She wasn't sure if it was a good or bad change but something was... Different.

"You know?" She heard Rodrick start behind her, clearly aiming the words at Harry.

"It's moments like these I forget there's a war between our houses,"

Hermione couldn't help the laugh when she heard Harry's next words. Maybe it was a good change.

"Rodrick, you started that war,"

As the three neared the entrance to the classroom. they were met by an unexpected sight. One witch who looked to be in her forties, dressed in grey robes covering most of her physique though her face remained clear. A length of blonde hair fell around her face. On top which lay a flat witches hat.

Ahead of her, walking towards Rodricks group, was a shorter witch dressed in darker coloured robes, though the stranger discarded the hat entirely. Instead her pink hair flew freely over a much younger face compared to the first.

The pinkhaired witchs gaze swept passed the three for a moment before it focused on a particularly famous scar. Recognising him as the boy who lived and supposed heir to her... Cousin? The idiot of the black family? Though that was seen a lot better when compared to the blood traitor name her mother had earned.

She hid a smile as she walked up to the three and demanded they reveal who they were.

Harry and Hermione gaped for a second before they registered the odd witch. Rodrick didn't miss a beat as he turned to the pink haired witch.

"Mudblood," Rodrick started, pointing towards Hermione. "Halfblood," he added on, his hand changed to Harry.

He then pointed to himself and finished with "Pureblood," a grin visible on his face.

Hermione and Harry let out a long sigh at the words.

Nymphodora Tonks stared at the boy for a few seconds, her anger slowly growing. Rodrick however beat her to it, before she could say anything, he added on.

"Just making sure you understand who the important one is,"

Before she could respond, preferably by punching him in the face, to her surprise she heard her colleague speak.

"Auror Tonks, I imagine Alastor will be very disappointed to hear you're ignoring his advice. After all of the effort he put in as your mentor," The woman shook her head almost mournfully.

"What?" Was Tonks only reply.

"The boy's already got his wand on you," The woman chuckled.

Rodrick nodded for added effect. Hermione and Harry were content watching it play through. It was honestly easier that way.

"Judging by the lack of reaction from the muggleborn and Half-blood it means that he does it quite often. Considering the insignia on his robes, he did it for a reason." At this, the woman turned to Rodrick, an amused smile on her face.

"Which house did you get?" She questioned interested.

Tonks furrowed her brows, she couldn't exactly make a scene in front of her so she had to contain the urge to strangle the bigot. 'Wait? House?' How the hell does insulting them like that decide what house she wa-


The older witch cracked a smile before continuing the conversation. She knew the junior Auror would likely make a scene otherwise.

"We've heard a lot about the sort of exploits you've been up to, Mr Grace,"

Rodrick raised an amused eyebrow at that, "Oh? Such as?" He questioned innocently.

'Grace!?' Tonks thought irritated, 'This is the prodigal bastard?'

"I think she means the troll you killed," Harry remarked beside him, an amused look on his face.

"Mild concussion at best," Rodrick sniffed.

"Truly unforgivable," Harry retorted.

The woman simply smiled, "We'll be keeping an eye on your career with great interest, Mr Grace,"

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at the words,

"We?" He questioned bemused.

"My apologies, how rude of me," The woman started, unnerving the boy quickly.

"Elena Mintomble, Unspeakable," The woman started before reaching a hand out. One Rodrick stared at with a wide eyed expression on his face before he took it. However before the woman let go, he saw her eyes quickly turn to the necklace around his neck.

"Do be careful with that... Artefacts that involve death are always difficult to deal with... However when they involve time as well..." She left the words unsaid as she straightened up. Rodrick knew no-one else heard the words.

The woman had put him under a silencing charm the moment he'd made to shake her hand.

He turned around to take one last look at the woman before shivering slightly as he walked into the classroom.

Harry Potter was eyeing the pink haired girl wondering when her hair had turned purple. His attention quickly turned away as he made his way in.

Hermione was still staring at the retreating unspeakable, her mouth slightly open in shock at having met one. Her mind already linking the woman as one of the descendants of a more famous unspeakable. One who had truly attempted time travel.

However any further thought was quickly squashed as she heard the headmaster kindly ask them to enter the classroom. The girl went in only to find Rodrick and Harry already seated near each other. She didn't react to it, simply expecting the boy to move the moment his friends showed up. Instead she merely took the other free seat beside Harry and turned her attention to the headmaster.

The first thing she noticed was the large amount of whispering going on around the class... She wasn't sure if it was her imagination but she could've sworn she heard them mention Harry.


At one of the tables in the corner, a group of ravenclaw kept their gaze locked onto the couple of Gryffindors merrily chatting away with the guy that had started a war on them. Though they all made sure not to be noticed.

"What do you think he's trying to do? It's obviously a plot." One of the claws whispered.

"You think he's trying to bribe them for something?" Another voice offered.

One shook his words at the words, before he could give his opinion however another spoke up.

"Maybe, there is a rumour he bribed the headmaster!"

"What do you bribe Albus Dumbledore with?"

The one who had been about to discredit the theory sat there with his mouth slightly agape as another thought entered his head. The rumours almost joining in as the final piece.

"The black vote. He could've used Slytherin to get them to vote. He's clearly the most dangerous one seeing as he's apparently killed... Or fried a basilisk. A 60 foot monster. I wouldnt blame the Slytherins for listening to him and everyone knows most of the seats in the Wizanhamot fall there. Don't forget Malfoy of all people is his friend."

The others slowly dawned onto the fact and felt slightly pale at the repercussions.

"What do you think he bribed him for..."

The group contemplated the question when a, somewhat pale, Ravenclaw offered the Philosophers stone.

"How else do you survive attacking a Basilisk?" He added on what he'd considered proof.

"And now he's trying to get the boy-who-lived to double cross his house." One last voice added before turning his attention back to the centre of the plot.

They're attention was quickly drawn to the front door as two more Slytherins joined the lesson.

"Oh crap..." One ravenclaw echoed, somewhat amused.

"How's he going to explain that?" Another remarked.


Daphne and Tracey quickly found a seat near the back, slightly far away from Rodrick. She wasn't sure what he was trying to do but it looked to be big... Considering every single student was openly staring at the three.

She caught Rodricks eyes and found a rather disappointed look on his face. She heard Tracey chuckle.

"I think he wants us closer."

Daphne shrugged, a smile on her face as she patted the seat beside her.

"He can always come here." Daphne calmly remarked.


"Crap! He's in trouble now!" One Ravenclaw whispered to the group around his table.

"Does he ignore the order or lose his shot?"

"If he risks it, Potter really can't notice! Merlin knows how many times Rodrick's pissed him off.

The rest quickly nodded along, it made sense.

Rodrick stared between the girls and Harry Potter before shrugging as he got up.

"Later Potter,"

'That wasn't subtle at all!' The small group of Ravenclaws practically sweatdropped. Quickly turning their attention towards Potter, they weren't sure how to respond to the nonplussed reaction on the boy who lived face.

'He didn't even notice...' The thought entered more then one brain.

Harry was idly wondering why everyone kept on staring at him. 'Maybe they haven't been told I am joining the class...' He turned his gaze towards them and quickly turned back. 'Why did they flinch!?'


"Why's everyone staring at you Rodrick?" Daphne questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"No idea." Rodrick answered honestly.

Tracey quickly switched over from Daphnes left and took the other free seat by Rodrick.

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at her before he turned his attention towards the door, the last two people finally showed up. Albus Dumbledore had been waiting for them.

"Couldn't see your notes from the other side," Tracey explained with a smile.

"Oh, that reminds me!" Rodrick suddenly exclaimed. Quickly earning Daphne's attention. She agreed with Tracey on copying his notes. They went into a lot more detail then what was available. Though she wasn't sure how useful his notes in Runes might be, he never mentioned learning about the subject from his grandfather.

She raised an eyebrow at the small bag that he'd taken out. He took out three... Feathers? No, they were quills. The colours white and gold mixed together. While their tips a dark red.

Rodrick handed one to her and one to Tracey, before picking up the last one.

"Repeat after me, copy every word and have it levitated at all times."


Dumbledore had been about to begin the lesson the moment the last student walked in, however, the boy had grabbed his attention instead. The headmaster had an intrigued look on his face, wondering what the boy had likely created. The three feathers were covered in ancient runic scripture... To think the boy had learned so much regarding it already. The runic scripture looked to be for a spell, it was the easiest form of using Ancient Runes practically. Though the spell used was not.

Piertotum Locomotor.

A difficult spell, even more difficult to turn into Runic writing. However that wasn't the biggest issue, it was the fact that the spell couldn't in fact be used with it. With the activation words only activating the spell, not in fact linking the spell to the user. Ironically one of the main reason people paid to have runes installed in their homes, if you couldn't find the source, you couldn't undo it.

However it was the fact it didn't link to the user that the animation spell couldn't be used. As the animation would be linked to where it was written and without a conscious you couldn't control the animated object.

Which, considering the sudden gasps the rest of the class had made, and of course the now flying quills that were circling whoever had animated them. Simply meant that Rodrick had added something to it, Considering the feeling his Phoenix familiar had let off through their bond gave him a hint. Albus Dumbledore came to a surprising conclusion.

Phoenix Essence was sentient.

The aged wizard could only watch with utter fascination, he had heard, as had everyone else, Rodrick explain what it was meant for.

It was linked to the castle library. With how much magic flows through the castle walls it wasn't difficult to connect the two. Thanks to its connection it had access to all the knowledge stored in the castle library.

The best part? It worked like a Locomotor animation. In that all it needed was a thought to work. Thanks to a few charms placed on it, it linked with another only once, similar to how certain phoenixes only create a single bond.

It would work according to the user. The quill would take down whatever notes the witch or wizard felt they should remember, if at any instance the witch or wizard felt they didn't know a particular word or even spell. The quill would quickly write down whatever the definition was according to the books in the library, in the case of spell, it would show whatever translation was available.


Other then it's ridiculously difficult method to create. Creating One had almost knocked out Rodrick. He figured it was worth it. It required Phoenix Essence which meant it required the use of the extraction spell. Though the hardest part was etching the bloody runes onto a feather. It was otherwise difficult to obtain. Rodrick considered the amount he could charge for each one.


"Think he'll sell me one?" Hermione heard Harry question, herself wondering the same. It sounded awfully useful for note keeping. Though she didn't want to imagine how draining it might be for her. She could already see lines of exertion as Tracey had evidently decided to start writing out a book. Though the expression on her face was far too cheerful as she stared at the sudden gift. The parchments slowly falling off a desk ruined the image somewhat, if Hermione was honest.


Daphne simply stared at the quill flying just in front of her. Though she had a smile on her face, she was somewhat apprehensive at accepting the gift. She wasn't sure why he'd suddenly decided to give them something like it. It was still a wonderful gift. From what she'd heard, it didn't sound expensive... Instead being made entirely from magic. And a Phoenix feather. Yet she couldn't even find him a card let alone figure out what he'd possibly find useful.

It seemed easy enough for him to get them such things. The girl wondered why it wasn't so the other way round.

"What the hell are you thinking?"

She heard Rodrick's question besides her, he sounded really... Worried? Or confused. When she turned down to her parchment, Daphne twitched.

"Nothing!" She huffed, crossing her arms.

On the parchment lay the word, written large enough to be seen by the headmaster, 'Idiot.'

Apparently just a hint of the boys personality was in the quill.


The headmaster was rather glad the boy had shown him such a thing. It gave a much better idea of what he should teach the youngster. A thought quickly entered the headmaster as he jokingly questioned whether the quills knew what was in the restricted section.

Rodrick's nervous chuckle didn't bode too well, Albus's mind already working through ways to limit the quill. He had no intention of banning it, the amount of people that could benefit from such a thing was immense. The connection to the restricted section was slightly more problematic. Albus figured fawkes was likely to know a few things. They were from his feather...

Though the lesson started off slowly, atleast in Rodricks opinion, the headmaster had quickly started raising the difficulty for the young Grindelwald, though he made sure to keep the level fair for the others. In the end he had wound up having to enter the fourth years territories for the bright Gryffindor and cunning Slytherin. Though it seemed the rest still enjoyed the extra information all the same.

By the third lesson, the majority of the student body was shocked to find Rodrick in the library clearly out of his depth in an attempt to keep up with the headmasters optional part of the lesson. While the man taught the necessary parts required to do well in the upcoming tests, any extra were simply for those who wished to spend more time working on the subject.

Naturally he figured it might aswell be a little challenging.

Rodrick quickly realised the headmaster was possibly far more stricter then even his own grandfather, and he'd thought 8 years old was the prime time to learn the killing curse. For the extra challenges he gave the class and particularly him and Granger were downright impossible. At some point even working with the girl didn't manage anything. The simple matter was, what was taught at Hogwarts regarding Ancient Runes was once again the very basics... Runic Scripture as Rodrick had come to realise wasn't made up of the hundreds of runes shown in the Hogwarts textbooks... That was only the basics, according to the headmaster, there were in fact thousands.

Rodrick idly wondered what sort of psychological issue one might have to consider going into cursebreaking. When Dumbledore had revealed the requirements to become a qualified curse-breaker, he quickly removed it as a potential future career choice.


As he took a look around the table Rodrick suddenly realised his friends were no where in sight. 'Huh, when did they leave?' He thought himself, though he couldnt blame them... He'd spent most of the day in the library, trying to figure out how to answer Dumbledores newest challenge. Picking up the nearest parchment he read over it, in the background his quill filling up the hundredth or so parchment with far too much information.

He sighed as he read through the piece in his hand.

"Still here?" He heard Malfoy remark disgruntled.

Raising his head he blinked when he realised it was only Malfoy.

"Where's everyone else?"

Malfoy sighed as he took a seat.

"The hall, they weren't keen on skipping dinner." He shrugged, his brows furrowing when his eyes landed on one particular book.

"Why is there an Arithmancy book here?" Malfoy questioned, his hands holding said book.

"They're linked." Rodrick waved off the question.

Malfoy twitched, "You're joking right?"

Rodrick shook his head. "I was just as surprised..." He added on with a long suffering sigh. The quill behind him slowing down slightly as he deflated onto his chair.

"Why aren't you with the rest?" Rodrick suddenly questioned.

Malfoy had to tear his eyes away from another book. He wasn't sure how he felt about the fact Rodrick was actually reading the fifth year Ancient Runes book.

"Seventh years wanted to know if the quidditch plan was still on," Malfoy had a piercing look as he stared at Rodrick.

Rodrick let out an annoyed with.

"When exactly was it cancelled?" He questioned sarcasticly.

"Right..." Malfoy remarked warily.

Rodrick blinked once before shrugging and getting up.

"Let's get some food," He grinned, rather glad his stomach hadn't decided to intervene.

Malfoy nodded numbly as he walked behind Rodrick, he didn't think it was particularly healthy if you changed moods so quickly. After asking the question regarding the plan, Malfoy could've sworn the quill looked just about ready to attack. It just made him want one all the more, Rodrick refused to budge on it though. As it were, only Tracey and Daphne had their own. After a few morons had tried to steal them? The castle had found out they weren't as harmless as they'd originally thought...

Dumbledore hadn't been amused, neither by the rather desperate Ravenclaw, nor Rodricks safety measure.

The boy was downright ruthless. How a quill was capable of breaking bones was one thing. How it had managed to leave the moron in the middle of the Hogwarts lake was something else entirely.

Though, unfortunately and completely expected. He wouldn't be the last person to wind up in the infirmary due to the relatively dangerous and remarkably helpful quill.

By the end of the next week however almost half the students would find their way into the infirmary for one reason or another. At the very least none of the incidents involved the sentient quill. It was still Rodricks fault though. For the last day of that weekend was the long-awaited match between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor.