
 Chapter 18 Unexpected

September 13, 1993,

Gilderoy Lockhart sat at his desk, a dazed look on his face as he swayed. It took him a few moments before he calmed down with a sigh. Several minutes after that, he recollected his thoughts, his expression slowly went from confusion to elation and then finally to anger.

Gilderoy Lockhart was angry. Angry at what he'd become. Angry as he realised he had failed. Angry knowing that he had no doubt disappointed that man... The man that had shown up in his life at the ripe age of 11. Bearing the chance of a lifetime... The chance it seemed, of a single lifetime...

A lifetime now long gone.

He could still remember the day his life had changed.

Gilderoy Lockhart had been at his dad's study, his nose engrossed into the newspaper as he read through another article showing off the life of a future celebrity... A Prodigy they called him... He shook his head, wondering what it'd be like to one day become something like that.

His small moment of reverence, however, was quickly broken as he heard a knock on the front door. Quickly running up towards the door, Gilderoy opened up the door. It wouldn't due to wake up his dad too early. Though it was the afternoon... His father never took well to being woken up early, though, funnily enough, he barely remembered it half the time...

Unfortunately he didn't forget it quickly enough either...

However, even still, he hadn't expected to find a woman dressed in wizard robes before him.

"Good afternoon," The woman before him startedoff pleasantly, "My name is Professor McGonagall..." And so the rest of his life had officially changed from that day onwards.


That wasn't right, however. Gilderoy frowned, it hadn't been Professor McGonagall who had visited... No, it had been someone else... Someone far more powerful, not to mention the fact he hadn't shown up with a Hogwarts letter, instead he had shown up with something else entirely.

The opportunity to escape his mundane life, to learn from him, to learn the things he could do... All for a greater purpose, a purpose he had never been told, not directly... No, the man had told him he would know his purpose when it was time to.

His old mentor had been insane. That was without a doubt.

However, at the same time, he had been the wisest man he had ever met.

He sighed, there was only one thing to do... With his reputation as a fictional hero, it meant he had no real allies. Frankly, he doubted anyone bought it, considering his newer memories it was likely his winning smile that got him all the attention.

He scoffed at the thought before he shook his head. There was only one thing he could do, if he had his memories, that other person likely did as well.

That simply meant he had to go meet him, from there on, they could plan what they had to do.

Things had already changed, far more then he'd liked, however, he knew he had to at least try to make things work. If only for his former mentor's memory. If his theory was correct, the man was likely no longer apart of this world, while not unexpected in the long-term... It came too soon. He had been given instructions for 1997... Not 1993...

He shook his head once again. It seemed he would need to improvise...

"Durmstrang it is..." He said after a moment.

Two minds were better than one.


April 3rd 1994,

Bellatrix eyed herself in the mirror, twisting and turning to make sure everything was perfect. She sighed, relieved, when she found the resemblance good enough to pass.

"I still think I should be the one to go, I know my father far better than you," Crouch's voice quickly broke the mall silence.

Bellatrix huffed, crossing her arms as she turned. The image of Crouch senior causing junior to turn away.

"We've gone over this," she remarked avoiding the urge to rub the bridge of her nose again. "If you go, you'll no doubt kill the kid,"

Crouch didn't even turn away, merely staring at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, because he's definitely not going to get in the way," he uttered sarcastically.

"You don't know that. His mother stayed away,"

"He's an anomaly!" Crouch raised his voice. The voices in his head causing him to wince.

Bellatrix rolled her eyes, "This entire world is an anomaly," She fired back.

Crouch didn't turn his gaze, "I wouldn't call it that." He remarked easily.

Bellatrix twitched, "I was stuck in Azkaban!" one eyebrow raised, "You were under an Imperius! James Potter's dead, my cousin was in the cell next to me,"

"Thank Merlin for that," Crouch grumbled, completely ignoring Bellatrix's rather strange habit of jumping from one subject to another... He'd known her long enough to have gotten used to it.

"Karkaroff ratted you out," Bellatrix added on.

"Don't remind me, I still don't know what caused that change,"

"Maybe the fact that he willingly became a death eater might've had something to do with it?"

"You were just as glad as I was. Who knew we'd lose 13 years over it?" Barty scoffed.

Bellatrix nodded, there wasn't much to say to that, it was true. With Crouch ratted out as a death eater, she'd lost her only ticket out of Azkaban. Though considering that her cousin had also wound up in the same place, she wasn't sure she ever had that ticket.

Black hadn't been arrested the first time, hell, James Potter wasn't supposed to have died.

Bellatrix quickly took a seat on one of the empty chairs.

"I am not sure whether things are easier or not," She heard Crouch add.

"You're still not going, wait your turn," She added on with a wave of her hand.

"Unless you intend to kill one of them, there's no point in visiting the castle at all!"

Bellatrix rolled her eyes, "You know exactly why I am going."

Crouch grit his teeth, "There's no point! We don't even need the bloody Horcruxes this time!"

"I need to be certain, and that's not why at all," She casually fired back.

"Certain about what?" Crouch questioned in a huff. "We already have everything we need, all that's left is to find the Dark Lord and wait for the bloody tournament to start!"

They could try the ritual earlier... But... There was no reason to risk anything... It had been too late to attempt it this year. Though deep down he idly wondered if fate simply wanted the Dark Lord's return to occur on the same day... Even if almost everything else had changed drastically.

"I am still going,"

"If they realise who you ar-"

"It won't change anything," Bellatrix replied with a huff. "Legally you're dead remember?"

"Still, just to get a look at the boy, you're risking everything..."

Bellatrix narrowed her eyes, "It's not just for that and you know it,"

Barty tensed.

"You and I both know how risky it is, Gellert Grindelwald is dead remember!?" Bellatrix added.

Barty nodded slightly, "I still can't believe he was really in jail this time,"

"If only," Bellatrix shook her head, "If only he'd been in jail the last time," she muttered as she turned around and looked at her surroundings, "It's too bad Karkaroff spilt everything. This place looked a lot better last time,"

Crouch snorted, "Yea, that's what happens when you're the minister,"

"Speaking of which, where is your father?"

"In the basement, why?"

"No reason,"

"Here's hoping next year goes to plan," Barty Crouch raised a nearby glass.

Bellatrix rolled her eyes, "As far as things go, other than the wasted years, we've got an easier hand this time..."

Crouch didn't turn away, "I'll agree as far as them losing a few good cards goes..." He remarked, thinking of James Potter, Frank Longbottom, Karkaroff, though that one wasn't exactly worth it. Then his mind slowly switched over towards Lenora Grace... And more importantly her kid. Someone who shouldn't at all exist at the current place in time. "But they do have a wild card... I doubt Grindelwald will willingly join our ranks... Who knows how dangerous he might be... You remember how Harry bloody Potter turned out?" He snarled.

"Ours? or The Dark Lords ranks?" Bellatrix questioned innocently.

"You're just ignoring my points now aren't you?"

"You're still not going,"

Crouch sighed, "I wasn't trying to, I already have business with Lockhart remember?"

Bellatrix tensed. "If my idea is stupid, that is downright insane."

"Oh, what now? I can't kill Lockhart!? Let me guess, you don't want me to kill Karkaroff either?"

"Look if you want to murder those two be my guest but how do we know you won't make it worse!?"

"How could I possibly make it worse?"

Bellatrix stared at him for a few seconds before smiling. "I hope Lockhart cleaves your head off." She remarked with a smile before leaving the room.

Crouch stared at the retreating woman before sighing. This was going to be a long year.

Besides, from what he could tell, Lockhart was likely a fraud. There was no way he could've accomplished everything he'd written this time. And Karkaroff could wait... There was an entire year filled with chances to go after him.

He turned towards the cabinet, quickly trying to find a calming draught. He needed to focus. He frowned when his eyes landed on the last vial. He simply opened up and drank through the last bottle. It wasn't difficult to get Lockhart's address, a few daily prophets confirmed it. The man clearly enjoyed the fame and attention. Which made things far easier for him.

Still, he wasn't stupid.

"I need to find a mudblood..." He sighed, idly wondering if he should mention Lenora Grace's... No, Lenore Grindelwald's final actions...

Crouch shook his head uneasily. That memory still haunted him...

That memory would probably forever haunt him.

That woman had set a standard that no wizard or witch could ever hope to beat.

Even her grandfather couldn't hope to top the things she did.

Gellert Grindelwald may have almost enslaved the world but Lenora Grindelwald... She... She'd...

Even to this day, with all the things he'd seen and lived through, none of it would ever come close to the terror he and his lord had felt.

Barty shuddered.

It took a lot to threaten someone with a Horcrux and yet he and the dark lord, no one else had been present after all, had thought her a nightmare brought alive.


Bellatrix stared at the headmaster on the opposite side of the desk with a passive expression under her disguise.

"You mentioned Grindelwald?" The headmaster began, "Did something come up regarding his death?"

Something about the words, for some unexpected reason, sent a chill down her spine. Was the headmaster doing something?

She simply shook her head. "Not that I know off, I was referring to the Grindelwald under these halls,"

Dumbledore made no reaction to the words, "I see, and, how did you come to the conclusion there was a Grindelwald under these halls?"

Oh, she had to give it to the man, he certainly knew how to hide his words. 'How did I find out?' She thought amused, there were hundreds of ways to confirm there was a Grindelwald in the castle. Though it worried her that Dumbledore seemed to know there was one, where the two on good terms? It wasn't a bad thought considering the old man was trying to keep his existence a secret.

'Crouch' Raised a hand, "Headmaster, I merely wish to meet the boy, I have no intention of bringing Mr Grace any unnecessary problems,"

Dumbledore seemed to relax at the words, sensing no hostile intentions out of them. "Does that depend on what you find out?" He questioned amiably.

Bellatrix sighed, the man looked too comfortable. She really hoped the boy wasn't some muggle lover...

"I don't wish to judge a book by its cover... We both know what happened the last time I misjudged a student..."

Dumbledore nodded, Perhaps the son's actions may have in fact softened the man before him. He could still remember the actions he had taken against death eaters... Even against the ones who were not even confirmed... His thoughts slowly went towards Sirius Black.

"If the child is more Gellert Grindelwald than Lenora Grace... Well, something would need to be done early on, don't you agree?" Bellatrix added on passively.

'Perhaps not...' The headmaster sighed.

"All the same, I am afraid such a meeting would need to take place at a later date,"

Bellatrix raised an eyebrow at the man, "I don't intend to take too long,"

Dumbledore shook his head slightly, "The boy is currently indisposed and with exams coming along I fear any sudden interruptions would get in the way,"


Dumbledore nodded amiably, "He is recovering in the hospital wing at the current moment, I am afraid a meeting would only hinder his recovery,"

"You seem awfully unconcerned considering one of your students is in the hospital wing..." Bellatrix remarked, 'plan B it is,'

"It's a common occurrence,"

Bellatrix stared at the headmaster for a further moment before a thin smile etched itself onto Crouch's face. "Very well, I will return at the end of the year if that is more agreeable?" The death eater lied.

Dumbledore was about to answer before he saw 'Crouch' suddenly stand up.

"Is it alright if I were to use your floo?"

Dumbledore stared at the man for a few moments too long before he nodded.

He watched as Crouch walked towards the fireplace.

"Headmaster," Bellatrix remarked, tipping her head slightly. A handful of Floo powder seemingly appeared out of nowhere and into her hand.

"Crouch Hall," She added on.

Dumbledore nodded warily before watching the man floo away, failing to notice the small bit of information.

Fawkes screeched.

Dumbledore's gaze didn't budge, there was something wrong with Crouch. He hadn't thought the man's home address would be called that... He sighed, realising he likely now needed to keep an eye on Crouch Senior, if for the simple fact that the man seemingly knew who Rodrick was.


In a generally empty part of the castle stood a magical room, a room capable of adhering to your needs, any needs. Inside, Bellatrix Lestrange sat down in one of the conjured chairs, a smile on her face. It was almost laughable at how easy it was to infiltrate the castle, the headmaster's fireplace was connected to every place in the castle, including the room of requirement.

However, she couldn't very well say the name in front of him... Of course, modifying Floo powder wasn't something wizards and witches alike thought possible. Really it just went to show how arrogant and more importantly, incompetent the world was... Which was fine for the former Azkaban prisoner, it made things far easier for her.

Removing several pouches, Bellatrix unshrunk them, relieved she'd brought the emergency supplies. The room could provide almost anything but food.

Sending a message to Barty, informing him of her decision, she settled down onto one of the more comfortable couch's completely ignoring her partner's frantic words.


As Crouch walked towards the intended address, hidden under an Invisibility Cloak. He directed the Imperiused Muggleborn with him towards the door. He kept himself out of sight, not even risking going inside as the famous Wizard allowed one of his 'avid fans' in.

"Mr Lockhart, it is a pleasure to finally meet you in person!" The wizard in question remarked eagerly. Crouch was glad the man had actually been a fan. It made the Imperius far easier to control.


After several questions and answer, 20 Autographs and a new book of fiction which had cost him far too much, Crouch was ready to kill the man before him. The man had a bigger ego than the Dark Lord.

However, Crouch realised with relief, it wasn't the same Lockhart.

As far as he could tell in any case.

Of course, Crouch should've realised that if things go well, it's usually a bad sign.

When the Muggleborn finally agreed to the Imperius order to leave, Crouch relaxed from his position, he found himself uncomfortable in broad daylight, something he realised he probably would never get used to.

'Once the esteemed Minister's son... Now a former convict who was supposed to be dead...'

"I should consider opening up my home to fans more," Lockhart remarked with a gleeful look.

Crouch shook his head, the man probably wanted to siphon more galleons-

"Don't you agree, Mors Comedenti?"

Crouch didn't skip a beat as he apparated away, Imperiused mudblood no longer his worry.

As he stared on towards a blank wall in his home, his mind whirling around the 'nickname' Lockhart had decided to give his unwilling minion.

He cursed. 'Freaking comedian!' He thought distastefully.

It was no matter really, it's not like Lockhart was about to start searching for dead men...

He really hoped he wasn't in any case, regardless it still did mean there was one more person they ought to worry about...

One more, extremely irritating wizard...

Seriously... What wizard fights with swords?


April 4th 1994

Rodrick woke up with a groan, the after-effects of the extraction were no longer a problem.

Lack of sleep was.

He eyed the still sleeping forms of his friends before shaking his head wistfully. It seemed he'd woken up earlier then necessary, though if he went back to sleep he wouldn't wake up in time for his class.

With Astoria cured, he had no excuse to give Snape but laziness and he doubted that would work.

If anything it was his own fault for staying up too late last night.

As he made his way down to the dungeons he stiffened slightly as he turned on the spot.

Someone was watching him. He spent a moment taking in his surroundings before he frowned. The sudden feeling had disappeared as quickly as it'd shown up.

Warily, he continued on his way to the common room.


It was in the feast that he'd suddenly felt those eyes on him again, he had been in the middle of eating through his breakfast when he'd felt the sudden gaze on him. The only conceivable thing he could think of was that someone was using magic to... Well, find him. There were very few ways, which he specifically knew off that could be used... One of them being Potter's map.

Was Harry spying on him? Not that he could blame the Gryffindor. But it didn't seem like his nature to... His thoughts, however, were interrupted as he saw his friends finally show up.

He shook his head to clear his thoughts, he focused back on the main point at hand. With Astoria cured, he found his time freed up exponentially.

He smiled as his thoughts went on to the upcoming game between the cubs and birds. It was only a month left before the most chaotic game of Quidditch occurred. Well, the most chaotic game of the generation anyway. Quidditch was well known for generally being a dangerous game.

Nott stared at the smiling Grindelwald and turned to Blaise, "Who do you think's dying this year?"

Blaise raised an eyebrow at Nott, "You are way too grim you know that?" He remarked before taking a seat beside Rodrick.

Nott turned to Malfoy, almost expecting an answer.

He felt pretty certain someone was going to die very soon.

"Hopefully Potter," Malfoy sneered before taking a seat opposite Rodrick.

'That already happened,' Rodrick thought amused.


When the group of third year Slytherins returned to the dungeons later that day they found the den of snakes in what could be considered an uproar by their houses standards and a mild commotion by Gryffindor's.

Rodrick cut his way to the centre, half the snakes willingly moving out of his way.

"What's going on?" He questioned as he reached the centre.

His gaze quickly latched onto one of the only prefects he knew, a raised eyebrow demanding an answer.

"Well?" He added on before he crossed his arms.

"Someone tried to break into the dorms," Farley answered somewhat amused at the boy demanding answers.

Rodrick furrowed his brows, "That's it?" He questioned incredulously.

For a split second, Farley frowned, "It was the third year dorms,"

Rodrick stared at the girl passively before he moved towards his dorms, a sinking feeling in the back of his mind.

He idly glimpsed one of his friends following him.

It was 15 minutes later that a relieved Rodrick left the dorm, Malfoy and Blaise having joined him not long after he'd entered.

"They broke in and took nothing?" Malfoy questioned confused.

"No," Rodrick remarked, "They broke in and tried to," He added on.

That was really the only thing he could come up with regarding the incident, as nothing really was taken. The only things that had any charms on them were mostly his own belongings... If he had to guess what someone might come after, it was either the potions book no one else seemed to understand... Or the more dangerous book of hollows. If he had to guess, it was probably the second.

The question, however, was who? It was then he suddenly realised someone had been calling to him.

Rodrick blinked as he turned to Malfoy, "What did you say?"

Malfoy frowned, "I think I know who it was," he repeated his words, Blaise raised an eyebrow at the words.

"Let me guess, Potter?" Blaise snorted.

Rodrick rolled his eyes at the words.

"He's a Parselmouth remember?" Malfoy remarked, surprisingly calm. He knew throwing a temper tantrum would get him nowhere and Rodrick was, surprisingly enough, considering it.

"What does that have anythin-" Rodrick started before he facepalmed himself, "You can hiss at the dungeons to open the door can't you?"

Malfoy confirmed it. "It's why they generally go to Slytherin," He added on.

Rodrick sighed before thinking it over, It certainly made sense... Potter had an invisibility cloak, not to mention one of his friends knew his Disillusionment charm... The map would also explain the whole spying thing as well... However, he frowned, the necklace should've counteracted the Marauders map. He did briefly remember the look of surprise on harry's face when he had seen the book for the first time...

It didn't matter, he suddenly shook his head. Potter likely didn't even know that he could parseltongue his way through the Slytherin dungeons, nor was he the type to try steal something... Weasley on the other hand... Rodrick snorted at that thought. The ginger had more freckles then brain cells, definitely not enough to come up with a plan, let alone manage to get away with it.

Rodrick considered his animosity towards the youngest Weasley wizard to be rather odd, he liked the rest of his family just fine.

"Whats he doing?" He heard Nott suddenly question.

'When did he get there?'

"Trying to figure out who the third year stalker was," Blaise answered amused.

"Wasn't it Pansy?"

he turned back to Malfoy, Rodrick realised the blonde had long since disappeared. "How long have I been standing here?" He suddenly questioned.

Blaise chuckled, before he was about to answer however Nott spoke over him.

"Don't know, don't care, Greengrass's looking for you,"

Rodrick raised an eyebrow, "Which one?" He knew Astoria was still in the Hospital wing, unlike him, she didn't have magical healing powers, you know, the kind that tortured you first?

Nott didn't answer, simply pointed away in some direction, Rodrick assumed was where Daphne likely was, he doubted Astoria would be out so soon.

"Since when were you their messenger?" Blaise questioned.

"You could've just sent some first year to do it for you," Rodrick added on. Draco did that all the time, hell at some point he found the future Malfoy Lord get a sixth year to do his homework.

Nott stared at the two before he shrugged, "Wouldn't be much of a Hufflepuff if I did that,"

Rodrick shared a glance with Blaise at the retreating Nott, "I think we might've taken that joke a little too far..." Blaise remarked warily.

"What joke?" Rodrick deadpanned.


That night, as Rodrick lay in bed, his thoughts went over towards the supposed stalker. They had followed or at the very least had kept an eye on him throughout the morning, likely through magical means. The only time they hadn't was...

He sighed, it was only after he'd returned his bag to the dorms did they try anything. They'd only had a single lesson that morning, he was hardly going to carry around so much for no reason... He could've simply shrunk it but then he'd have to do it for everyone else...

After that, he'd stopped feeling the persons eyes on him, which obviously meant they were after something in his bag, and considering their failure to steal it, it was probably the book of hollows. He idly wondered if he should just let whoever it was have the cursed thing, it wasn't like they could read it and use it against him...

Of course, the thought disappeared as quickly as he'd come up with it.

The boy sighed, unsure of where to even begin, and to think he'd just about finished one problem before another one had shown up. Though he doubted whoever it was would try again so soon after failing.

Sleep slowly took over following that.


Bellatrix smiled thinly as she waited for the lesson to end, she'd almost gotten caught trying to take that blasted book. It held too many secrets, secrets that could prove... Rather fatal for her.

And Barty, she added on as an afterthought.

She knew now simply trying to take the book wasn't going to work... But she was a Black, no matter how thorough Gellert Grindelwald may have been, even he couldn't have known everything.

While she couldn't read it herself, it wasn't like she had to, nor did she want to.

She cast an invisibility charm as she walked out of the Room of Requirement. If she failed it once again, she may end up having to abort the whole thing.

The boy was far too self-aware, she wasn't sure if the necklace around his neck was responsible or not... That damned necklace. When it'd become relatively clear that it was in his possession... Not only that but the fact he wore it... That didn't bode well for the Dark Lord. Perhaps even her.

She shook her head, she'd been tempted to try and steal it, however, she knew how that would end. She had no intention of going through that. And that was just taking the curses Grindelwald had placed on it... She knew exactly the kind of power that necklace had, power that made her shudder.

No mortal should ever possess it. Which in hindsight is why she was glad.

If someone was going to own it, at least it was her godson.

She couldn't help the smile, he'd turned out so well! Other than his seeming friendship with mudbloods in any case. 'Everyone has their quirks,' She thought.

Barty has four voices in his head. And she was, as far as anyone who's ever met her told her, quite insane.

With those thoughts in mind, she made her way towards the ancient runes classroom.


It was to her own fortune, to find the door still open. As she entered, as quiet as she could. Which wasn't exactly necessary, seeing as she had a silencing charm surrounding her.

She hitched a breath when she saw him momentarily turn towards the door, staring at it intently for a few seconds before Rodrick frowned and turned back. She let out a sigh at that. It seemed while he may be able to sense her presence, he couldn't see through Invisibility charms. She thanked Merlin for that small blessing.

Seating herself in the corner of the room, she quietly waited for the students to start leaving. True to her thoughts, she watched the boy stay back, no doubt to check what he'd momentarily witnessed.

It was just the five of them now. Her, Rodrick, his professor and two girls who she'd assumed to be friends of his. She couldn't help the smile when she realised at least one of them was a Pureblood.

"I'll see you two in the dungeon," She heard him say to the two girls, she grinned when they agreed though they didn't look too happy about it.

Barty wasn't going to like him one bit.

She turned her attention to the professor and sighed. It wasn't like the professor would simply let her rummage through one of her student's bags...

Besides, the woman had slighted her once.

Who was she to call her self a Slytherin if she didn't take her chances? Besides...

It's not like she was a pureblood.

She couldn't risk anyone seeing her, even momentarily and she wasn't sure how long she could keep the boy occupied.

As the two girls left, albeit rather slowly, she finally found her chance. She raised her wand and took in a deep breath, she couldn't risk it being too strong.

"Imperio," She cast off at the boy.

This was likely her only chance.


Rodrick had an odd feeling he really shouldn't be in the room... A sense of foreboding. And then, everything suddenly felt... Calm.

His head had cleared, there were no thoughts or worries as he tilted his head slightly, idly wondering why he'd suddenly felt so peaceful. Staring at the door, he was tempted to leave...

The feeling wouldn't leave him, perhaps there was someone outside? Rodrick shrugged as he simply got up and left, ignoring whatever his professor had been asking of him.


The ancient runes Professor furrowed her brows as she watched the boy simply leave without a word, she'd thought perhaps he'd wanted to ask something... When she turned her gaze towards the bag, she shook her head. The boy had forgotte-

That was the last thought to enter her mind as she suddenly saw a flash of green light show up out of thin air.


As Rodrick exited the classroom, he'd walked barely a few feet before suddenly stopping, his eyes widened as he realised what had happened, he was about to run back to the classroom before he suddenly felt a sensation he hadn't gone through since the second year.

For at that very moment, he had been forcibly thrown into another vision.

He could only watch as a shadow suddenly appeared before him, his surroundings changing. At first, to his shock, showing him the three mirrors he'd had the pleasure of seeing for as long as he could remember, before suddenly changing to that of the Slytherins dungeon...

More specifically the entrance to the dorms, the third year dorms... His mind quickly going back a day to the break in... And then it changed... Changed to the room he had just been in. He couldn't help but watch as the shadow suddenly loomed over his professor, and then everything went blank before a single picture appeared before him.

A picture of the fourth Peverell...

When the vision finally ended, Rodrick found himself completely drained, the mark of hollows on his arm felt heavy... He watched the room suddenly get engulfed in green light, he understood.

Understood what had occurred.

Rodrick walked back in, to his irritation, far too slowly, and to his horror, he found his professor slumped on the floor. No sign of life in her eyes.

Rodrick grit his teeth as he turned.

He found his bag, books sprawled all over the floor. One notably missing.

The book of hollows was nowhere in sight.


Rodrick stared down at the floor, a furious look on his face... A look that quickly changed to regret... He should've paid more attention... Shouldn't have let his guard down so much.

He heard the headmaster's footsteps quickly running into the room, he didn't need to turn to know several students were already outside, all of them poking their heads into the classroom.

No one had entered, no doubt due to the large red bird currently perched outside the door.

He heard the headmaster's gasp first. Chancing a look towards the headmaster, Rodrick found the man expressionless.

For some odd reason, he felt himself stiffen. He could see, could understand even! Why his grandfather had been afraid of the headmaster of Hogwarts.

"What happened?" Dumbledore questioned, his eyes not moving an inch.

"Everything Has Consequences," Rodrick remarked numbly. "I'll show you the memory..." He added on before he walked out, his eyes closed as he walked through the hallway, he couldn't look anyone in the eye.

It was all his fault.

He should've known things had gone too well with Astoria...

He should've known life wasn't that simple and most of all, he should've known not to go against death.

As it had been proven moments earlier, he should've never heard that Peverell out...

He should've paid more attention to the man's words. He should've left when he had the chance. Perhaps then, he might've been able to avoid what had occurred. For the man had stopped him from seeing a vision... That had likely been the only chance the man had of meeting him... He'd interrupted a vision in order to tell his story and as a result, he himserlf had missed out on a vision... If he hadn't... He would've seen it coming.

It hadn't been long really, moments before he'd re-entered the classroom, intent on catching his target, he'd had a relapse of the second year... In that, he had been forcibly thrown into a vision. And, he knew at that moment, that it had only occurred to stop him from changing it. He knew as the hollow mark on his arm had practically drained him of any energy... The vision ending with the picture of the fourth Peverell...

As if to taunt him. To taunt and warn him of dealing with those Death had cursed.



2 months later.

Dumbledore stared ahead passively at the wizard before him. He was here for a post for the coming year. It would be the second time hiring him... Honestly? he was confused as to why he had even bothered after the previous year... If it had been the same post, he may have considered it... If only for the simple fact that the wizard was perhaps the first ever to survive the curse... He hadn't ever considered that particular point really until he'd come back at any case, Only this time, it was for a different post.

"I am quite surprised you decided to apply," Albus stated.

The man before him nodded, somewhat amused. "I don't see why not. I quite enjoyed my first year if I am honest!" The man suddenly exclaimed, his hands outstretched in an attempt to show off his eagerness.

Dumbledore frowned. He wasn't sure why, but the look on the man's face had... Changed.

"What qualifications do you have for teaching the subject?" Dumbledore questioned, "I don't recall you ever taking Ancient Runes,"

"I took it up as personal research, you did receive the book I'd sent with the letter?" the man questioned, "I put in everything I knew about the subject in it, I hope it's enough to show you my knowledge regarding it,"

Dumbledore nodded warily, he was tempted to try to bring up the fact that his books weren't exactly reliable, he'd had his suspicions, of course, suspicions practically proven true after what Rodrick had told him what he'd seen regarding the man... Before he could voice his opinion, however, the man smiled.

Dumbledore's eyes widened, the man had used Legilimency on him.

"I see," The man simply remarked. "It seems you know the truth regarding my work,"

He hadn't expected the man to be capable of reading minds...

What worried him more, however, was the fact the man seemed capable, if only for a short time, of passing through his Occulemency.

However, that did not mean he would make a good teacher, while he might have no problem if the man had offered to teach Defence for the upcoming year. Ancient Runes was a different matter. Legilillemency didn't mean he would be capable of teaching a subject without provable qualifications...

At least with defence, the man had his books and of course his NEWT in the subject... Even if the books weren't exactly all true. It was better than nothing.

"The truth?" Albus questioned, a twinkle in his eye. Something had definitely changed.

The man smiled, "Aren't you curious?"

"Curious about what?"

The man before him simply waved his hand, "I do hope you consider my application..." He remarked.

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow at the man, "I don't believe the interview is over,"

"No, I believe it is, I will say this, however," He remarked whilst entering the fireplace.

Dumbledore simply stared on, his curiosity peaked.

"You'll choose me, Headmaster, I am quite sure of that," He remarked, holding the floo powder in one hand.

"While I certainly don't doubt you would make a wonderful addition, there are several other wizards and witches who have also applied for the post. As much as I believe your experience of having already taught one subject at this castle helps, unfortunately as headmaster, I must choose what is best for this school-"

However, before he could finish, The man before him simply nodded. Stating a single date. A date that caused the headmaster's eyes to widen.

"13th of September," Before stating his home's address and disappearing.

Dumbledore frowned.


Author notes:

The next chapter will be another interlude, after which it will continue on following the sudden death, the last part is merely there to set up the next year.

Mors Comedenti: Death Eater. Supposed translation.

Also please don't forget to give feedback.