
A Great Sage gave me a System

Above the Planet Earth, an old man stands in the sky. With his arms behind his back, he excitedly marvels at all the sights the world has to offer. Yet, one day, he notices the internet, and with it various Cultivation novels! Appalled by this nonsense, he searches for the source and finds the author Zhang Baichi, the "Immortal Master Unrivalled Under The Heavens". He stalks the young man - watches as he gets drunk, watches as he gets beaten up and still watches as the young man gets killed! Finally, he kidnaps the young man's soul, throws him into a real cultivation world - and with a System to boot. The audacity!

Yozuka · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
68 Chs

Against a Dragonblooded Demonbeast

Of the originally ten disciples of the Willow Tree Pavilion, only eight were still alive.

A bloodstained body could be seen laying a bit further away from the battlefield, while pieces of bloodstained cloth and flesh could be seen in another direction.

One person was dead and another has been devoured!

Zhang Baichi flicked his wrist and a sword appeared in his hand. Behind him, the other members of the Fleeting Storm Sword Sect drew their weapons as well.

They had all kinds of shapes and sizes, but every single one of them had a sword as their weapon.

'System, give me information on that Demonbeast!', Zhang Baichi commanded.

[Ding! Mutated Cloudwolf, 5th Layer of the Qi gathering Realm.]

'5th Layer…?! F*ck me!', he cursed in his heart and assessed the disciples of the Willow Tree Pavilion.

The young woman were all injured to some degree, but were still blazing with fighting spirit and attacking the Mutated Cloudwolf from all directions.

In front of the beast stood two woman who were giving it their all to keep the beast's maw and claws occupied, though neither of them was in good shape.

"Attack from the sides!", Zhang Baichi quickly barked out an order for the Fleeting Storm Sword Sect's disciples.

He didn't ask the system, but Zhang Baichi was sure that the two woman at the front were the strongest of the Willow Tree Pavilion's disciples; Pavilion Master Xiao's daughter and one another.

Naturally, the two of them had to be the disciples at the peak of the Body Forging Realm.

Zhang Baichi channelled his Qi according to the Torrential Stampede Movement Technique and shot forward with blinding speed.

He jumped onto the Mutated Cloudwolf's backside and kicked off once more, jumping over the beast in an arc and attacking its neck with full force.

The Sturdy Iron Sword pieced against the dark brown scales and scratched off of them with a hair-raising grinding sound, the sword bending from the force contained in the strike.

Not expecting such a powerful strike, the Mutated Cloudwolf's head sunk low, but the beast sprung up at the next moment, not injured in the slightest.

Zhang Baichi was shocked; He had not expected the Demonbeast's defences to be so abnormal!

He landed in front of the beast, next to the two woman with shock written over his face. From his side, the older of the two woman spoke in a hurried voice, "The scales are unbreakable! Don't waste your time."

The other woman chimed in, pointing her speak at the Mutated Cloudwolf's belly. "Its underbelly is without scales. Attack that weakpoint with us!"

"Got it.", Zhang Baichi prepared himself, glancing at Lu Zheng and Yun Ye, who were on the same side.

Both of them held massive Heavy Swords in their hands and wielded them with great proficiency, a clear show of their physical strength.

"Yun Ye, Lu Zheng, attack together to break its balance; Give us a chance to attack the underbelly!", Zhang Baichi barked out.

"Yun Ye, on my mark!", Lu Zheng reacted quickly and coordinated with Yun Ye to simultaneously strike at the Mutated Cloudwolf's hindleg.

Their attack struck true with a deafening sound, forcing the beast to its knees, yet neither of them drew blood.

Lu Zheng and Yun Ye were shocked. "Its defence is disgustingly abnormal!"

While the two of them were dumbstruck, the wolf wavered, staggering to the side. Zhang Baichi and the two woman from the Willow Tree Pavilion moved quickly, but didn't anticipate the wolf to retaliate immediately.

It swiped out with its claw, aiming for the younger woman with a spear, but was met with Zhang Baichi blocking the blow with his sword.

His eyes widened and even with his incredible physical strength, Zhang Baichi was forced back and nearly lost his footing. 'Sh*t, why is this thing so powerful!'

He was shocked by its strength, but the emotions he felt were nothing compared to what the two woman felt; They didn't even dare to be grazed by an attack of the Mutated Cloudwolf, much less block it head-on!

A single strike would not only shatter their weapons, but most likely heavily injure or even kill them outright, yet Zhang Baichi was merely forced a few steps back; His physical strength was outrageous!

"What are you waiting for?!", Zhang Baichi barked at the woman, who were still stunned from what they just saw.

Both of them snapped out of their daze and attacked the Mutated Cloudwolf's underbelly with their speararts, enhancing their attacks with Spiritual Qi.

Two wounds were ripped open on the Mutated Cloudwolf's body, but these wounds only seemed to enrage the beast even more. The older woman cursed, "Too shallow!"

They retreated quickly after attacking, narrowly dodging the beast's bite, and returned to Zhang Baichi's side.

'D*mn its strength. My whole arm feels numb…', Zhang Baichi barely had the time to complain in his heart when the Mutated Cloudwolf was already charging at them again.

Zhang Baichi's eyes flashed with aggression, and he grabbed his sword with both hands. "I'll create another opening for you, so make sure you deal some real damage this time!"

He charged forward and the Black Heaven Qi in his body was raced like a surging river, further enhancing his strength, and covering his sword.

With a mighty stomp, and a twist of his body, Zhang Baichi put all his strength into a vertical slash, meeting the Mutated Cloudwolf's bite with a strike from below.

The sword and teeth clashed against each other, cracking the ground beneath Zhang Baichi's feet.

He managed to stand his ground and repel the beast, crushing some teeth and forcing its head upwards! Blood was drawn from the vulnerable gums of the Mutated Cloudwolf.

The two young woman form the Willow Tree Pavilion were just behind Zhang Baichi and attacked the beasts throat and belly once more.

More blood was drawn from its belly, but even a spear could not piece the steel like fur covering the Demonbeast's throat.

The Mutated Cloudwolf howled in pain and rage, once again swiping its claws against the three attackers.

'Not good!', Zhang Baichi channelled his Qi again, jumping back with a burst of speed and dodging the claw attack. The older woman from the Willow Tree Pavilion, who just attacked the wolf's throat wasn't as fast, and the claw ruthlessly slashed against her body.

She coughed out mouthfuls of blood and was flung through the air, only to violently crush into the ground. The sound of bones getting crushed sent a shiver down everyone's spines, the young woman's fate unknown.

Zhang Baichi glanced at her in distress but calmed down when he saw her coughing again.

Still, her bones were crushed, her clothes and belly slashed open and she could not muster any strength to even stand, much less continue fighting.

A single strike had critically injured a formidable cultivator at the peak of the Body Forging Realm!

His mind raced and Zhang Baichi once again barked out an order. "Lu Zheng, Yun Ye, make us some time! Yu Hao, get over here and take her place!"

A loud howl resounded from the distance, followed but a powerful wave of bloodlust and Qi. Zhang Baichi's head jerked to the side and he saw another Mutated Cloudwolf charging at them from the distance.

'Another one?! Sh*t! System, how strong is that one?!', he once again cursed in his head, frantically dodging another attack from the wolf in front of him.

[Ding! Mutated Cloudwolf, 3rd Layer of the Qi Gathering Realm.]

"There's another one?!", the disciples of the two sects naturally noticed the second Mutated Cloudwolf as well and their faces showed terror and despair.

A single wolf had already killed two and injured another of their group while the fight was still far from finished, yet they had to deal with another one?!

Zhang Baichi grit his teeth and shouted, "That one's only at the 3rd Layer! Disciples of the Fleeting Storm Sword Sect; Go and deal with it together! I'll keep the stronger one busy!"

The young woman by Zhang Baichi's side grit her teeth and shouted as well. "Disciples of the Willow Tree Pavilion, go and help them with the weaker wolf!"

The two sects' disciples hesitated for a moment, but quickly followed their leader's orders. Lu Zheng and Yun Ye took over command and lead them to fight the second, newcomer Cloudwolf.

Meanwhile, Zhang Baichi and the young woman distracted the wolf for a moment, giving them enough time to disengage safely.

Just two people faced the Mutated Cloudwolf at the 5th Layer of the Qi Gathering Realm alone, when nearly ten times the number of people barely managed to fight against it before.

'I've underestimated these f*cking beasts before… I can't 'hold my ground against' one at the 5th Layer… I can barely survive!', Zhang Baichi grit his teeth and strengthened his grip on his sword.

He glanced at the woman by his side; The little girl couldn't be any older than him, but she looked determined to fight the Demonbeast with her life on the line.

Zhang Baichi took a deep breath and focused on the Mutated Cloudwolf. "Guess now's not the time to keep holding anything back."

A moment later, a powerful aura aura exploded out of Zhang Baichi as he circulated the Black Heaven Qi in his body at maximum power. The woman by his side looked at him with shock.

A hazy black aura shrouded Zhang Baichi's figure; He exuded a powerful, otherworldly pressure.

Slowly, star-like twinkles of light appeared around Zhang Baichi's sword, intertwining with the black aura to form a picturesque look like the nightsky.