
A Godslayer in a School

One of my stories from my Discord, it's time to bring some of them over to Webnovel! This one is a Teen Weeb and a History nerd who ends up killing a God-King and acquires his Authorities. What does he do with them? He abuses them! It's loosely Campione world (Supernatural) x with some slice-of-life animes like Oreigaru (regular world) ------- Discord: discord.gg/denoffanfics my pat : pat reon.com/DragonsFics

Dragon15681 · Anime e quadrinhos
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71 Chs

Queen Bee

(Random Pity Chapter)

I could sense the gaze of Yumiko Miura on me for most of the day. The girl just kept on looking.

"What is it?"

"Nothing, just something amusing," I said to Yukino, whom I was hugging at the moment.


"Yes, we had a couple of girls looking at what we did yesterday~" I whispered into her ear. This made the black-haired beauty blush instantly.

"W-What!? Only now have you decided to tell me!?" She hissed with embarrassment at me.

"Why yes. It's not like it's important."

"What do you mean it's not important!?" She exclaimed with embarrassed anger.

"Then what are you going to do?"


"See. So it's fine. We gave them a show they will never forget." I smirked for a bit as my gaze went to the side.

My brown eyes meet olive green.

A small smile appeared on my lips. The moment she realised that I was looking she turned away, pretending to look at something else.

What a cute act. I do wonder if I made her get over that blonde ikeman. From the looks of it, he is not even interested in her. So maybe she will get over it.

"And you are not afraid that people are going to talk?" Yukino's comment made me turn my gaze back at the girl in my hands.

"Let them know that the thing I have with my ladies is the real deal." I once again whispered to her.

"What a perv…"

Even if she said that she was more cuddly all of a sudden.

"Yes. Now let's see what we are going to do next." My gaze went to the homeroom teacher who returned from somewhere. She must have arranged something for us as we have been waiting at this spot for a while.



Yukino sighed once again. She can't believe someone saw her do all that! It made her so embarrassed! But then she focused on her task ahead.

Her gaze went to the guy next to Hayato Hayama. From the looks of it, that all-talk guy is about to ask Ebina Hina out.

The black-haired girl can see Ebina looking at her. The girl's eyes are telling her to fulfil the request.

"...It would appear he is about to ask her out."

"...Fine. I suppose we can help you out. Since we all are part of this club." Erica said with a sigh.

"But such arrogance. To ask such a thing, change is something that will happen no matter what. Asking to keep this 'Status Quo' to continue like this." The blonde knight huffed from annoyance.

These regular teenagers sure are annoying. Her life changed quite a bit after becoming the knight of her Lord. And she didn't complain at all.

Maybe because it changed for the best? Well, whatever.

"Lily, you are going to help me with this."

"Huh? What are you talking about!?" For some reason, her fellow knight had a bad feeling about this!

"...You will see…"

Erica proceeded to grin like a cat.

Her gaze went to the guy who was about to start walking over to Ebina Hina.

The blonde grin only grew bigger, and Liliana's feeling of dread only grew stronger.

*Loud Exaggerated Gasp*

"Lily! You write books!? Why have you never told me before? I thought we were friends!"

This made everyone stop whatever they were doing and look at the blonde and Silver-haired girls.

"Gah!!! Blandelliiiii!!!" Liliana lunged at Erica to stop her talking, the embarrassment levels were all-time high for the fairy-like girl!

While this was happening Ebina Hina 'lost' interest and proceeded to look at this spectacle. Yumiko Miura next to her looked towards this as well.

The Queen Bee knew what was going on. Her friend asked the Service Club to interfere with this thing.

The interference was unique, to say the least. But it worked. The guy lost the courage he had built up.

In the end, everyone looked at this spectacle as the silver-haired girl was 'pissed' and tried to shut up the blonde.

It was amusing.

"Well, this worked," Ebina said with a relieved sigh.

"Uhuh… in a strange way." Yumiko agreed, but her mind was not here at this moment. Instead, she looked at the side where Raynor was with the idol herself.

The blonde is wondering, where are all the paparazzi? The girl is extremely famous but not a single guy with a camera has appeared.

She finds it strange. Does the guy control the media? By this point anything is possible. The guy is 'royalty' so he might have some incredible pull and influence.

All in all, this is strange and curious.

"Hmm, is Yumiko interested in our dashing Lord?" Ebina Hina teased immediately when she saw where the blonde was looking.

"Ugh! Not with this again! What I am interested in is how he does it! How on Earth are they not jealous?" Yumiko said with a groan.

"Well, with my 'knowledge' his wealth and influence and many other things balance out the jealous part. Then again I have no idea about the extent of his 'power'." Ebina proceeded to put her fingers on her glasses. She was channelling her inner weeb and geek.

"In other words, he is so wealthy and powerful that girls around him don't even dare to look jealous."


"Even, Yukino Yukinoshita."


What Ebina said made sense, but at the same time she remembered what she saw last night. It wasn't just 'wealth' he had some sort of 'power' too!

To have his way with a group of girls. This is just absurd.

"You are right. But there is more. A single guy shouldn't have the means to have his way with many girls at once."

"...Heh…why don't you test it out? Find out how it works." Ebina teased her some more. She likes it a lot when proud Yumiko is all stuttering like a little girl.

"...Y-You are just messing with me!"

Yumiko stuttered as she looked away from her. If only this girl saw what she saw!

Ebina wouldn't be talking like this!


Once again it was evening and Yumiko decided to get something to drink. She couldn't fall asleep…again! After seeing that event last night she was in a strange mood.

'It's all that guy's fault!'

The blonde puffed her cheeks as she walked over to the vendor.

But then her gaze ended up on Raynor who was carrying sleeping Ai Hoshino!

The guy was taking her to the girl's side of the hotel!

The Queen Bee swiftly followed after him from some distance.

This was quite nice of him. The idol has fallen asleep so he is taking care of the purple-haired girl!

Once he took the idol to his other girls he was walking back, all alone!

What a great opportunity this is!

"Valeron, may I talk with you?" Yumiko, like a proud queen, asked him just like that. The only way she knows is right to one's face. Skulking around is not her way. Doing it for one day was enough.

She wants to learn how he does it!

"Hmm, Yumiko Miura, what can I do?" Raynor stopped and looked at the blonde in front of him.

"I want to know. How is this harem thing you have works." She asked without beating around the bush.

"You want to know? And what do you expect me to say?" He took a couple of steps forward and got closer to her.

Yumiko's eyes widened as she realised that she was alone with him! Her cheeks started to get red.

"Do you want an experience? An experience all my girls get when they are added to my harem~"

For some reason, she had poisonous thoughts starting to rise in her mind. It's like all those tales of girls getting infatuated with bad guys.

This was such a situation!

Yumiko swiftly took a couple of steps back.

"I will skip that."

"So how do you expect me to tell you if you are running away?"

"...On second thought… I don't care anymore." The blonde Queen Bee realised that it was not the best situation to be alone with this guy.

He might do something to her and she won't even mind it!

"Oh? So you will try to get that blondie to be interested in you?"


"...you know. He is the son of one of the executives of Yukino's family company. The guy will be studying abroad after finishing high school.

Your chances with him are quite low or not even existent."

Yumiko was shocked all of a sudden as she just got some serious information she never knew she would get.

"...You…told me on purpose didn't you!?"

"Maybe. After all, I am simply having fun. You already had a spectacle last night. So why not tell you some more?"

Her expression morphed into that of utter embarrassment! He knew!? And he still did all of that!?

Once again he took a step forward and positioned himself to make her lean against the wall. This was the exact position he had in Yukino last night.

"That's right. I made it on purpose, you wanted to know, so I showed it to you." He said with a grin worthy of a Demon King.

"...You…a perv…"

"Me? You are the one who wanted to see all of it." He grinned even more as he leaned forward.

The funny thing was Yumiko was not resisting, was not putting up a fight, or was trying to run away. Nope, she is just standing there.

Waiting for him to do something!

Girls like that are naughty by nature.

"...So? What if I did? What are you going to do about it?" She was still giving him a proud front.


He leaned forward and claimed her lips. Yumiko's eyes widened as she didn't expect that! However, she quickly closed her eyes and proceeded to wait and see what he would do.

Slowly a simple kiss progressed into a make-out session. Morphing into a wet French kiss, his tongue invaded her mouth and proceeded to explore. She tried to use her tongue to wrestle him!

But she had never done anything like this before.

Not that she could focus on this as she felt his hands exploring her body! His left hand ended up feeling up her rear while his right hand squeezed her breast.

This made her start moaning into his mouth.

Eventually, he pulled back and looked at her misty olive-green eyes.

*Haggard Breathing*

"...Did you like that?" He whispered his question to her. His hands were still on her assets.


"...Indeed, and you like it when I am the one who is doing perverted things to you~" He pointed out with a grin.


"No? Then shall we continue this in the Hot Springs? All alone, only two of us~" He whispered into her ear as his hands squeezed her assets.

Her eyes widened to a large degree, and images of debauchery started to bombard her mind. She started to get needy.

But her reason and pride won this time around as she swiftly dashed away.

When Raynor saw that he chuckled to himself. He hasn't truly pinned her down. Nope, he simply made her lean against the wall as he proceeded to kiss and have some fun with her.

Yet, he knew she was at checkmate.

Yumiko Miura is horny for attention and love. At first, she wanted that from Hayato Hayama but he never paid attention. But she decided to become a voyeur on Raynor. The Godslayer will give a taste of that attention and love she wants.

Seeing that the blonde left him like this, Raynor decided to return to his room.

While he went back to his hotel room Yumiko rushed to her room, swiftly ending up under the bed sheets. Her breathing was all over the place and her heartbeat was wild.

With shock, she touched her lips. She could still feel his taste there. Same with her body, she could feel phantom-like hands all over her.

'T-That guy is dangerous! He is far too good! It's like some sort of superpower!'

That's right Yumiko is far too proud to agree that a normal guy would make her feel like that!


For advanced chapters (+8 chapters) mypat : pat reon.com/DragonsFics


Discord: discord.gg/denoffanfics


P.S.: I do weekly voting on Patreon if you want more chapters for this fic (or other fics ) vote there.