
A Godslayer in a School

One of my stories from my Discord, it's time to bring some of them over to Webnovel! This one is a Teen Weeb and a History nerd who ends up killing a God-King and acquires his Authorities. What does he do with them? He abuses them! It's loosely Campione world (Supernatural) x with some slice-of-life animes like Oreigaru (regular world) ------- Discord: discord.gg/denoffanfics my pat : pat reon.com/DragonsFics

Dragon15681 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
71 Chs

Conquering the Witches

Aya grimaced as she felt pain in her neck. She tried to resist, but her energy quickly left her body. Before she even realised it, her consciousness started to slip.

Then she frowned as she felt fingers in her mouth. This guy forced her to drink his blood!

'Damn you, I will get you for this!'

Regardless, she needed to drink his blood as she didn't want to die yet!

After a few moments, she felt a shift in her body. Something was happening to her very being like she was added to something. She had never felt anything like this!

But then, she felt his power flooding her body.

Her red eyes widened as she realised she gained absurd power from becoming one of his vampires!

A certain glint appeared in her eyes as her gears shifted.

"...hehe, you stopped resisting?" Raynor released his hold on her arms and removed his fingers from her mouth.

She didn't respond momentarily as she recovered and gathered her thoughts.

"There is no reason to resist as it is pointless." She said with a slowly growing smirk. Aya's smirk was as evil as it gets. His power has started to seduce her. Even if he wanted this or not, he has her attention.

"Oh? is it now? Is Aya going to listen to what I have to say?" He asked her as his face got closer to hers.

"Of course. Why shouldn't I?" Her fingers moved to his chin; she elegantly stroked it.

"Since you insist on wanting me, then so be it. How can I say no?" Aya softly said to him, her eyes returning to her natural purple colour. Her gaze then went to Octavia, who slowly took her steps back. The red belly dancer witch was thinking of retreating as even her sister started to behave differently.

'T-This vampire is brainwashing us! Even Aya is behaving differently!' 

Octavia was about to run for hills, but Aya's command made her nearly pass out.

"Octavia, it's your turn now. Once you become a vampire, you will understand the meaning of power." The witch who was leaning into Raynor's chest spoke with a purring voice.

"Aya, what are you saying!? Your dream was to take powers from people and remake the world in your image!" 

"...Oh, that." She had a wicked smile. 

"It didn't change…much." 

"That is right." Raynor wrapped his hands around the evil witch before explaining to Octavia.

"You see. One of Zeus' authorities I have is a conceptualised court. Each person I add to that court is like adding power upon power to a poll."

As he said, black and blue chains started to manifest around him.

These were void chains used by Natsuki!

"Fufufu, I knew it. So that's how it is~" Aya licked her lips. This was better than her original idea. Or at least that's what her mind came up with. After all, each transition done by Raynor is a little bit different as Raynor alters the blood he gives to the witch to drink.

In other words, the blood Aya consumed subtly manipulated her psyche. It was nothing of substance, a simple shift from erasing all power and having only power to herself to hoarding all power to her new blood.

He is making her develop a value for his blood as a Progenitor. In other words, she will develop respect and even worship for her master, continuously pursuing adding more power to the bloodline.

"T-That's not you!" 

"That's new to me. I understood that being a mere witch will never be enough to bring this world to its heels!" 

Raynor smiled upon hearing that. It would seem his trick worked.

"No thanks!" 

Octavia summoned several circles, which released flames. Those flames rushed at Raynor and Aya.

The witch was about to defend herself, but the King of Storms stopped her.

"Fire, Water and Lightning do not work on us." He clarified to her.

His explanation made her smile at him.


As he said that, the flames tickled them.

"See? I killed Zeus, Poseidon and Apollo. Their powers flow through to me. In turn, they flow through you."


"Yes. Now, I shall capture this naughty witch." He stroked her long hair before rushing after Octavia, who flew away with her broom.

As Raynor left, Aya looked at Natsuki, who was simply sitting in her seat without saying anything.

The witch grinned at the fellow witch.

"What are you going to do now?" Natsuki asked her. There was quite a bit of animosity between them.

"Fufufu, isn't it obvious?"

"...No. He has brainwashed you."

Aya frowned angrily for a second before morphing into a poker face.

"...What of it? He has done the same to you." 

"...Yes. My anger towards him is almost nonexistent. Which makes me quite terrified." Natsuki looked at her hands. She could feel absurd powers flowing through her body. It's intoxicating to have such a strong body.

She can barely resist such power. But what about Aya? The witch who always wanted power. Natsuki can see that the Witch of Notaria is high on her new power. 

"Then accept. How long can you resist your new blood?" 

"...Weren't you the one who said that Demons and Vampires should not exist?" Natsuki grimaced as she looked at Aya and then at Emma, who slowly stood up and looked at her hands.

One of the witches of Ashdown smirked as she looked at her new and improved body.

"Yes. That's how it was. But all of it pales in comparison to what we have become. This power is far superior to anything we have seen!

The reason you are resisting is because you didn't acquire this through 'right' means." Aya got Natsuki's attention back as the witch snorted at the jailor, who was at the wit's end. 

It was like trying to resist a lack of sleep. Eventually, she will break.


"...I have to get away! There is no way I am becoming a toy like this!" With a sweaty forehead, Octavia was flying away at top speed, but then a hand ended up on her shoulder, yanking her back and off the broom.

Her face paled as she realised that he already caught up with her!

"Which part do you miss? I already told you that I killed Zeus. I have his authority over the sky. You think that you can just fly away?" He asked with an amused tone.

"S-Shut up!" She struggled in his hands. 

"Do you truly want to struggle so high in the air?" Raynor asked Octavia with a grin.

His question immediately got her to stop as she looked down. Itogami Island looked like a small dot. The crimson witch realised that he had brought her higher. 


"Say, your clothes are not for show, right? You can dance, can you?" He inquired as he looked at her sexy belly dancer outfit.

"...just be done with this." She looked away and resigned to him.

"Fine. You will answer me either way." 

Just as she said, he bit her neck and proceeded to drink her blood. Once she turned pale, Raynor made her drink his blood. Her light purple eyes turned red as she transformed into a vampire right before him.

Once the progress was complete, the newly turned vampire smiled at him as she cuddled in his hands.

"The answer to your previous question is yes~" Her eyes slowly changed back into light purple as the changes settled down.

"Good, you can entertain me later~."

"Anything for my king~" 

Raynor returned to the prison, where Natsuki continued to sit in the chair, and Aya and Emma just waited for him. It was quite strange, as by all means, they should be antagonistic. Natsuki should want to seal Aya away, while Aya would want to steal the Witch of Void memories. 

As the Storm King landed on the ground, he let the crimson witch down and walked over to Natsuki, who was still struggling to resist his blood. 

It's quite cute as she looked like someone who is struggling with her addictions. 

"You still resist? Isn't that just cute? Let me tell you something amusing." He smiled as he walked over to her.

"You don't just become a vampire. You become one of my 'consorts' in a way. This authority is called Olympus, and it is based on a myth similar to how Zeus made Europa his wife and brought her back to Olympus, making her a minor goddess.

One of the perks of this authority is that as long as I am alive, even when you die, you will reform and return to life. This power became augmented further after I got Kaleid Blood." 

Natsuki grimaced as she heard that. The beauty, nonetheless, had a stubborn look. 

"Oh my, it would seem this witch continues to resist. There is only one thing I can do now." Raynor acted as if he was pushed to the brink, making Natsuki fear for her life!

"W-What are you going to do!?" 

"Tickle you to obedience." He replied with a deadly serious tone.


Before she could reply how silly this sounded, she was yanked from her chair, and the next second, his hands sneaked to her armpits. 

"...W-Wait you can't be— Hahahahaha."

Natsuki started to laugh and cry at the same time. As his hands were tickling both of her armpits at the same time, she was trying to get away from him, but he was unreasonably strong!

The three witches who saw this could only look at each other with an array of complex emotions. This was sadistic, brutal and humiliating for a proud witch.

They decided never to question his orders as it would lead to something like this. The worst thing is that they can't even kill themselves to escape such a fate. 

"I give– I give– I give upppp! Stop this alreadyyyy!" Natsuki with tears in her eyes, gave up, her eyes which were red, slowly settled down and returned to blue. She has fully transitioned to a vampire, becoming one of his.


She huffed when she felt his hands move away. The witch turned around and looked at him.

"You said we are your 'consorts', so I expect better treatment!" Natsuki started to complain. 

But Raynor leaned forward and whispered to her ear.

"You don't want to walk on that road, Natsuki-chan~ after all, treatment depends on your performance as a 'consort'."

The girl who was about to speak lowered her finger and realised that she was walking through a minefield.

"...Yes…well…" She decided to retreat for now and think about her future choices. As she was doing that, Raynor sat down on the chair and closed his eyes. 

"...W-Wait, you can't just—!!!"

Natsuki realised that he was doing whatever the hell he wanted! As he sat down on the throne, the whole place started to glow bright blue and black.

"Pillage." Raynor softly said the magic words. 

The bright light got even brighter as something started to happen to the void prison. 

"Your prison is like a supersized artefact. Meaning that it can be taken with my Viking Explorer's authority." 

The witches had no time to explain as bright light consumed them. Before they can reply to him, they are transported out of the prison.

When they opened their eyes, they were standing at the edge of Itogami Island.

"...We were moved out?" Octavia asked with a confused tone.

"...Yes. His authority consumed the prison. He was pulling it into another reality. It should be the same reality as the so-called Olympus. I can only guess that this place is inside of him." Aya could only guess how his power works. It's quite something else to think that there are beings with worlds inside them!

"Yes. Whatever." Natsuki said with a slightly pissed-off tone. She is getting frustrated with how she is being handled. It makes her feel very weak in front of this guy. Even against a Progenitor, she could resist for a while, but this guy? He does whatever he wants with her!


For advanced chapters (+14 chapters) mypat : pat reon.com/DragonsFics


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