
Ai's First Day in Sobu High

(3 out of 3 chapters this week)

Ai Hoshino is in school! The word swiftly spread through Japan. However, the paparazzi could not find her! It was as if she disappeared from the face of the Earth!

The official word that she is attending school, was the info displayed on her web page but that's about it.

No one could find her for a while but then social media exploded when students started to show off their pictures with Ai Hoshino in school uniform! She was a student in school by the name Sobu High!

The social media machine descended on the school like a magnifying glass!

Yet, none of the paparazzi could find the idol!

It was strange, people waited at the gates in cars around the corners. Even watching from the rooftops! Yet, none of them could see where is Ai Hoshino!

"Are we blind!? Her hair is purple! She stands out like a sore thumb!" One of the paparazzi mumbled to himself as he was part of the chat group the paparazzi made for themselves to help find their targets but so far all they sent the same messages that she was nowhere to be seen!

Yet, on social media, there are photos of girls doing the signature heart symbol with the idol! This was annoying!

"Tell me about it! All I saw so far is regular kids!" Another paparazzi exclaimed with a snappy voice. He was just like his buddy pissed off for standing like this for many hours now!

~~~~~~Back at the School~~~~~~

The classes were over. All of the students either go home or to the clubs. At this moment the whole of the Service club is walking towards their club room, including both Hikigaya Hackiman, Yui Yuigahama, and the newest addition Ai Hoshino who is just going where Raynor is going.

"Do you think it's something to do with Zeus myths?" Yukino whispered to Erica as she watched how Ai was hugging Raynor's hand with a smile on her face. The idol's eyes were sparkling with happiness.

"Which one specifically?" Erica asked the black-haired girl with a somewhat confused look. Zeus has an array of myths! You don't just say that without some more substance.

"The general ones! Like he would always get females with some sort of impressive background."

The blonde for a second blinked at her. For some reason, this made sense to her.

"...You are on to something." Erica sagely nodded.

Thinking about this, aren't they with impressive backgrounds? Erica and Liliana are Great Knights and 'faces' of their organisations.

Ena is the Heiress of her clan and a Hime-Miko chosen by a Divine Sword.

Yukino is the daughter of the CEO of a major company, and now he has an idol… they all have 'substance' in their backgrounds.

"See! This is what I am telling you." The girl whispered to the blonde.

"Interesting. Since he inherited all of the Heretic God's authorities this is a possible side effect of one of them or even a mix.

After all, never before has something like this happened, at least in the records we have."

Erica wasn't that bothered by this. This could be a useful clue more than an issue for her.

Clue for what kind of women he could collect in future. Quite a bit of the type of girls don't come into his radar if this is true.

However, she needs to watch this more before she can make a proper assessment.

As the girls were whispering among themselves Raynor's attention was on the idol who was all gushing about the whole idea of school life.

He was taking her to the Service club.

Once they entered the room the idol swiftly started to look around.

"...this doesn't look like a school club, it's more like a boy's room," Ai said as she noticed the TV, the consoles and a bookshelf of colourful books.


Yukino sighed when she heard that. This was like a jab at her. She is the president of this club but by all means and purposes. Yet, Raynor took it over and made it into his 'lair'.

"It's Raynor's doing, he brought all these things to keep himself entertained, while we wait for those assignments." The girl explained to the purple-haired idol.

"Oh, interesting. Do you have some music-based games?" The girl idol asked him when she heard the purpose of all these consoles, she was already thinking about how to entertain herself and him.

"...um…no? Most of the games are fighting ones and some JRPGs like Final Fantasy…" Raynor answers with some trepidation as if he has those!

"...I see… I thought we could make this into Karaoke or something, You did say you wanted an idol for yourself." She winked at him, making his 'gears' start to spin.

"Is she for real?" Yui whispered to Hikigaya, she heard that! Is Ai Hoshino thinking of singing for them!? well him… That's like a free ticket!

"Maybe? I mean Valeron is like a light novel main character. Anything is possible with him." The only other guy whispered back at her.

The girl simply giggled upon hearing that. The way he put it sounded hilarious.

"Well, we can think of something."

"No! This is Service Club! Raynor! If you want to make a concert then we can go to Karaoke AFTER school." Yukino quickly intercepted.

"... Spoilsport! I wanted to make my boyfriend happy!" The idol's cheeks inflated like a hamster, she then pouted before thinking of something else.

"D-D-Did she just said 'boyfriend'!?" Yui exclaimed with disbelief. This was breaking news to her! This is like THE idol and now she has a boyfriend! A boyfriend who already has four girlfriends!?

What is this craziness!?

'Hiki is maybe up to something!? Does he have the superpowers of the main character of a light novel!?'

Yui thought to herself as she narrowed her eyes. This is worth investigating!

"Hiki…" The girl whispered to the only other boy in the club.


"I think you are right!"

"...Right about what?"

"Him being a light novel main character!" She hissed back at him, what is with him? He started this and yet he forgot!?

Though her reaction to his words was strange, he didn't believe this nice girl would accept his random comment.

Girls usually ignore him and what he says, so it's strange to have a proper conversation like that.

"...Yeah, I guess."

"We should check if he has some sort of unique powers!"


For a second he was confused! Like what the hell! He never expected her to have some inner weeb qualities!

"Maybe he is a vampire? Or some sorcerer! Maybe some bad guy who has powers to manipulate girls." She whispered in an excited voice.

'Of course, she knows…she most likely watched a few animes focusing on soap operas or some School romance…' Hikigaya deadpanned to himself.

And here he hoped he found a like-minded girl.


While the pair are whispering among themselves, Raynor is with his new idol.

"So, did you do any sort of acting or voice acting?" He asked her as the pair ended up on a couch.

Ai Hoshino was quite clingy with him as she felt a certain warmness flowing into her from his body.

She likes it very much. The guys from that government agency said that it's his authority or something but she doesn't care about such small details.

"Yep, I thought you already knew all the things I did." She curiously explained to him. The girl thought he had done all his research on her.

"Nope. I only recently moved to Japan so I don't know much about real-life idols."

"Oh, okay. I can tell you everything I did~" As she said that she crawled onto his lap and got comfortable. Raynor looked at this with some amusement. None of his girls are this bold anymore.

That pitying look his three 'experienced' girls give to the idol tells the tale.

Well, she will eventually understand, for now, she started to tell him about her extremely short acting career since she recently started, so far it's only basic musical ads and a teen movie which mostly has singing, the Japanese version of the school life or something like that.

"I see. Well, I will be making a game…hmm since I have you I can make something like a visual novel." Raynor commented as he used his free hand to stroke his cheek.

Ai giggled seeing his expression.

"You look like you are seriously thinking about this."

"Well, yeah. I always ponder on things that I like."

She hummed hearing that.

"That's fine. If you need my voice I will help you with that~" As she whispered to him, she got closer to him and then whispered directly into his ear.

"But I want to be awarded~"

"Of course. That goes without saying." He said that as he used his other hand to wrap around her waist the pair got quite into an intimate position.

While this was happening Yui started to blush, The girl never expected to see such a thing! This is absurd! The famous idol acts like that! They are still in a public place!


"... That is a lot of Paparazzi…" Ai softly said with a sigh. Her voice was quite resigned.

"You do realise that they can't do anything to us do you?" Raynor explained to her as he stroked her back, he then looked at his knights.

"Girls, why don't you show me how you deal with small fries like this."

Liliana seriously nodded and Erica smirked upon hearing that.

"Of course, my Lord."

"Leave it to me."

The pair swiftly walked forward, towards the school gates.

"Umm, what can they do?"

"Those two are Great Knights of their respective Orders. They know how to fight and use magic. You do realise that I don't keep simple girls around."

"Oh. I see, this is good to hear."

His words had a double effect on the Idol who realised that she needed to keep her game at the highest level. She even looked at the black-haired girls who remained with them. Ai wondered what their 'game'.

Regardless, the knights moved in and proceeded to hypnotise the paparazzi. The pair realised that if they used long-term spells they would be less of a nuisance in the future.

Long-term selective blindness towards certain things like Ai Hoshino will make them ignore the rest. A subtle hypnosis is far better than a massive memory wipe.

With Raynor's blessing, the pair's magic strength was on a completely different level.

They easily hypnotised the photographers on the streets before checking out the buildings around them. It's not hard for them to find 'hiding' paparazzi.

And so less than five minutes later the pair returned.

"I got 12, Lili, what about you?" Erica commented as they were walking back to their Lord.

The silver-haired turned stiff for a second, but she eventually told her results.


"Heh! I guess I won this one." The blonde smugly exclaimed as they returned to Raynor's side.

"It's not like this was an official race or anything like that!" Liliana huffed angrily at her rival.

"Yeah-Yeah you should always use any opportunity you have to impress our Lord."

Once again Liliana stiffed before sighing in resignation, Why she never thought like that!?

"Nice work, girls, we should return home." Raynor praised the pair before motioning to start walking.

"Of course."


The group proceeded to leave the school grounds. The thing was Ai was supposed to call her manager when school ended but… she forgot. Or didn't care that much.

So she walked to Raynor's house while hugging his arm the entire time.

Eventually, they returned to his house.

The idol's eyes bulged out when she saw a small tiger walking over to greet them!

"...Is this?"

"A tiger, I got one in India. So it's a Bengali Tiger, it's just a cub, I have been training him for a few days now." Raynor proudly told her about his pet.

He picked it up and proceeded to rub his cheek into the tiger.



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