
A God in Training

Everyone's born into a world with all sorts of people. Good, bad, neutral, chaotic, and a lot more. Imagine being given a chance to take care of those shitty people, the ones who prey on the weak as they walk home from work or leave the store. Kenji Makito has been putting up with bad people all his life and even endured quite a bit of trauma in his life. He's now given a chance to become a god but it's not instant nor is it easy. Fight for what you believe is right, that's what they say at least. Schedule: Updates are TBD but will try for Daily! Disclaimer: Cover doesn't belong to me and if any art belongs to you, let me know!

Kota_Sama · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

Chapter 25: Return

The time to go back into the fight was now and I definitely improved a lot since the last time I fought. My return is now so I'll go back to the squad but my training is far from over.

No one was around at this point in time since the day was about over but I'll make sure to tell Katsuro about it in the morning. The General told me to return whenever I was ready to go back out.

That doesn't feel like something she'd do for just anyone here.

"Obviously more than one person is looking out for you." Yoko speaks up.

She was sitting over in a chair by the window as she said this but that wasn't uncommon for her. These last two months she'd be sitting there every night until I went to sleep.

I'm not really sure I know how to react to her being around in this physical form so much but I do know I've learned a lot from her. The system isn't necessary complex or anything, it just takes sheer will power to get strong enough to wield it.

You have to be determined to get stronger physically if you want to be able to borrow power from this system. A normal humans body can get absolutely torn apart if they used this carelessly.

"I believe you're right about that. What exactly will that mean for me is the question?" I respond while leaning back against the wall.

Each person that looks out for me but that's not always a good thing necessarily. Some people are looking to gain something from watching my back while others do it because I would for them.

The world isn't full of people who'd just risk their lives for anyone but it's full of selfish people who would sacrifice others for personal gain.

"Don't read too much into it dummy. Just focus for on the battle for now, and maybe getting even stronger." Yoko suggests with a playful tone.

She's being serious yet playful at the same time, something I've come to love about her. Didn't really expect myself to feel that for anybody but it's probably not a bad thing at the very least.

"Yeah that's not a bad idea." I say before laying down.

I laid back down after responding to her and began to doze off. There was no need for me to be up thinking about anything crazy or training all night.

It's better to give the body some rest so that it's easier to get stronger without all that extra fatigue.

{The Next Day} Early Morning.

Sun shinning through the window like every other day except I could see Katsuro was back and up already.

"Morning Kenji." He says before letting out a yawn.

"Morning. I'm ready to come back." I reply while sitting up.

I'll never catch up to Ayumi by just sitting around so it's time for me to get my shit together. I've got to be capable of stopping her with this power of mine.

"Then get ready. We've got plenty to do." Katsuro says with a smile on his face.

I'm sure he's excited to have me back in the field with them so this will definitely be a lot of fun. I don't think I've ever really been excited myself so this is definitely a different experience for me.

{A couple of hours go by. }

We had left the room and went to meet with the rest of the team at the meeting area for our squad. Today we would be dealing with a Tier 1 Mitho threat.

"Great to have you back Kenji." Misaki speaks up with a bit of joy in her voice.

I just gave back a simple nod since this wasn't the time to be getting comfy. I'm here to fight the Mitho until I can save Ayumi from them myself.

Angelic Core is nothing but a foothold for me to use to get closer to completing my goals.

~Always nice to be ambitious.

Yeah yeah. I've gotten more adjusted to the way Yoko shows me messages when she doesn't feel like talking to me physically. It's still a little weird but it's not the worst thing in the world.

"A tier 1 Mitho is present and needs to be dealt with as soon as possible so let's get to work." Katsuro speaks with a serious tone in his voice.

The squad just give him a firm yes sir before falling him towards the coordinate teleporter. I'll always be amazed by this technology of theirs but I don't know if I'll need it one day.

Will it be possible for me to teleport with the powers from this system or will I always have to rely on such a thing?

~I won't spoil anything for you. Just work hard and you'll see the results of your efforts.

{In the Town Of Seika.}

Destruction of the town can be seen all around with bodies from civilians on the ground. Blood painted the sidewalks, some parts of the buildings, and not far off was the Mitho.

A creature with four legs, one wing, and had deformed human like faces all around it's head.

"That is one ugly bitch." Taro speaks up with a nonchalant tone.

At least he's not afraid of the thing but neither am I so it'll be interesting to see how this thing attacks. It couldn't possibly use its front legs to attack or maybe there's something dwelling within it?

"We won't let this thing get very far. It dies here, right now." Katsuro says while swinging his weapon around.

The serious aura from that day wasn't here now but I could tell he was ready to take the creature down. It's my job to support him to the best of my abilities and I plan to do exactly that.

"I got your back Captain." I speak up while drawing my sword.

To think I'm still using this damn sword, I guess it's not the worst weapon.