
Chapter 4: Establishing Steel Global

"No. Why would I help you in return Thawne? You see this isn't an equivalent exchange. In return for me not killing you, you will help me build my business empire." I said.

"Then I at least hope that you will not interfere with my plans to return to the future." He asked.

"We will see when the time comes. For now, you do not need to worry about me interfering with your little scheme. Anyways, in the future you will come to meet me whenever I ask you to. Well, if you know what's good for you, that is," I said as I moved faster than Thawne could see and left.

'Shit, now that I know this monster is here, I need to do everything I can to appease him, if not he can take away my speed without me even realizing,' Thawne though.


Right now my brother and I were in front of Cambridge university. I am here to complete my MBA while my brother says that he wants to learn Medicine in London. He said that as the god of healing it is in his duty to study something which can help save lives even without his powers.

Well for now, I will spend the next year not only completing my MBA, but I will also get multiple PHDs. I want too have at the very least 8 PHDs by the end of the year, mainly to flex on Harrison Wells from Earth 2. I don't even need all these degrees, after all they are but a piece of paper. I just want to build a reputation as a genius, billionaire and playboy, like a great man I know from a movie.


(Time Skip 1 year, right before Oliver goes missing)

It has been a whole year since I joined the mortal world and boy am I famous and enjoying life right now.

Now I am known as a genius all around the world, the only man alive to hold 8 PHDs at such a young age. I mean, technically speaking I got them in 1 day, but I waited a year to make it seem realistic. Well, as realistic as a man getting 8 PhDs in 1 year seems.

Also, a lot of organizations have been trying to contact me. Companies which want to scout me such as Mercury Labs, secret organizations such as A.R.G.U.S which tried to contact me as the government, the U.S military and so on. I rejected all of them of course, but most of them did not take too kindly to my rejections but I didn't give 2 shits about them.

Well a lot of people tried to contact me as well. Moria and Robert Queen, Laurel Lance, Tommy Merlin ( Old Mc's friend) and Thea, but I only bothered to reply to Thea.

Well eventually most of them stopped trying to contact me, and I was also able to find out that Oliver and Sarah Lance started to see each other. Seems like the timeline has changed.

Now, I have gotten the 'genius' part of my goals down, the next part is separating my name from the Queen family, then announcing to the world that I am starting my own company, and start fucking around with every beautiful girl I can see.

Anyway I am not the only one who is famous, Jason has also made revolutionary products which changed the field of medicine and is also dubbed a genius. We both meet from time to time, and right now, we both were going to central city, to once again meet Thawne.

As we both sped our way to the entrance of S.T.A.R Labs, Thawne was already waiting there.

"Dr. Steel, all the reporters are waiting for you inside," he said to me respectfully.

"Okay," I said as Jason and I followed Thawne to attend my first press-conference.

"Brother, are you finally starting your plans? You know if you are done, can I just go around the multi-verse and enjoy myself?" Jason asked.

"Sure brother, but avoid Earth-38 , Earth-2 and Earth-3, I don't need you meddling in my plans and ruining my fun," I said.

After he heard that, Jason left for a trip into the multi-verse. It's not like I wouldn't be able to contact him, I did have control of the worldly laws so I can easily call him back.

Thawne who heard our entire conversation said nothing and just led me to the room filled with reporters.

As soon as they saw me they immediately started taking photos, but they did make way so Thawne and I made our way up front and sat down in front of them.

"Now, I know all of you are confused as to why I would call for a press-confrence at S.T.A.R Labs, but all your questions will be answered in due time, for now just pay attention. I have a confession to make. I recently found out that I am not the son of the Queens, and was actually just taken into their care so the world does not find out about Robert Queen's affair, so effective immediately I will be taking my mothers surname, so please call me John Steel."

This revelation caused an uproar. All the reporters were going nuts to ask me questions, but I was able to recognize a specific person, who seemed awfully familiar to me.

'Is that not the reporter from the 'Iron Man 1' movie?' I thought.

I got curious, so I pointed at her to ask her question.

"I am Christine Everhart sir, from, Central City Picture News, when did you find out about that you weren't actually the son of Moria Queen, and will this issue affect the inheritance you will gain from them?" She asked.

Welp, that confirms it, she is the same reporter, but since there is no Tony Stark, it seems like I get the honor of hooking up with her.

"As I have just said, I have only recently found out that I am not the son of the Queens, as for the inheritance? That is getting on to my next point. I have started my own company, Steel Global, and we have also decided to partner up with S.T.A.R Labs in a few of our projects, so there is no need for me to inherit the Queens money. Even if they want to give it to me, I am fine with not having their money. "

I then pointed to a random reporter for them to ask their questions.

"Dr. Steel, are you ever planning on returning to Starling City or will you be staying here in Central City?"

"Well, Starling was the place I was grown, but for now I plan to build my business here in Central City, and maybe expand and help Starling in the future." I said.

After about 2 more questions, I just said," Now, I am a busy man, so if you could just direct your questions to my partner Dr. Wells here I will be off."

As I was leaving, I maintained eye contact with Christine, signaling her to meet me out back as I left the venue.