
A Ghost Misunderstanding Of Life

A ghost has disturbed the natural cycle of life and is trying its hardest to survive and live a normal life.

DaoistJIIvmp · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
52 Chs

A spirit knows best,

I begin walking towards the school, my first class is an elderly lady I met Tanaba, I ask a few people where it is, and eventually, I find it.

It's on the east section of the city, it's a large rectangular building surrounded by dense brush with bright autumn trees, it's a classic classroom with rows of seats, there about twenty rows of seats, it looks like I actually got here early then some, there are only about twenty or so students here, the building is covered in windows with purple blinds,

" Nice for you to join us Liberio, " said Tanaba while standing in front of her podium,

" Please just pick a seat for now, "

I step up the stairs and going directly into the middle of the seats sitting next to three other students, One male, and two females,

I sat there quietly before I heard a few murmurs from other students asking who I was, truthfully I didn't care about what these students thought since they'll probably die during the pre-exam anyway but one of the girls I was sitting next to start talking to me, " Hey you seem new what's your name, "

" Liberio what's your name, " I ask staring at the blond woman,

" Oh, my name is Sa- " before she could finish her sentence a loud bang was heard, followed by sirens,

The class was completely void of noise it was silent only the terrifying sirens were heard until professor Tanaba spoke " Please stay here until I find out what's happening, " she quickly stood up and walked out of the class,

The class stood still all sitting at their desk, unlike the school the flame girl went to, they were all calm, waiting for orders like robots,

We sat at the desk for twenty minutes until a loud roar was heard outside the classroom, one student stood up and looked outside a window before crouching and looking at us, "There's a bright green wolf spirit outside it's about 5 feet tall and 10 feet long, "

Was the pre-exam Kou was talking about wrong or is this place actually under attack, either way, I need to kill 3 or 5 of these students, while I was thinking this,

All of the students stood up creating weapons out of soul energy before they bunched up into a large group in the middle of the classroom

I stood behind all of them holding sadow in my left hand, The man that looked out the window started barking orders on what to do,

He must be the leader of this classroom everyone here holds a certain level of respect for him, he waves his hand the class begins following him before he storms out of the classroom with the others following him,

They all face a massive wolf, they all grip their swords and storm the wolf throwing spears and slash of energy at the wild beast, I quietly watch them from the back,

It's clearly getting overwhelmed by all the attacks but it's showing no signs of fleeing, the attacks from the students are doing mild damage, to the beast's hide,

It plans on letting the students wear themselves out huh, I can get behind this plan, I start channeling my energy into forming a clone, its wanders off into the dense forest,

I grip my spear before lunging at the beast, with its attention distracted by all the other students, I easily reach the beast before stopping and stabbing my spear right through its chest,

I quickly yank my spear out before dashing back, with its attention now focused on me, it quickly spins around slapping me with its long tail,

I fly backwards a couple of yards before I slam into a tree, A dense purple fog begins surrounding the area completely covering the beast,

" I can't see anything this fog is covering the spirit " screamed out a student

" I know we need to stay bunch together we can't split up or this thing will pick us off one by one, "

My clone finally finished, the fog was my idea, I can separate them all one by one now, I feel the clone energy disperse before returning to me,

I create a purple spear in my hand before flinging it into a back of a student, He screams out before collapsing on the soil, slowly bleeding out,

A student quickly comes to his aid but before they could do anything a massive claw strikes them down pinning him onto the ground, the beast begins crushing him to death,

A loud howl was heard from the wolf before he begins eating the corpses of the students,

The morale of the other students was shattered they begin to flee, running in all different directions into the dense autumn forest, I join them quickly following behind two other students,

We continue running for about three more miles until we finally stop and sit down, " Where the hell did the fog come from " cried out a student while holding his head,

" Forget about that we need to find the other students and regroup, " I say while leaning on a tree,

" Hey, you're the new student right what's your name mines mark, "asks a man reaching out his hand

" Shitty time to meet you but its Liberio nice to meet you " I shake his hand before turning around, I hear loud footsteps following us,

" Hey, we need to run that wolf is following us"screamed out a young girl, without any questions asked we all begin to sprint in the same direction,

We begin to sprint until the man I just met mark suddenly falls forward and begins to foam at the mouth, A girl tries to help him but I quickly reach and grab her arm and keep running, we keep running until we no longer hear the loud footsteps,

" what should we do, three of my friends died, " the woman said while crying,

" I don't know we just have to wait until one of the professors finds us, " I say while grabbing her shoulder,

It all went according to plan, I have a woman with her mental ability shattered with emotions, I knew poisoning mark would work, I ejected my poisonous soul energy into a small cut on his hand, I made sure the beast would find us by leaving a small trail of my soul energy,

" Don't worry we'll be perfectly fine, " I couldn't help it but a sly grin flashed onto my face…
