
A Genie’s Wish

Eli is a sixteen year old Genie. He has been living in hiding his entire life, but when his father disappears and his mother is threatened, Eli must attend a magical academy for magical creatures. How will he survive in a world where everyone is after his power?

Bethany_Bordner · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 12

As they walked through the academy, Dakota chatted about his classes, but Eli seemed to space out until they arrived at the principal's office.

     "What can I do for you today?" Miss Nova, the fairy secretary asked them as she typed.

      "Eli here hasn't received his off-campus Christmas pass yet." Dakota answered

      "Let me just look into it real quick." Miss Nova said as she pulled up a new screen.

      "Hmm, oh, it seems Elijah's name is on the list of students who are ineligible to receive off-campus passes." Miss Nova informed in a chipper voice.

     "What, why?" Dakota demanded, but even as he asked Eli's heart sunk.

      Of course he would r be allowed off-campus. He was brought here against his will after all. It didn't stop the frustration and sadness he felt as Miss Nova informed Dakota there was nothing she could do.

      "We'll then let us speak to Principal Damon!" Dakota demanded "this is clearly unfair!"

      "I'm afraid Mr Damon is a very busy person and has already approved the list. There is nothing more to say." Miss Nova said in a friendly but firm tone.

      Eli placed a hand on Dakota's shoulder. "It's ok Dakota, thanks for trying."

     Eli began walking back down the hall and Dakota reluctantly followed.

     "That's messed up!" Dakota complained as they walked.

     "We'll there's nothing much we can do about it." Eli sighed

      "Of course there is! You helped me out with that pack of wolves, I can at least help you get out for a day!" Dakota smiled

      "But I thought you couldn't open the barrier because you didn't have a lot of magic?" Eli questioned

      "I may not have a lot of magic, but I do things my own way. I'm the best potion maker in this whole school, I'm sure I can whip something up to dissolve a section of the barrier." Dakota said with a mischievous grin.

      "What did you just say?" A familiar voice stopped the two teens in there tracks.

      They turned around to find Ash standing in the middle of the hall with his arms crossed, a brow raised in question.

      "Oh great, it's the goody-two-shoes, here to ruin our fun." Dakota whined

      "If following the rules makes me a goody-two-shoes I'll take that as a compliment." Ash deadpanned.

      "I wouldn't listen to this hooligan Eli." Ash said, turning to the brunette, "he'll only get you into trouble."

      "I know I don't have a pass, but I really need a break from this place. Please don't tell anyone!" Eli pleaded with the phoenix

     Ash seemed uncertain for a moment before looking around. "First let's discuss this somewhere more private." He said as he lead them into his and Eli's dorm room.

      "He sighed after they closed the door. "I'm not saying I approve, but I understand. This place gets overbearing for me as well, and for a newcomer such as yourself to not get a pass must be frustrating." Ash confessed

      "So you won't tell anyone?" Eli asked surprised while Dakota made a face of absolute bewilderment.

      "I'm sure I can't convince you to stay put, and I don't want you to get into trouble. So I guess I'll just have to tag along and make sure you return to school without incident." Ash said with the air of an exhausted parent.

      "Wait... the teachers pet is actually breaking the rules?!" Dakota snapped out of his bewildered stare in favor of shouting his surprise.

      "Shhhhh! Lower your voice idiot!" Ash reprimanded the noisy blonde

      "Sorry, it's just I've known you since we were little and I've never seen you do anything reckless." Dakota said in a calmer voice

      "You guys are childhood friends?" Eli asked, looking between the two very different boys. One conveyed a mature demeanor with his freshly ironed uniform and studious personality, while the other gave Eli the impression of a firecracker, noisy, loud and wild, his uniform askew and his tie worn loose in a knot.

      "We'll I wouldn't call us friends per say." Ash said, "as members of two high ranking families we often saw each other at social events. Though despite being a member of the infamous Merlin household, Dakota here seems oblivious to his responsibilities." Ash chastised as he raised a brow at the blonde's unkept hair and wrinkled uniform.

      "Well maybe some of us like to have a little fun instead of worrying about appearances and social status all day." Dakota mocked

       Eli decided he needed to break the tension between the two as they glared at each other. "Thank you for helping me Ash." Eli said, truly happy that the ashen-haired teen had not immediately turned them in.

      "Of course, I will be keeping my eyes on you at all times so you don't run away." Ash said, ruining the friendly favor a little.

      "So where do people normally go during the holidays?" Eli questioned getting excited again.

      "Many students go home to spend time with family." Ash responded

      "Oh, I suppose you guys will want to go home then." Eli said a bit sullen, thinking he was keeping them from spending Christmas with loved ones. Just because he couldn't see his family doesn't mean he should stop others from seeing theirs.

      "No." Both Ash and Dakota responded in unison.

       "Oh I mean, we could go home, but I think it would be more fun to spend the day with you!" Dakota said awkwardly

       Ash cleared his throat, "Indeed, my mother is terribly busy and will not be at home anyway." Ash responded in a stiff voice.

      "Ok, if you're both sure." Eli sensed the two were not eager to go home so he decided to change the topic.

      "So what should we do? I know everyone calls this the 'magical realm' but what does that mean? What's the difference between that and the Earth?" Eli asked

      "Well it's not like we're on another planet. It's simply we've entered a space hidden by magic that can only be accessed by magical means of transportation such as portals." Ash explained

      "There's lots of cool stuff to do outside the school! We can go see a movie or go to the mall or a water park!" Dakota beamed

      "Those all sound fun, but we can do that stuff in my old town as well." Eli said, surprised by how similar this supposed 'magic realm' was to Webster, Idaho.

      "Everything's a bit different from what you're thinking of. Just like this school isn't exactly a normal school. Just wait and see I bet you'll be amazed!" Dakota said, seeming to sparkle with anticipation of fun.

      "I'd like to stop by the magical history and art museum." Ash supplied simply

      "Fine, we can stop there for a few minutes in between the arcade and rock concert." Dakota sighed rolling his eyes at the phoenixes idea of fun.

      Eli lagged as the group continued planning their day out, forgetting his troubles and chumming in with ideas as they talked.

      This day out was gonna be great!