
A Gaunt's Life ( Harry Potter A.U)

Story is about a individual who reincarnates from 2018 as a Gaunt's family member in 1817. Mc has very little idea about Harry Potter series. Disclaimer: This work is not for profit. No copyright infringement intended. All recognizable characters, plot, setting, etc. are the property of J.K.Rowling and/or Warner Bros.

himailsatish · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Thought's 2

She and her husband( morvous) were the best the gaunts had. She was best in dark arts and morvous was best in potions. I thought there children would be powerful , so against there will I ordered them to be married. Everything was perfect until the birth of there first child which was still born and died in a week. This continued for years she had 3 miscarriage s and two children dead before they turn 1.

Every time I saw her I could feel she was becoming weak and her hatred for children was increasing. And then finally a child was born healthy with no deformation s . But this delivery nearly took Gormlaith near death, healers were able to save her. Then came a news from healers that shook the entire family. The child may not survive more than few years and if the child did survive magic invoking in him was near impossible. That was not the end of it here husband has been contacting forbidden potions and giving her for a very long time, healers confirmed that she could never again bare a child. Further examination of the healers they concluded that the previous deaths of the children was all due to these potions.

I felt rage I ordered all the members of family not to disclose this information to anyone . When I tried to look for him he was no where to be found he escaped with the child. He knew we would kill the abomination than to bring black mark on the name of Salazar as his descendants . A order was passed to hunt him and bring him and child alive.

It took months to find him . He was brought to gaunt manor , he looked like a begger, chained like an animal. I felt good. Last few months go Gormlaith has recovered a bit. But healers confirmed that she was inflicted by some disease related to blood which no one knew about, It broke my heart. Morvous was thrown in to the dungeons, he was tortured by my descendents.i knew the reason why they were doing this, because morvous was heir apparent of gaunt family. Now he would lose his position as his wife are incapable of producing an heir and his son has no way to attain magic even if he survived. During his hunt we were able to capture him but not his son. My descendents tortured him to spill where the child was to there was no answer.

And we had a clan meeting in the presence every member carrying sacred blood of Salazar. I still remember the day how the conversation went

' morvous why why why !!!!!! I don't get it . This was your family your wife and your own children. By destroying them what would you get ' asked corvus with expression of pain and anger.

There was no response

" Looking me in the eye you fool ,do you know loss you have caused for the family " .

He was keeping his head down giving no response . Two people rose from there seats kicked him in the gut and raised morvous's head .

Looking angrily morvous shouted

" You want answers you old fool yes 8 will tell you. I did all of this because of the families idiotic concept of inbreeding ".

Looking at the faces of all the people he felt satisfied and shouted.

" Old man did you forget how many ancient noble families have perished because of inbreeding. Only leaving squibs with no family to continue there line. "

Looking at the shocked face of the old patriarch he laughed like a maniac

" Yes you all idiots and fools I found out the reason for why we have squibs and so many death's of children . It was all because of in breeding.

Do you know how heart broken I was when my first child was died. Then I started looking in to family history . Then I started making potions and feed them to Gormlaith so that my next child would be born healthy but none. After so many years of pain and sacrifice I had a child healthy with no deformation. And biggest of all he has he doesn't look ugly any of you inbreeds.

Oh I was so happy . But that did not last any longer with him being a squib or dieing in age. I lost all hope of life. Kill me old man I don't care anything about life anymore".

Every one was silent.but most people had smile in there face because they knew morvous was broken and as was his wife with no heir from them. They had chances of becoming heir apparent. Old patriarch looked around saw the faces of his clan members and he understood what they were thinking.

He asked

" where is the child".

" I will not tell anything about the child".

" Very well then do you think you can simply escape with death No never as the clan patriarch

I corvus Gaunt banish you from clan marked as traitor and I curse you to have magic of when you are at the age of 14. And you will not earn money by using the knowledge you have attained till date. You and your child shall only live by the money provided by me . If you die before my death or your child's you soul will be never leave this world with no peace and be left here of eternity. Only I have remove this curse . So be mote ".

" No you cannot do. This is worse than death. No No" screamed morvous with pain all over his body.

" Yes this is the punishment I give you for what you have done to Gormlaith. Now I am a merciful one here. I order all the clan members never to speak about what happened today and you will do no harm to morvous or his son until I lift the curse".

" No you can't do that father he and his son should be hunted and killed by dogs" shrieked merope.

"No such thing will be done . Morvous I give you a chance for you and your son. By proving me and healers wrong i.e if your son invokes magic before he turns 11. I will lift your curse "

Suddenly every one started laughing. " You can leave now morvous never set foot in any gaunt properties without my consent . Go now cherish the life now presented by your son".

" Yes yes cherish the dog life presented to you by you filthy child " laughed merope .

All his chains were removed.he stood up slowly and looked around all the faces that were mocking at him. With grave tone he said " you should hope I never return, if by chance my curse is lifted and return back . You should know what will happen" .

" Yes yes we hope you do the impossible with the abomination. Before you leave why don't you tell us your son's name" said Gormlaith. Surprising every one as she has not said a word from the beginning.

" He is not only my son he is yours to".

" No he is no son of mine . If I ever see your son I will kill him".

" Now tell his name you fool after all you have done to her she deserves to know. His full name" shouted merope

" So you take me as a fool merope I will never tell his full. Name merope" shouted morvous before apparating he said

" Callidus his name is callidus Gaunt"

I know last chapter was bit short but this chap is big .Hope you guys enjoyed this please rate the novel.so that like you others also could enjoy the book. Thank

himailsatishcreators' thoughts