
A Game Of Inches

So many times she had been asked the meaning of the words, or the name of the person whose initals were on the stone. She extended her finger and traced the intials C and T very slowly, a smile coming to her face. “Hey Court, hold him tight, keep him warm until I get there.”, she whispered. Alexis turned slowly and began to walk away. This was always the hardest part, it was like saying goodbye all over again. As she walked away a sudden breeze blew over her back, a chill ran up her spine. She turned and looked back at the tomb, the evening sun was shining off of the granite. “You always have to get the last word in, don’t you baby ?”, she whispered softly.

Fredrick_Udele · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
133 Chs


He introduced me to everyone, one by one, I did recognize a few of his friends, I had met them before. I sat down on the end of the sofa, everyone resumed their conversation. Eventually, it got around to football and what I had been up to. After about an hour, Mrs. Timmons asked me if I would help her with something in the kitchen. I quickly jumped at the chance. I followed her around the dining room table and into the partially secluded kitchen. She turned and made sure no one had followed us in. She reached up into one of the overhead cabinets and pulled out a large white envelope, the kind you keep legal papers in. She opened the envelope and pulled out several large eight by ten inch photographs, although I could only see the white backing at this point.

"Brian, I want you to look through these photographs and take the ones you want. Courtney had these done for you a few months before she died, they arrived a few weeks ago, I had no idea about them.", she told me, laying them out on the counter.

The pictures were those like you would see done by a professional photographer, these were all facial shots, with just the top of her shoulders showing. They were very well done, with the backgrounds ranging from royal blue satin to a solid black high sheen drape. She had various drapes across her shoulders, her make up was impeccable. As I looked through the photos, I could feel the tears stinging my eyes. I found two photos that I really liked, Courtney looked absolutely beautiful in both.

"I like these two Mrs. Timmons, but if you like them as well, I can choose others.", I offered.

"No Brian, you take them, I can have the studio reprint those two for us, it's not a problem.", she said smiling, her hand brushing my cheek.

She placed the two photos in the large envelope, then handed them to me. I followed her back into the family room, sitting back down in my spot on the sofa.

"When are you flying back Brian ?", Mr. Timmons asked.

"I was scheduled to go back tonight, but I pushed it back until tomorrow at noon. I have practice Monday morning.", I answered.

"Not much time off is there ?", he replied.

"Not during the season, we get one day a week off," I answered.

I could see that the loss of his daughter had really taken a toll on him, even the talk of football didn't hold the same passion he had always shown for the game. I decided it was time to go, as much as I loved this family, this house just wasn't the same without Courtney.

"Mr. Timmons, I could get you some great seats if you ever want to fly up and see a game. In fact, I could get you on the practice field, a few days before the game, let you meet everyone.", I told him.

"That sounds nice, I will let you know Brian.", he answered.

"That's fine sir, It was nice to see you again, thanks for inviting me over.", I said, standing, shaking his hand.

I found both Mrs. Timmons and Gia in the kitchen, I hugged them both, then left through the front door. I got into my car and drove home. I was flying out in the morning. It was about nine o'clock as I pulled into the drive. I opened the rear door, went into the kitchen, poured a drink then headed to the family room. Ashley was sitting on the sofa, watching a movie as I walked in.

"Hey sweetheart, how was your evening ?", she asked.

"It's just not the same without Courtney, I guess in time maybe things might get a little better.", I answered, sitting down.

"I can't imagine having to bury my own child, no parent should ever have to do that.", she told me.

I didn't say anything, I just turned to the TV to see what Ashley was watching. It was a movie on one of the romance channels, I had seen enough in my day to recognize one right away. I decided to call it a night, the last thing I wanted to watch was a love story.

"I'm going to bed Ashley, I have to leave for the airport at about nine.", I told her.

"Oh, well alright….. sleep well.", she said, acting somewhat surprised.

I went into the bathroom, took a very hot shower, dressed for bed, then went into my room. I turned out the lights, climbed into bed, pulling up the sheets. I heard the water running through the walls, Ashley must have been showering as well. A few minutes later, I heard the water shut off, the house was very quiet. I heard her moving around in her room, then walking down the hall. I rolled over in bed, trying to get comfortable, when I heard the door handle beginning to turn. I laid there quietly, as the door opened and stepped Ashley, although it was so dark, I could only make out her outline.

"Brian, are you still asleep yet ?", she asked.

"No, not yet.", I answered.

"Can I talk to you for a minute ?", she asked.

"Sure, come on in.", I replied.

She slowly walked over to my bed, by now I could see she had on a long sheer royal blue nightgown on, her hair was pulled off of her neck, the small spaghetti straps visible on her soft shoulders. She sat at the foot of my bed, I could smell her perfume, although it was very faint.

"Brian, I still am not sure how I feel about what you did today. I just don't know how I can accept a gift of that magnitude. I feel guilty about it, somehow it just does not feel right.", she said softly.

"Ash, like I told you, it's no big deal. I owe you that and so much more, I can never repay you for what you have done for me. And if you're worried about the money, don't be, by the time this contract is over, I will be financially set for life as long as I am careful.", I replied.

"I know you make good money Brian, but still, I'm just not sure what people will think.", she answered.

"Ashley, truthfully, I could care less what people think. I told you a long time ago, I was in love with you, I wanted you in San Diego with me.", I responded.

"Yes Brian, I know you did, but I couldn't do that to you, you're just starting your career, being in love with your former step mother would be a nightmare you do not need.", she informed me.

"I know what you said, but being around you is hard, especially since we shared that one night together. I just want to hold you, kiss you, make you feel good. I'm sorry, but that's how I feel.", I answered back.

"And you think I don't want the same thing ? No man ever made me feel like you did that night. I couldn't even go to bed with David, I just knew I didn't feel those things for him. That's why we split up.", she admitted.

"So what's the answer ?", I asked.

"There isn't one that I can think of. But one day, you will meet someone who will capture your heart, and this, well this will all fade away. And perhaps, if I am lucky, I will find that too.", she stated.

Without another word, she walked out of my room and closed the door behind her. I fought the urge to follow her with every fiber of my being, I wanted her so bad. But I knew she was right, we would never be like that again, no matter how much we both wanted it. I laid there for a while before I fell asleep, the alarm went off way too early. I rolled out of bed, dressed then grabbed my bag and made my way to the kitchen. Ashley poured me a cup of coffee and set it down on the table in front of me. We sat pretty much in silence, the feelings from the night before still looming heavily over us. I finished my coffee, got up and took my cup to the sink, rinsing it out. I turned to Ashley, I could see the sadness in her eyes.

"Time to go.", I told her.

"I know.", she said, getting up slowly, walking into my arms.

I just stood there holding her, she felt so good in my arms. She finally released me, tears in her eyes, looking up into my face.

"I can never thank you enough for the car, it's beautiful, I love it.", she whispered.

"You're welcome, you deserve it, have fun and enjoy it.", I answered.

She leaned up on her toes and kissed me softly on the lips, my arms were still around her waist. The kiss lasted a little longer than I expected, but she finally pulled away. She brushed my cheek gently, then followed me out the door to my car. I watched her through the rear view mirror as I pulled out of the driveway, until she was gone from sight.