
A Game Of Inches

So many times she had been asked the meaning of the words, or the name of the person whose initals were on the stone. She extended her finger and traced the intials C and T very slowly, a smile coming to her face. “Hey Court, hold him tight, keep him warm until I get there.”, she whispered. Alexis turned slowly and began to walk away. This was always the hardest part, it was like saying goodbye all over again. As she walked away a sudden breeze blew over her back, a chill ran up her spine. She turned and looked back at the tomb, the evening sun was shining off of the granite. “You always have to get the last word in, don’t you baby ?”, she whispered softly.

Fredrick_Udele · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
133 Chs


I just laid there for a few seconds, her words ringing in my ears. I reached over and once again began to run my fingers through her soft, silky blonde hair. On and off I had been with Courtney most of my adult life, she was as she said, my best friend. We had shared our hopes and our dreams, through good times and bad, somehow we always wound up together. I didn't say a word in response, I simply pulled her up to me pressing my lips to hers. She placed one hand softly on my cheek as she passionately kissed my lips, her tongue brushing mine softly. There was no urgency, no rush, it was as if we had until the end of time to make this happen.

I had heard that the first time for a woman can be painful sometimes, the last thing I wanted to do was cause Courtney any discomfort. I reached over and pulled Courtney on top of me, my lips pressed to hers. Courtney lowered herself on me, her pussy pressed against my cock, which was rock hard again. She began moving her hips and grinding her wet pussy lips all over my cock, the feeling was amazing. She pulled her lips from mine, opened her eyes looking at me. She smiled softly as she moved her right hand between her legs, grabbing my rigid shaft. She lifted her lips slightly, pressed the head of my cock into her wet opening, then took a deep breath. She began lowering herself slowly onto my cock, her face etched with cautious desire. She moved ever so slowly until she stopped completely, her face wincing in pain.

"You ok Court ?", I asked softly, brushing the hair from her face.

"Yea, it just hurts a little.", she replied.

As she once again tried to lower herself on me, I felt the obstruction against the head of my cock, then suddenly I felt it give way. Court cried out in pain , as she collapsed on top of me, burying her head in my shoulder. I held her gently, not moving a muscle, kissing her neck softly. After several moments, she began to move up and down, gingerly, her eyes closed. Seconds later, her pace increased, her eyes opened, a smile formed on her face.

"Better ?", I asked

"Oh yea, much better.", she replied.

She leaned over and kissed me, as she slid her pussy up and down on my rigid cock. She lowered herself down on me, then extended her arms on the bed, one of each side of my head. Her face was a few inches from mine, her eyes were locked directly on mine.

"I can't tell you how many times I have thought about having you inside of me, like you are now. This feels so good, so right.", she whispered.

She then started moving her hips again, back and forth, her eyes closed tight, enjoying the feeling. She was incredibly wet and extremely tight, it felt as if the walls of her pussy were actually squeezing my cock. I could feel my orgasm coming, it was close. I urged Court to slow down a bit, I wanted to make sure she was able to cum before I did. She opened her eyes and looked down at me, her tongue coated her bottom lip.

"I want you cum with me Brian. I want to feel your hot cum inside of me as I get off.", she whispered hoarsely.

"I'm not gonna last long Court.", I warned.

"It's ok baby, I'm ready to cum too.", she answered.

She suddenly began moving up and down on me at a rapid pace, her body slamming into me on the down stroke. I could tell she was very close, so I grabbed her hips and began to push up into her as deeply as I could. I felt her body begin to tense up, her thighs become rigid.

"Oh God baby, now ... cum with me baby…nowwww.", she cried out.

I pulled her down hard on my cock, as I exploded deep inside of her womb. Just then she cried out in ecstasy, her body spasming as waves of pleasure swept through her body. She finally collapsed on me, breathless and exhausted.I rolled to my left easing her down on the mattress next to me, I gently brushed the hair from her face. We held each other close as we drifted off to sleep.

We woke up the next morning, dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. We then returned to our room, packed and checked out. Somehow, neither one of us had brought it up last night, not a single mention of it. To be honest, I was relieved, I was not sure how I felt about what had happened between us. There was no doubt, I loved Courtney. But was I in love with her ?

We pulled out of the Casino about eleven o'clock that morning, we had about a three hour drive to get home. For the first hour or so Courtney was extremely quiet, which is not at all normal for her.

"You ok Court, you're awfully quiet.", I finally asked.

"Yeah sure, I'm ok. Sorry, I was just thinking.", she replied.

"About what ?", I inquired.

"Oh ... Uh, just about how much work I have to do this week. I have a big contract to finalize and …Uh…a few other things.", she responded, "By the way when do you have to fly back to San Diego ?"

"I leave this Thursday, around noon, I think.", I responded.

"Oh.", was her only response.

The rest of the drive was pretty mundane, Courtney really seemed preoccupied. We finally pulled into her driveway about three o'clock that afternoon. I took my bag from the trunk and tossed it in the back of my truck. I grabbed Courtney's bag and followed her into the house. We found her parents sitting on the back patio having drinks.

"Hey, there they are. How was the weekend for you two ?", Mr. Timmons asked.

"We had a nice time. Thank you for letting us go sir.", I replied.

"You're quite welcome," he replied.

Mrs. Timmons got up, put her arm around Courtney and led her back into the house. They were leaning close to each other, whispering back and forth. I must have had an odd look on my face, Mr. Timmons noticed immediately.

"Women will always have their secrets Brian, don't even try to understand them.", he told me.

We talked for a few more minutes, then I thanked him again and got up to go home. Courtney and her Mom were in the family room talking, I kissed them goodbye, then let myself out. I drove across town quickly and was home in just a few minutes.

As I pulled into the driveway, I noticed David's car in the drive behind Ashley's SUV. I parked alongside him, so he could get out later. I grabbed my bag and entered through the kitchen door quietly. I heard them talking in the family room, I wanted to make sure they knew I was home, just in case.

"Ashley, I'm back.", I called out.

"In here, Brian.", she called out.

I walked slowly into the family room where David and Ashley were sitting side by side on the sofa. Ashley got up and walked around the sofa and gave me a hug, kissing me on the cheek.

"Hey hotshot, how was your weekend ?"

"It was ok," I answered.

I looked over at David, he was sitting there, his hands in his lap, looking rather uncomfortable. I could see from the look on Ashley's face , she was afraid of what my reaction to him might be. Ashley meant the whole to me, if she cared for this guy, then I had to accept it.

"Hi David, nice to see you again.", I said, extending my hand.

"Oh, hello Brian, nice to see you again too.", he replied, shaking my hand weakly.

"If you two don't mind, I'm going to turn in for the night, I'm really tired.", I said.

"Sure Brian, sleep well.", Ashley replied.

I woke up on Monday morning to the sound of my cell phone ringing. I looked at the clock, it was quarter to eleven. I couldn't believe I had slept that long, I must have been exhausted. I looked at the number on the phone, it was from my agency. I answered the phone, I must have sounded like I was still sleeping.

"Is this Brian Stevens ?", said the soft, sultry female voice.

"Yes, it is.", I answered.

"Hello Mr. Stevens, my name is Alexis Clarke, I am Mr. Phillip's assistant.", she responded, "Do you have a minute to talk ?"

"Yes mam.", I replied.

She went on to tell me that she was working with my agent on finalizing my contract, which they wanted to have done by the opening of training camp. She asked if I could fly out immediately and help iron out the final details, so we could get it done. She asked if I could catch the first plane out today , no matter what the time. She asked if I would call her with the flight details, adding that she would pick me up at the airport. I thanked her and told her I would call her when I was in the air.

I got up quickly, showered, dressed and packed my bags. I called a cab and left for the airport immediately. When I arrived at the airport, I was able to get a flight that was leaving in two hours, that was the best they had. I used the time to call Courtney and tell her what had happened, her mother answered the phone.

"Hi Mrs. Timmons, this is Brian, may I speak with Courtney ?", I asked.

"Oh Brian, Courtney is not feeling well, she is upstairs asleep.", she replied, concerned in her voice.

"What's wrong with her ?", I inquired.

"She has had a terrible headache since last night, this morning she is throwing up, she also has blurred vision and feels extremely weak.", she told me.

"Has she gone to the doctor ?", I asked.

"No, but if she is not better tomorrow, I am going to take her.", she answered.

I went on to explain to her what had happened about my contract and how I had to leave immediately. She promised me she would relay all of the information to Courtney when she woke up. I promised her I would call Court as soon as I got settled in. She wished me good luck and hung up.

I then called the school and asked the secretary to give Ashley a message telling her what had happened, adding that I would call her later that night at home as well.

I had no choice but to buy a first class ticket, that was all that was available at such a short notice. As soon as I was shown to my seat, I called Alexis to tell her I would be arriving in San Diego right about five o'clock that evening. She thanked me and assured me she would be there to pick me up.

My flight was pretty routine, I landed in San Diego about quarter after five. As I exited the plane and walked down the ramp to the concourse, I realized I had forgotten to ask Alexis where she would be waiting. Since I had no luggage other than my carry on, I hoped it would be right as I entered the main terminal area. As I was walking up the concourse ramp, I was getting more than my fair share of stares, though I'm not sure anyone really knew who I was. As I passed the security section at the entrance to the concourse, I scanned the crowd looking for any sign of my party. I had been standing there for perhaps three minutes or so, when a female voice boomed over the public address system.

"Mr. Brian Stevens, will you please pick up the white courtesy phone? Brian Stevens, please pick up the white courtesy phone."

I scanned the area for any sign of a courtesy phone, finding one about fifty feet from where I was standing. I walked over and picked up the phone and told the operator who I was, she asked me to hold on for one second. There was a short pause, then a click, the voice telling me I was connected to my party.

"Hello, this Brian Stevens," I said.

"Hi Mr. Stevens, this is Alexis Clarke, I am waiting for you in the VIP Parking lot. If you walk to the main entrance of the terminal, I will pick you up outside the main entrance in about five minutes or so.", she answered.

"Ok, on my way.", I replied.