
a fighter in the omniverse

I died, met the auther, and now i'll live athe the ultimate figher in the omniverse

Alucardio · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs


Right now you can see your average looking teenager sitting down while chips and on his phone then all goes black


In a deep dark space suddenly a humanoid light appears, the light looks around and speaks.

"Hello! is anyone out there" the humanoid light said.


the humanoid light gets no response,so the humanoid light speaks again.

"Hello! Is anyone ou..." before the humanoid light finishes its sentences some one answers its call.

"Shut! the fuck up" said an unknown being


"whos there" the humanoid light said

"me fuck face" the unknown being said

the humanoid light spun around too see the unknown being, is just to see you average teen.

"who are you and where are we" the humanoid light said


"wh..." before the humanoid light can finish its question the being spoke.

"shut the fuck up i heard you the first time dip shit" the being said in annoyance

"now to answer you question dip shit, call me the auther. and where you are is the void of which i call my bedroom" after the auther spoke the dark space started to distort and change into a normal looking bedroom.

"why am i here?" the humanoid light said.

" to put it simple im bored and felt like making a story so I choose you to be the main charecter, but thats not all i'll add in some wish and appereance changes with three free bloodlines" the auther said

"what? but what about my life i was only 15 my family, my mother what happened to them" said the humanoid light.

"dude chill out nothing happened to them, in fact after taking your soul I switched your soul with a fake soul to live the rest of your life out and made it that your mom won big time and made it that you all live the rest of your life out happy and peaceful"the auther said as he smiled proudly .

"any thats besides the point, hurry up and make your choose bloodline, appearance and wishes" the auther said.

" *sigh* is there any limitations or anything like that" said the humanoid light.

"no in fact you have infinite wishs with no limitations besides wishing to be god, while your in here" said the auther.

"ok can you give me some time to think" the humanoid light said.


after the auther gave comfirmation the humanoid light sat and went in to deep thought for an unknown amount of time.

"ok im ready to start wishing" said the humanoid light to which the auther nodded.

"my first wish is to have full control over both my body and soul, i also want enhanced adaptation and evolution, can you also make it that i can't get Cloned"


"my second wish is to have all the abilites of the ultimate life form and the black light virus"


"my third is to have instant learning, thought acceleration and total mimicry and make it that no one can copy or steal my Abilities"


"my fourth wish is to have my own inner world where i have full control over everthing inside it also it evolves with me and has its on infinite energy which only I have Access to use"

"very wise young one hahahahhahah... granted"

"my fifth wish to have my own personal phone that can change into a laptop and tablet, also it has unlimited internet connection, unlimited storage and an infinite amount of cash in any world i go to. also make it attached to my soul"


"now my last and final wish is to have a system that shows my status and allows me to travels to different animes, movies, comics, etc"

"granted now tell me your appearence and bloodlines"

"okey i want to look like toji fushiguro,without the scars also with dark red hair and eyes, now for my bloodlines are hanma, kure and demon the oni type, also i want my name to be kenzo"

"granted now get out" said the auther right after everything went dark.


hope you all in joy considering the fact this is the second book i have ever written

i changed demon race from muzan to an oni type :)

Alucardiocreators' thoughts