
Chapter 4

I got up from my bed. It was morning already. I looked around my room. I spent last night going over all my memories. I tried to make sense of the situation but I just couldn't.

My stomach started to rumble so I dragged myself downstairs. I wasn't really in the mood for eating so I just made some cereal. 

Izzy then came downstairs. "What's for breakfast?" I looked at her with a blank expression. I couldn't bring myself to forgive her for what she said last night.

"Ok" she then proceeded to make her own breakfast. "So…..did you get enough sleep last night?" 

I hadn't slept a wink but I couldn't get any words out. So I just kept on forcing myself to eat the cereal.

"Sis, I think you should get some today. I'll take a cab to school so don't worry about me." She put your hands on mine but I pulled away. I only gave a nod then went back to eating my cereal. 

Izzy lifted but I still felt conflicted. I didn't know why the police refused to help in such a serious situation. I had heard that police officers these days don't do their job but to see it happen and watch it tear apart is a pain I can't begin to explain.

If the officers won't help me then I have to do it myself. I went upstairs, got in the shower and stood there for about an hour before I took the shower.

Then I got out and just stared at my clothes until I was finally ready. At this time it was already mid-day.

I got in my car, contemplated whether or not I was fit to drive and then started the car. 

I felt empty. I need to find answers to feel fulfilled. I drove over to Ethan's best friend's house. 

I stared at the door before finally knocking. Jonathan's mom, Clara, opened the door. 

"Hello, how can I help you?" she said politely. "Is Jonathan here?" I asked her, to which she looked confused. A look that didn't go unnoticed by me.

"Who is that?" With those words my heart dropped. 'Was I going crazy?' Tears rolled down my eyes.

Clara looked worried for me. "Do you want to come in?" I nodded. She opened the door and I went in. 

"Would you like some water?" Again I could only nod. She brought me the water and asked what was wrong.

But what isn't wrong. I just lost a lead to finding my brother. 

I looked at her. There was no point in asking about Jonathan since she already said she doesn't know him.

'If she had remembered, I bet it would be hard for her.' I thought. It was her only son and now, just like my brother he's gone.

The two of them couldn't have just up and left and no one knew about it. There had to be clues. I need there to be clues. 

I briefly ended my encounter with Clara and went to Ethan's other friends' houses.

First was Timothy's house. I knocked on the door for a while but no one came. They should be at work at this time but I was hoping they were home.

I left from house to house, asking about the missing kids but no one remembered them.

I went home defeated and even more empty. I had to find them. But why was I the only one who remembered them?

Why was the universe putting such a big responsibility on me? I didn't know the answer but this felt too big for just me.

I sat down on the floor of my living room..  I need someone to confide in. I picked up my phone and called my friend Henry over.

Henry was good at computers and illegally good at hacking. If anyone could find these missing kids, it would be him.

In the meantime, I decided to make missing kids flyers for Ethan. If someone saw him then I should know.

In the time between when I started making the flyers and when Henry would arrive, I sat there wondering if Ethan ran away from home.

Ethan was a sweet kid, he wouldn't run away from here. I've tried my best to make them feel loved and accepted. But was it enough? I wandered through my mind before hearing the doorbell ring.

I opened the door to let Henry in but it was Izzy who had come back from school.

"Hey sis, you look better. Did you get some rest?" I smiled and nodded. She came in and started checking on me. I k ew she wouldn't understand me right now so I gave up trying. 

I convinced her to go to her room and do her homework. And then I heard the doorbell again. This time it was Henry. I smiled, happy to finally get some answer.

I invited him in. "Whats going on? You sounded desperate on the phone. Do you want to see me that badly?" 

"Henry not now, please" I'm not in the mood for this. If I didn't have an emergency, I wouldn't even have contacted him. 

"I don't get you Emma. First you break up with me, then you avoid me and now you beg me to come you house. Are you that desperate?" 

"Have a seat. What I'm about to say may sound weird but you're all I got left." 

His face got serious when he realized how serious the situation was. "OK what do you have to say?"