
A Fated Day

World travelled to far, in order: Arifureta, Ankoku Kishi Monogatari, Disclaimer: THE COVER IS NOT MINE. If you are the owner and want it removed, let me know. All characters used in this fanfiction are not mine except the OCs. All characters go to their respective owners. ====Synopsis If one asked the terrifying strong beings that lives throughout space, they would undoubtedly say, “it’s the one that lives at the center of all.” ... A man who had been studying aboard for a long time, finally returns back to his homeland. But unfortunately, Fate had other plans for him. Due to an unfortunate event, ended up separated from his family during a world transportation. Using the system that he has, he becomes stronger in hope of reuniting with his family. but along the way, he finds out his true identity as well as meet companions that he will deeply care for. Even Fate didn't foresee that thing that she shook awake... That thing called— Or so they thought... ========Extra Info ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE SO EXPECT SOME MISTAKES SUCH AS GRAMMAR AND BAD USE OF WORDS. WARNING! A BIT OF NETORARE IN CHAPTER 2 (When the MC's father cheated on the MC's mother) BUT THAT’S IT.

Lunare · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
56 Chs

Chapter 16

✦I made a character page in the Auxillary Volume, so if you guys want to put their appearances, put them there.✦

"I'm here to defeat you." Seal said after checking out the dragon's status.

"Defeat me?" The dragon acted like it just heard the biggest joke.

"HAHAHAHA! How can you defeat me, a dragon, when you are just a human?!" He laughed mockingly at Seal.

"Want to find out?" Seal smirked. Although he was worse in terms of levels, he had the support of all his skills and magic to make up for that loss.

The dragon suddenly trembled after hearing Seal's words; it was not out of fear but anger!

"How dare you disrespect me?! Do you know who I am?!" The dragon roared.

"I do, Diva."

"Just like I thought, let me tell you wh- WAIT WHAT?!" Diva widened its eyes.

"H-how do you know my name?"

"None of your concern. Now get down here and fight me." Seal said

"Even though I don't know how you found out my name, you better not regret fighting me." Diva landed on the ground; then he swooped his tail at Seal, aiming to kill.

Seal knew that the tail was coming at him at high speed, so he dodges it by moving sideways. Then he returned the attack by shooting out multiple [Incinerate].


The dragon Diva got pushed back a few meters. A portion of the scales on it was missing. Its eyes showed a trace of horror.

"W-what the hell is that magic?! How can your magic destroy my scales?!" Diva asked shakily. There was a hint of fear in its voice.

"You don't know need to know." Seal said while still casting the tier 7 fire spell [Incinerate] at Diva.

The dragon knew it could not take any more of Seal's magic attacks, so it hurriedly flew into the air. Diva was barely able to dodge his attacks.

"Damn! Don't blame me for using this." Diva was extremely angry at Seal for ruining his scales, so he decided to use his trump card.

At the head of the dragon, a third eye appeared in the middle of his forehead. But unlike dragon eyes, the pupil was not a slit. It looks like a human eye but bloodshot.

Seal knew that he could not let the dragon use its third eye, or it would be disastrous. Without further thought, he rushed toward the dragon while pulling out both of his daggers.

"Too late!" Diva said as invisible waves went toward Seal. Seal suddenly started feeling light-headed. Soon his eyes started becoming hollow.

"This is my trump card, the Fearful Third Eye. It uses magic power to put the affected into their worst trauma and replay it in a near-infinite loop. Only if you break free from this loop would you have a chance of beating me. What am I thinking? No way a human can break free from my illusion." Diva laughed to himself as he peeked into Seal's illusion with amused eyes. He decided to kill him after watching his trauma.

In the illusion, Seal was standing in front of an orphanage where many children were playing around. He saw his younger self, who was 13 years old at that time. Suddenly, his point of view changed to the younger Seal.

"Brother Seal!" A charming voice sounded. But why does it sound so familiar?

He looked toward the voice only to see a girl his age. The girl standing there had long, wavy blonde hair and her eyes were silver; she had her hair tied with a red ribbon. She had a childish look to her because of her little chubby face, but Seal knew she would've grown up to be a beautiful woman.

"...Grace?" Seal did not believe his eyes. This girl was his best friend whom he first met after he went abroad to America. They had met at the orphanage a few years back.

After talking with her for a while, he found out that she was from an influential family in America. Grace Campbell was her full name; her family had many companies under their name. Some of them were oil, coal, and diamond mines.

The scene suddenly changed to 2 years after the meeting between Seal and Grace at the orphanage. He was now the only one going to the orphanage because Grace had moved away to England for a prestigious high school. He was sad that she was leaving but was also happy because she would be getting a good education.

"Big brother, please play with us!" A group of children came up to Seal and said.

"Sure!" Seal looked guiltily at them while trying to maintain his smile.

'It was my fault for not being able to save y—" Seal was interrupted by an explosive sound. Something had exploded!


Another explosion soon sounded inside the orphanage, causing chunks of stone to fly everywhere.

"Run! The gas pipes exploded!" The caretakers yelled. They ran out like chickens and left behind the kids.

"Hey! What the f*ck are you doing leaving the orphans behind again?!" Seal yelled at their disappearing back.

"AHHHH!" Seal heard a scream that made his eyes widened in horror. The debris had fallen onto the kids!

He rushed toward them and tried lifting the fallen roof from the kids, but the stone didn't budge. The stone finally crushed the orphans to death. Before they died, one of them said something in a barely audible voice.

"Big brother, thank you for playing with us." After hearing this, Seal's face started turning dark.

'Why? Why can't I lift this?! I should be strong enough to do it! Is it because I am back to my 15 years old self?" Seal grieved over his inability to help the kids once again. He had the strength to fight against the King of Assassin, but he couldn't even lift a piece of rock. What's the point of being strong then?!

The scene around Seal changed to the outside of the orphanage. Many people were surrounding him and yelling at him while calling him names. Behind them was the ruined orphanage.

"Why didn't you save them?! You left them there to die!" The caretakers that ran away blamed all of the deaths on Seal. Later, he found out that the explosion happened in the kitchen's gas pipes. One of the kitchen personnel had left the gas on, which came in contact with fire and ignited. The fire came from the nearby stove.

Seal noticed the said kitchen personnel was among the group that blamed the orphans' death on him. Seeing that personnel, he could barely contain his anger and started trembling. Why...? Why are you blaming it on me when you all ran away at the sight of danger and left the orphans behind?

『The system has detected that the host's emotional state is unstable. The system is now activating [Calm Mind] forcefully.』

『Due to [Calm Mind] activating, the host has acquired [Spirit Immunity Lv. MAX.].』

Seal raging emotions suddenly disappeared as if it was never there in the first place.

'Damn! I got caught up in the dragon's illusions.' Seal realized that it was all illusion and that he did not go back in time. It was all thanks to his Calm Mind skill that allowed him to think clearer and realize that it was all fake.

'System, how do I get out of here?'

『The host is about to leave in 5 minutes.』

'Oh? Why so fast?'

『That is because the host has acquired [Spirit Immunity]. The skill allows the host to be immune to any mental attack.』

'That's great! Now I don't have to worry about attacks similar to that dragon.'

『Notice, the host still has unused lottery tickets.』

'Oh? Use five tickets to draw 1 item.' He had unlocked a new lottery feature when he spent over 1 million system points in the shop. He could get a better quality prize if he uses more tickets. The maximum number of tickets he could use was 100, and if he used 100 tickets, the prize he gets would be the best quality prize.

『Affirmative. Now using the lottery feature...』

You have received:

> Law of Death (5%)

Suddenly, he saw dark mist appearing out of nowhere; it gave off a very dangerous vibe.


An influx of dark mist suddenly rushed into Seal's body. He tried getting it off of him by attacking it with magic, but the magic passed through it like it was air. When he was about to run away, he heard the system's voice.

『Due to the Law of Death, the host has now perceived and came in contact with death energy.』

『Warning! The host's body cannot withstand the amount of death energy entering the body. The system will now integrate the death energy into the host's body to strengthen and increase the capacity.』

Seal didn't get a chance to respond because he felt intense pain afterward. The pain made him grit his teeth, but he didn't make any sounds besides teeth grinding against each other. He had felt much worse before; this pain was not comparable to the one he felt when his body was tearing apart.

A few minutes passed, Seal was able to endure the pain and complete the integrating process.