
A Fate Keeper

After a virus spreads around the entire world, 70% of the human race population has been killed. And from the dead rise beings that are not alive, yet not entirely dead yet. Charles Morgan, a man who worked for everything in his life finally decided, after being destroyed by his ex-wife that he would do whatever to get his son back, but he didn't expect that either it is a coincidence or fate would help him. (A/N: Not really all that sure the second part of the synopsis is all that accurate, but I'll keep it unless the story changes beyond what the synopsis recognizes.) {Updates every Tuesday}

CounselOfFate · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Log 4: Fate's Abode

Charles was going through the cabinets and taking out all the nonperishables and canned goods. After getting everything sat on the counter he moved to his bedroom again to grab a duffel bag from beneath his bed. He returned to the kitchen and placed all the food items on the counter into it. He knew that for two people this was enough to last a while.

He sat the duffel bag on his couch as he began to move towards his bedroom once more to get more clothing. Currently, he was were a brown heavy long coat over a black t-shirt and black jeans. His short black and white striped hair was slicked back away from his face revealing a pair of dark grey eyes. His 6'7 frame towered through his apartment back and forth, grabbing this and that.

By the time he was finished, he had three bags of belongings. He handed Ramon, who stood shocked at his father's antics by the door, a bag of his clothes. He picked up the bag of food goods and another bag of clothing. He was about to make his way to the door when he remembered his spear skill. He realized he didn't have a spear.

He walked back through his apartment looking around for any poles, wooden or otherwise, and the only thing he found was his wooden broom. He used his foot to break off the bottom piece, and once removed, he twirled the wooden stick quickly. He held it in his hand, just staring at it. After a moment, he sighed as the weight of a wooden broom handle was too light.

He decided it would only be a temporary weapon until he could find something better. he finally moved to the front door where Roman was waiting, "Dad!" he yelled as Charles was about to pull the door open. Charles breathed out heavily.

"We need to leave," he looked Roman in the eye as he opened the door slowly. He peeked from the side and looked left, seeing no one he opened the door a little wider and peer to the right. After deeming the hall clear he walked over to the railing leading to the lower floors. The entire building seemed completely empty, which made Charles a little anxious.

Charles began to make his way down the stairs and waited as Roman trailed after him. They moved down the halls slowly and cautiously, "Where are we going?" Roman whispered as he looked around with a fierce expression. He was holding the bag of clothing over his shoulder and thoughts ran through his head like wild dogs as he hoisted back over himself after it slipped a little.

I have a cabin a few miles outside the city where we'll be safe," He said over his shoulder, not caring to look back. Suddenly one of the doors on the hall they were on opened as a young woman came out carrying a bat. She stopped when she saw Charles and Roman.

"Jules?!" Roman yelled from behind his father. Charles watched as Roman rushed past him and hugged the young woman, "I thought something had happened to you!" They smiled at each other as they stared into each others' eyes.

Not caring about their mood, Charles boldly interrupted, "We need to move. If you're bringing your girlfriend along, then bring her. And don't try to get her pregnant before we've reached the cabin and secured it," he continued walking down the stairs, not giving them the time to reply. They stood there mouths agape before quickly following after him.

"Is that your dad?" He heard Jules whisper. He heard Roman give a yes in reply before Jules spoke again, "I guess you got your looks from your mom's side. He is way too hot to be your old man," he heard her snicker.

After a few more minutes, they had finally made it to the ground floor and to the front door. Charles took the lead. He stood at the exit and looked out into the streets, 'Empty.' he thought. He looked back at Roman and Jules. The former had a cold face, which looked comical with the swollen eye he had. The latter had a smile on her face as she poked at Roman's face.

Charles realized the girl wasn't holding anything, so he passed the bag filled with his clothing to her. He refused to give anyone the bag with all of his food in it. Now that he realized it, he hadn't eaten in hours, and yet he still felt pretty fine.

He pushed the veil of glass and wood, which separated them from the dangerous streets, open as he stepped outside. Cars were still parked along the sidewalk and he chose the one closest to him, a bronze-colored off-road jeep wrangler. He checked the door to the driver seat which was locked and then moved to the back door. Yep, it was unlocked.

He opened the driver's seat door and found the key still in the ignition. He sighed as a soft but deep found it's way out of his body, "Which idiot leaves their key in the ignition like this?" He slowly shook his head. 'Hey,' he began thinking, 'It must be fate.'

He started the ignition and the jeep roared to life. He turned and saw the two sidekicks still standing outside the car looking stunned, "What are you two waiting for? Put the bags and the back and both of you sit back there with them."

"Dad... Where's your car? And why are we stealing someone else?" Roman got into the back anyway though as he asked his questions, "There is no way you carried me all the way back to your place from all the way across town."

"My car and Bob are buried right next to each other, so yes I carried you here." 'Though a portal of course.' Was a part he didn't add. As the door closed behind Jules, Charles immediately pulled off at top speed.