
A Fantasy life: how to survive transmiragtion

Scarlet_Cross · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

A Day at the bowling alley

It was noon at the bowling alley and Jenny had just finished sweeping up the arcade area of crud after a bunch of teens came through earlier. Ravi was the boss of the bowling alley and also he worked the bar and snack area since this was the main (if not only) place in town to hang out. He had long dark curls that he kept tied back and he wore a teal silk shirt most of the time that seemed to cost more than her paycheck.

Although his skin was dark as Carmel and his hair is black, he had vivid blue eyes which was odd but Jenny brushed it off as a difference in world thing and decided not to make a big deal.

Just then the bowling alley door opened and in walks Dr. Vasquez as he makes his usual trip to the bar for his mysterious usual drink.

*[Mission activated: Talk to Diego Vasquez and get a smile from him...]*

Jenny winced at the message that just blared in her head and clutched her head, {Great... a side Mission, how the hell an I suppose to get a doctor to smile? Hey did I hit your funny bone... lame.}

"Jenny, are you ok?" Jenny looked up to see the tall and handsome doctor Diego was standing next to her with a concerned look on his face, "Have you been eating right? You don't look well..."

Jenny blushed as she then realized he had no reflecting sunglasses on and his bright red eyes were beautiful and shone like they had years of experience... she then gathered herself and cleared her throat, "I am fine, I'm just on a diet that's all."

Diego's eyes shone with more worry then a certain determination crossed his face, "Could this have anything to do with the accident you had here three weeks ago?"

{Three weeks? Where was... oooh.... it was the day other Jenny died.} Jenny thought to herself as she mentally kicked her self in the ass, { Uh-oh, this body might need a check up after all.}

Taking Jenny's silence as a yes, Diego walks over to Ravi, "Miss Jones will be taking a temporary leave of absence and I'm sure that you being a good boss will take good care of Grace while I look after Miss Jones?"

It was almost as if they were speaking in code... yet Ravi gave a determinate nod and passed Diego a large jar of strange red liquid. Jenny knew for certain that the jar contained blood but as she figured Diego was Spaniard she guessed it was an ingredient for food or some type of cooking.... little did she know that the jar of blood was Diego's lunch for the week.