
A Fallen World: Memories of the Forgotten

In a world where bonds and relationships hold immeasurable significance, the act of both giving and receiving love is a vital component of existence. But in a constantly evolving world, where supernatural abilities reign supreme, can one continue to exude benevolence? The world is brimming with extraordinary individuals, each possessing unique powers and abilities that set them apart from the rest. In such a world, can one still be the protagonist of their own story, or will one live long enough to see themself turn into the villain? As the line between good and evil becomes increasingly blurred, it is up to each individual to determine their fate. Will they emerge as the beacon of hope for all those around them, or will they fall from grace, becoming the very villain they once swore to destroy? The answers lie within, and the journey to discover them is fraught with peril. To fight a battle where nobody knows what is right or wrong anymore.

Citaro · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Part 2: Conflict is of Human Nature

It was truly bizare because even with the limitations he had, he could still move his body and the electricity around him so fluently, nothing short of extraordinary.

The initial battle lasted a grueling week, but remarkably, both sides emerged without reported casualties. This skirmish served as a warning shot, signaling to both kingdoms that a larger conflict loomed on the horizon.

Our king, a tactical genius, swiftly devised a plan to execute a lightning-fast assault on the enemy's frontlines. It had become evident that Akuma and the Nyxar army had set their sights on disrupting our supply routes. Our king's keen awareness of this threat led him to assemble a rapid-response division, comprising myself, Lucien, Yuki, and a group of twenty well-trained individuals.

Our mission was clear: pierce through Nyxar's defenses while their focus was fixated on seizing our supply lines. Akuma's arrogance and pride made him view our division as an easy target, a miscalculation that our king intended to exploit.

Our operation unfolded two weeks after the first battle, and the second clash was even more chaotic than its predecessor. It was during this intense engagement that Haruto, the enigmatic adversary, was first sighted on the battlefield.

Our fellow soldiers were the first to detect his presence. They swiftly assumed defensive positions, poised for any potential threat. However, Haruto remained passive, observing calmly, seemingly unfazed.

It wasn't until Lucien and I arrived on the scene that the situation escalated.

"Lucien, sir. Sightings of Haruto have been confirmed. He's positioned east of those buildings over there," The soldiers reported, keeping their voices low.

Lucien raised his left hand, signaling the soldier to quiet down. "Your duty here is over. Return to HQ and report your findings," he instructed them with an air of calm authority.

They complied and retreated.

As Lucien and I waited in the lobby of an abandoned building near the border, an enigmatic figure gradually took shape, emerging from the shadows. It was Haruto, wearing a smug expression.

"Miss me?" he remarked with a cocky tone.

"Just my luck," Lucien retorted, with a cocky look.

"You act as though you could defeat me, Lucien. Sadly, your time as the hero is coming to an end," Haruto taunted.

"I've already taken your right eye. Collecting the other would just be dumb," Lucien continued mockingly as he unsheathed his sword.

Haruto laughed, his voice dripping with malice; "Oh, Lucien, I do enjoy watching bastards getting beaten into a pulp."

Before Lucien could respond, Haruto vanished, his form dissipating as if it had never been there, only to reappear behind us.

In a swift motion, he struck his face--

Lucien dodged the surprise attack– but just barely as blood could be seen dripping down from his face.

"I warned you, Lucien. There are no second chances."

On the spur of the moment, I dashed against Haruto, trying to get a tackle in. Haruto dodged me but, Lucien was quick behind me. As hits got exchanged, Haruto suddenly disappeared as he was in front of me– and then I heard a thump. As I turned around I saw Haruto as he held Lucien's face, forcing him toward the ground.

The sudden turn of events initially surprised me, but I quickly regained my composure and withdrew a dagger from my pocket, its blade coated with a deadly poison. I threw it at Haruto, and just as the blade was about to make contact, Haruto once again dissolved into thin air, as the blade went through nothing. He then reappeared behind me and kicked me in the gut, sending me against the cold wall, as though toying with me, a mere pawn in his game.

"Any final goodbyes?" Haruto taunted again as his arm poised to pierce me but just in the nick of time, Yuki crashed through from one of the windows with a kick– it made contact with Haruto's face, sending him toward some furniture.

"Just in time," Yuki's voice dripped with menace as he stared down Haruto, who was now recovering from the impact.

His yellow eyes briefly shifted their gaze to Lucien, who was in dire straits– "Or not," It was evident that he was now frustrated that he hadn't arrived earlier.

"Perhaps... a bit late," Haruto reinforced, blood trickling down his forehead.